natrus Posted September 24, 2009 Share Posted September 24, 2009 Hi Guys,I want to become a vegetarian bodybuilder, I'm 27 thus, in order to create a diet, I need your advices! That's me few days ago. My current level of activity is very sedentary, I'm a student and I spend most of the day sitting on a chair.Since Two weeks I've started a very soft lifting programm, three times per week, I spend in the Gym approximately 1 Hour and half each time.I've used Harris-Benedict formula to calculate my calories exependiture, It's about 1900.44 kcal/day. My questions are:1) At your opinion what's my body type?2) Should I increase my calorie amount in order to gain lean mass (and a small percentage of fat) OR decrease my calorie level and lose fat (and a small quantity of muscles too)?3) Any general advices? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vladamiraaron Posted September 24, 2009 Share Posted September 24, 2009 (edited) X Edited September 25, 2017 by vladamiraaron Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RawMan Posted September 25, 2009 Share Posted September 25, 2009 Ciao Visto che sei italiano evito l'inglese Le formule esatte per il calcolo sono queste. massa 33xkg di peso +10 o 15% (totale calorie giornaliere che devi assumere)il 50 % carbo 2 gr di pro per kg di peso il resto grassi (preferibilmente quelli insaturi) low-carb 24xkg di peso+10% 120 gr di carbo 2 gr di pro per kg di peso il resto grassi (preferibilmente quelli insaturi) Come somatotipo così a occhio e croce credo tu sia un ENDOMORFO. Visto che sei nuovo ti consiglio di pensare principalmente ad avere un buon introito proteico a colazione, a pranzo e a cena.Con il tempo poi riuscirai da te a fare 6 pasti corretti.Per quanto riguarda l'allenamento per mettere su massa la regola principale è cercare di aumentare il peso con cui ti alleni, utilizzando una manciata di esercizi multiarticolari.In definizione conta maggiormente la diminuzione di calorie introdotte.Qui dovrai cercare di non diminuire di troppo il peso sollevato.Il cardio (aerobica) aiuta a velocizzare i tempi di dimagrimento.Infine sempre in definizione si inseriscono gli esercizi monoarticolari o di isolamento. (c'è gente che li usa pure in massa)Ciao Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vladamiraaron Posted September 25, 2009 Share Posted September 25, 2009 Besides using for your diet log I've also found this calculator helpful: , Ignore the silly pictures. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
natrus Posted September 25, 2009 Author Share Posted September 25, 2009 To RawMan: Grazie sei stato utilissimo! Che bello vedere almeno un altro italiano! Da quanto segui una dieta vegetariana? Che risultati hai ottenuto? Ma soprattutto come hai sostituito la carne? To vladamiraaron: Thanks man, I'm going to download FitDay. After I try it I'll tell you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RawMan Posted September 28, 2009 Share Posted September 28, 2009 Ehehehe Saranno 10 anni.I risultati sono stati i medesimi che avrei ottenuto con una dieta onnivora. Chiaramente non arrivo a mangiare 2g di proteine per kg di massa magra come consigliano, mi uscirebbero dalle orecchie Non mi è molto chiaro se vuoi essere vegetariano o vegano. In ogni caso per farti un esempio 40g di pasta e 135g di legumi arrivi a 30g di proteine precisamente uguali sotto il profilo degli amminoacidi di quelle della carne. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
natrus Posted September 30, 2009 Author Share Posted September 30, 2009 Grazie RawMan delle dritte!Praticamente abbiamo monopolizzato in italiano questo topic Al momento sono vegetariano, quindi consumo ancora latticini (non latte però) e uova. Visto che ci siamo mi consigli qualche abbinamento alimentare per arrivare ad una buona dieta? Oppure qualche libro che hai trovato utile e chiaro.Tu per esempio quanto e cosa mangi di preciso? Inoltre ti chiedo, secondo la foto che ho postato, mi consigli di creare un surplus di calorie oppure un deficit? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RawMan Posted October 7, 2009 Share Posted October 7, 2009 E' si non ci smentiamo Ehm la cosa migliore sarebbe... prima dimagrire e poi iniziare il periodo di massa, ma è una scelta che si fa se hai intenzione di seguire una dieta sette giorni su sette anche in massa.Ti consiglio di iniziare a far muscolo... cioè allenandoti, aumentando un pò alla volta il tuo apporto proteico. Io ti consiglio per la mattina di farti uno shake con latte e proteine, perchè è il metodo più veloce.Come fonte proteica alternativa ti consiglio gli albumi con formaggio tipo il taleggio fino a quando non diventi vegano.Oppure le bistecche di soia valsoia oppure il seitan con i piselli.Infine se non soffri di flatulenza cereali in chicco o pasta e fagioli.Anche la frutta secca è una buona fonte di proteine e ti aiuta a incrementare le calorie.Ciao Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frank_Giordano Posted August 16, 2010 Share Posted August 16, 2010 ciao Rawman,Sono passato alla dieta vegana 6 mesi fa, ho 41 anni e sono alto 1,80.. . ho perso peso e muscoli ed è aumentato lo strato adiposo nell'addome , da 71 kili sono sceso a 69kili.. evidentemente c' è qualcosa di sbagliato ..sai darmi qualche consiglio? la mia dieta composta da 2 pasti principali, 1 colazione e 2 spuntini giornalieri comprende:frutta e verdure crude, cereali integrali e legumi cotti o germogliati e assunti in insalata, avocado, frutta secca, burro d'arachidi, patate, zucca, fiocchi d'avena, tofu, seitan, latte di soia, di mandorle, di riso e d'avena, farina di carruba, pasta integrale e pane integrale in quantità moderate, pizza bianca senza mozzarella 1/2 volte a settimana..ti ringrazio anticipatamente Frank Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mizzourunner Posted August 18, 2010 Share Posted August 18, 2010 wow I wish I could read this thread! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vege Posted August 18, 2010 Share Posted August 18, 2010 Ja ništa ne razumem... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strategist Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 English ? LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HCPinGviini Posted August 19, 2010 Share Posted August 19, 2010 I think it would be the best to summarize in english, what you're saying. It would at least be polite to do so. Benvenuto, natrus! And I wish I could understand italian better. I have only studied the basic "Hi, my name is **, I'm from Finland. You have a nice butt." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frank_Giordano Posted August 21, 2010 Share Posted August 21, 2010 hello Mizzourunner, Vege, Strategist and Hi beautiful HCPinGviini from Finland Sorry if we made this little speech in Italian .. I translate for you in English the question who I asked to Rawman: I switched to the vegan diet six months ago, I'm 41 years old and I'm 1.80 tall .. .I have since lost weight and muscles and increased fat in abdomen, I went down from 71 kilos to 69 kilos.. obviously there 's something wrong in my new diet .. who can give me any advice? my diet consists of 2 main meals, 1 breakfast and 2 snacks per day includes:raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains and vegetables cooked or sprouted and made into salad, avocado, nuts, peanut butter, potatoes, pumpkin, oatmeal, tofu, seitan, soy milk, almonds, rice and oat flour, carob, whole wheat pasta and bread in moderation, pizza without mozzarella cheese 1 / 2 times a week ... thanks a lot Frank Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcdenton Posted August 21, 2010 Share Posted August 21, 2010 hello Mizzourunner, Vege, Strategist and Hi beautiful HCPinGviini from Finland Sorry if we made this little speech in Italian .. I translate for you in English the question who I asked to Rawman: I switched to the vegan diet six months ago, I'm 41 years old and I'm 1.80 tall .. .I have since lost weight and muscles and increased fat in abdomen, I went down from 71 kilos to 69 kilos.. obviously there 's something wrong in my new diet .. who can give me any advice? my diet consists of 2 main meals, 1 breakfast and 2 snacks per day includes:raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains and vegetables cooked or sprouted and made into salad, avocado, nuts, peanut butter, potatoes, pumpkin, oatmeal, tofu, seitan, soy milk, almonds, rice and oat flour, carob, whole wheat pasta and bread in moderation, pizza without mozzarella cheese 1 / 2 times a week ... thanks a lot Frank has your workout routine changed any? anything else changed (apart from diet)? food options sound well enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frank_Giordano Posted August 22, 2010 Share Posted August 22, 2010 .. I only changed the diet .. my training is always the same Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vegimator Posted August 22, 2010 Share Posted August 22, 2010 Are you sure you're getting the same number of calories as before? Your diet is now probably higher in fiber than before which will make you full more easily. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcdenton Posted August 22, 2010 Share Posted August 22, 2010 .. I only changed the diet .. my training is always the same then my advice (to be taken into consideration or not) is to just try playing around with different foods and see what works best. people who fail to thrive on a vegan diet no matter what are a very rare case in deed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frank_Giordano Posted August 23, 2010 Share Posted August 23, 2010 ok I'll check the calories but what do you think about the increase of fat in the abdomen despite the weight loss? ..thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcdenton Posted August 23, 2010 Share Posted August 23, 2010 ok I'll check the calories but what do you think about the increase of fat in the abdomen despite the weight loss? ..thanks I've no idea. I can't see how could that have happened. are you sure it isn't just bloat from too many beans or just carbs in general? how do you measure your body composition? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
natrus Posted September 1, 2010 Author Share Posted September 1, 2010 (edited) Hi Guys,Sorry for my italian! Here I am after almost one year since I've started my vegetarian diet: As you can see from my previous pic I've cut my Fat perc from 21,7% to 10,6 %.Until today I've worked only to lose Fat and not to gain MASS. Edited September 6, 2010 by natrus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vege Posted September 1, 2010 Share Posted September 1, 2010 Congratulations! You really can be proud of yourself. You don't look anymore like a guy that sits in front of the computer whole day and never moves! Now you look great. You could add some mass, but not necessarily. It's just the question of your goals. Main thing is you look healthy and fit now! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EceGled Posted September 14, 2010 Share Posted September 14, 2010 Damn, dude! I wish I could have that transformation... but I'm not male. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RawMan Posted November 8, 2010 Share Posted November 8, 2010 Hello dear has been a while that you do not feel ... I hope you're not offended by my answers in the italian language ...My english is indecipherable and i don't know how i can write a correct answer for my italian friend.Goodbye. Good job natrus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
natrus Posted November 11, 2010 Author Share Posted November 11, 2010 Hi Guys!Here I am at my current progress, as you can see I'm doing my best to continue a clear diet even if it's hard to do during the long week end (remember I live in Italy!) Since two weeks I've started to consume "pure pea protein powder", It's cheap and full of green proteins! Thanks Raw Man! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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