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Need BIG help here please!!

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Hey everyone most of you all have been following my log, and anyway here is the situation:

my wife and I have been Vegans for 10 weeks, and by the way we love it!! She was in the locker room at the gym and saw s lady who is getting ready for her first competition and she is older than her, well that is what we both want to do I am 40 in Nov. And she is 42 in a couple of days, anyway we were talking to the gym owner about it, and he said that he is the one who has helped her out, we said we wanted to get into that shape and at least try it, and he said we would never be able to do it being Vegans, well now that pissed us off!! Noe we are out to prove him wrong!! We need whatever help and advice we can get from you all!!! Please help us prove the Carnivours of the world wrong!!!!

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That would piss me off too!!


My advice to you would be to use that as fuel in the gym. Every time you get tired, or don't wanna go to the gym, just think of those words. It'll motivate you!


Next, training for a competition has to be tough.. and I applaud you for taking it on. I don't have training advice for you though, cuz I'm neither a trainer nor someone who has competed

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Thanks, we are doing just that, we are leaving in 3 days for a 2 week long trip to Florida, our daughters softball team is playing their World series down there, so as soon as we get back we will hit it super hard!!! Anyone else have anything???Robert or anyone???

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I know I'm new here, but I've always been a proponent of positive energy. You might be able to use the "ill show him" to motivate short term, but long-term to get to the gym, follow your diet, and give every workout your full effort, you need to love what you're doing.

One the best feelings for me is pushing the weight on bench press or military press. This feeling and enjoyment makes me look forward to getting the gym (now i want to go again right now ). Intuition makes you think anger can fuel more strength, but I find it just tires me out.

My advice is to put that guy out of mind and do it 100% for yourselves. And when you guys kick some ass, showing that guy what's up will just be the added bonus.


How long until you are planning to compete?

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Yeah, it sucks when you get the "You can't do it as a vegan!" thing, but of course, you could prove him wrong by printing out some pics of Robert, Lean&Green, Octo, DCNinja and Daywalker and you'll easily be able to show that you can be vegan and in contest shape.


If you REALLY want to work with this person, then go back armed with info and pictures, and ask the million dollar question - WHY does he insist that you can't get in that kind of shape as a vegan? If he says "protein requirements", explain that the guys in the photos are taking in up to 250g/day of protein for some of them and have never had a problem doing so as a vegan. If he says "You can't build muscle as a vegan", simply show the pictures again. If there's any other reasons, just use logic to show that he's incorrect and say that you'd like to challenge his notion by being a test subject to show that you CAN be vegan and get in contest-ready form.


Otherwise, there are a thousand other trainers out there that could help you reach your goals who are probably more willing to overlook your dietary choices so long as you approach with the attitude of "I will do as you say for training and meal plans, so long as you don't ask me to eat anything non-vegan". Many trainers are probably also intimidated in having to adapt to training someone that's not of the usual clientele who they can toss pre-packaged meal systems at - working with someone "different" will actually make a trainer LEARN something new, and unfortunately, I've seen my share who get their certifications and have minimal desire to expand their knowledge afterward.


Best of success in your goals!

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Oh believe me I have already gave him this website, as well as take him information, and pictures, he just says that I ould probably get lean, but as far as getting any bigger I can't do it without meat, all I have said to him the last few days is I will show you that it is possible!! We are very determined, we are leaving on vacation to Panama City, Florida till, July 29, and as soon as we get home that day the very next day, we are going to start hitting it as hard as we possibly can, so for the next few weeks, we are taking as some down time, will continue with cardio and some abs, and maybe if I see a good gym, may go in for some light stuff, but other than that, just some fun at the ballparks watching our daughter and fun in the sun and on the beach!!!


I know it is possible, from all you on this site, and believe me we will show him!!! As far as competing,lets just see how well and fast I can get to that point where I can do it, I have a ways to go!!!

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