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Green protein smoothies and lots of salad are making me smell like cooked cruciferious veggies when I sweat-even a little. You know that sulfur kind of smell? I never heard of such a thing. Anybody else ever experience this? Its really not good! But I don't want to quit eating these great things....I guess maybe I should just tolerate it, eh?

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Wow, I've never experienced that! Although when I eat peanut butter... actually, never mind. But I will say that green smoothies and salads are extremely healthy. Maybe you could wipe off the sweat after your work out if you're concerned about the smell or lessen the amount (but not too much!) of vegetables.

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Yeah, its weird. My sister first noticed it. She said, "you smell like something....like vegetables." I only really started noticing it for maybe the last couple of months. Maybe I need to cleanse my liver...I have been drinking a fair amount of alcohol in the last 7 months as well....not over the top, but not great either...well, therein may lie my problem

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nah, people usually smell a little like what they eat.


i think it's awesome that you smell like veggies.

it's way sexier than having the aroma of big macs coming from your armpits.

and think of all double entendres associated with cucumbers!


try adding mint tea to your diet.

i really like adding mint tea bags to my water bottles.


you might want to cut down on the onions and garlic... those are really heavy on the sulfur.

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Yeah, its weird. My sister first noticed it. She said, "you smell like something....like vegetables." I only really started noticing it for maybe the last couple of months. Maybe I need to cleanse my liver...I have been drinking a fair amount of alcohol in the last 7 months as well....not over the top, but not great either...well, therein may lie my problem


Your liver will cleanse itself. Laying off the alcohol would be wise though.

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I think any commercial tea bag will fit inside a water bottle. I'd probably use one with a string just to make sure you can get it back out. Bigelow is fine. Tazo has good teas. If you can find a Big Lots just go there and see what they've got in stock.

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Any tea would work, look for something with dandelion perhaps as that is a natural cleanser. Also, the republic of tea sells a functional tea called 'Get Clean' which is a good detox tea. Also the detox teas from yogi.


Last thing i would say would be some pineapple. Its got Bromalite which serves as a natural 'stomach flusher'

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Why do you think she needs to detox or cleanse?

If she's eating lots of vegetables, and she smells like lots of vegetables, that would indicate that she's pretty clean, right?

Mint just smells like... mint... cuz she doesn't like smelling cruciferously.

Also mint is delicious.


You could try eating more parsley in your salads and green smoothies too, it has deodorant properties.

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Why do you think she needs to detox or cleanse?

If she's eating lots of vegetables, and she smells like lots of vegetables, that would indicate that she's pretty clean, right?

Mint just smells like... mint... cuz she doesn't like smelling cruciferously.

Also mint is delicious.


You could try eating more parsley in your salads and green smoothies too, it has deodorant properties.


I guess i see tea and my mind goes to why i drink it (usually an upset stomach/ trying to move things along). Also, pineapple smells like love so i figured 'if you have to smell like something...'. I like the idea of parsley though, i would even try cilantro as its part of the same family and i just like the taste a bit better.

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