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Morning Training/Pre-workout Fuel

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Anyone train first thing in the morning? If so, what do you usually eat? My schedule is usually jam-packed during the day, so i've gotten in the habit of getting up early to get to the gym. I've been downing a vega bar before training, but was wondering if I should up the calories or maybe take in something that's going to digest faster like dates alone without the added fats/protein. Any thoughts/suggestions?

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When I used to lift in the mornings I'd chug a smoothie of protein powder, a banana, strawberries, and soymilk. It was tough to get down after just waking up, but I noticed a huge help at the gym.


Now that I'm doing morning cardio I just take some of trueprotein's bcaa boost beforehand.

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I think the vega bar sounds good. If it is working for you I wouldn't change it. However if you feel sick you might want to go to just dates so they digest fast. I train in the morning but I don't eat anything first. Just can't stomach it. But as soon as I am done I usually have fruit and then an hour later I have vega wfo shake w/Hemp Milk and Coconut water.

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I never have problems with a lack of energy for morning workouts, either strength or cardio. (Of course that probably just means I'm eating too much the rest of the time.) I generally just have water or cold-processed tea while exercising.

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I did intermittent fasting for a while which meant I didn't have a proper meal before my workout. I just ate some dates and then a shake with creatine monohydrate, EAA, a bit of extra BCAA. It worked awesome but I love lifting on an empty stomach for some reason.

If you're going to have a "real" meal just before your workout make sure to choose something you digest easily. Smoothies are great for example. It's very different from person to person when it comes to pre-workout preparation. As I said, I like to train on an empty stomach while many of my friends can't stand the thought of it. Just make sure that you get some carbs and protein (or amino acids) before you start lifting.

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