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Am I wasting my money on these?


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Hey everyone,


A friend of mine recently recommended I start supplementing with vanadyl sulphate. I generally trust his opinion as he is very smart and in really good shape. I can't help but thing I'm wasting my money on this.


I've also been considering ZMA. Again, I'm skeptical and feel like my money might be better spent elsewhere.


Anyone have good/bad experiences with either of these?





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Hey there!

Well when you are reading the stuff I sent you you'll see a link to an indenendant study about supplements. It turns out that at best we only absorb about 2% of the supplements we take..so basically i think you are wasting your money. I'll stick with my creatine and that's about it..i've never seen any real results with anything else...well unless you class having fluorescente pee as a "real" result

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I haven't heard much regarding vanadyl sulphate in many years (it had a reputation among bodybuilding supplements back in the mid 90s, though, as an "essential" supplement for what seemed to be at least a few months ) I don't recall what it claimed to do other than that it was a post-workout type thing, but being as the hype disappeared quickly, I can only assume it wasn't as essential as some people made it out to be.

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I've read that the effective doses of Vanadyl sulfate are also bordering on the dose which is considered toxic.

I have tried it in the past, up to high doses of 70mg per day and found it helped with pumps when training but nothing worth really justifying it's continual use, especially with the suspected side effects.

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