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My Plan to Make a Vegan Fitness Site!


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Yooo guys,


Today I just ordered a 12 month plan for webhosting, with greengeeks.com, the greenest webhoster out there!


Im going to make an AWESOME site that contains loads of information on gaining muscle, losing fat, and being extremely healthy, while being a vegan.


I want to spend lots of time developing it, networking to other people, and so on. I got so much time on my hands, so I thought, why don't I develop an awesome sight thats going to contribute to the world?


The site name is going to be... www.vegansizeme.com ... no lies. It's gonna be a great site!


Good luck all!


Talk to ya'll latahh~

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That's great. Good for you. I just built a veg site myself. It's not fitness based but it is veg based. We mostly talk about B.S. crap. But I am proud of myself for doing it. I just used a free site though. It is very exciting, you will love it.


Nice!, I myself plan on using paid hosting, my account should be activated any moment now. I really like the name, it can mean alot of things. So what is your site address, I wanna check it out!


I hope you learn how to rotate an avatar by then.


Noo, my avatar is meant to be that way. Lol

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Awesome dude! Can't wait to see it!


This site is gonna be wicked! I have a passion to me this site to be the bomb. What really drives me is that I will be helping out the world, the environment, the animals, and the peoples health.


I have the site activated now, right now I'm jsut having trouble logging into the control panel, but it should be fixed soon~



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Awesome! I love seeing people pursuing their dreams and true desires. How has hosting with green geeks been? I am looking for a service for my art collective/personal development website, or possibly two. The prices are reasonable, but I how has customer support been, etc?

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Awesome dude! Can't wait to see it!


This site is gonna be wicked! I have a passion to me this site to be the bomb. What really drives me is that I will be helping out the world, the environment, the animals, and the peoples health.


I have the site activated now, right now I'm jsut having trouble logging into the control panel, but it should be fixed soon~




Passion is HUGE. I love it!


I have a feeling we're going to get along very well!


Totally looking forward to seeing the results of your passion in action!


All the best!

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This is my site. I really just pulled it out of nowhere. There is a group of us veggies that met at 1 site, moved to another, that went down so i just built this so we wouldn't loose our community. We talk a lot of smack and never stay on topic. It's mostly a veg hang out. We do have some serious discussions though. I would like to see your site. way to follow your dreams. We need more people willing to step up and get the word out there. Good job.

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Cool dude. I really hope it could be a site that is frequently updated with blogposts, videos of vegan athletes etc. Rainira on the forum has a youtube site called vegan seals (don't know if you've seen it) but there you have a large collection of vegan athletes doing their thing. I think it would be great with something along the line with what Robert has in the bio section where you highlight good examples of vegan athletes in combination with good scientific info on vegan sports nutrition and training.

All the best.

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Awesome! I love seeing people pursuing their dreams and true desires. How has hosting with green geeks been? I am looking for a service for my art collective/personal development website, or possibly two. The prices are reasonable, but I how has customer support been, etc?


Hey Logan!, The best way to enjoy life is to do what you love. GreenGeeks has awesome customer support. Their 'Live Help' chat function is amazing, 99% of the time you have an expert to speak to within 2 minutes. As for hosting, I haven't got the chance to develop my site yet. My site is still in processing, and I should be able to develop it by tomorrow. That sounds awesome that you plan on opening your own website! This website hosting service is something I would recommend so far. I have researched the site feedback and reviews, and they all seem great. The site got positive feedback in all aspects too. Plus, this site is the most environmentally friendly webhosting this service there is, they return 3 times the amount of energy they use back into the power grid by wind power. Its amazing!


Anyway, I wish you all the best in opening a collective/personal development website!



Passion is HUGE. I love it!


I have a feeling we're going to get along very well!


Totally looking forward to seeing the results of your passion in action!


All the best!


“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” Hebbel


Passion is a must to achieve anything great in life. You must emphasize positive feeling and love for what you do.


I have a deep passion to develop, design, network, and SHARE my website with the world.


I really want to make an online vegan supplement store for bodybuilding enthusiasts too!


I plan on doing this after developing a great customer base. My plan is to develop this by creating this website.


Good luck robert!, p.s It's a great possibility that we can share links (In the near future)


Here is a quote that will help steer me towards my achievement:


You've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have.

Zig Ziglar


You have to be (inner passion and desire) before you can do, and do (perseverance, goal setting) before you can have (achievement, success).


Great quote, I love it. I find reading over quotes, and affirmations, are a great way to develop your inner potential to achieve anything that you desire.



This is my site. I really just pulled it out of nowhere. There is a group of us veggies that met at 1 site, moved to another, that went down so i just built this so we wouldn't loose our community. We talk a lot of smack and never stay on topic. It's mostly a veg hang out. We do have some serious discussions though. I would like to see your site. way to follow your dreams. We need more people willing to step up and get the word out there. Good job.


Haha pretty cool forum! Good way to keep the community together. By having forums its a great way to support eachothers beliefs and values regarding veganism, it supports the world movement of veganism.


Yes I can't wait till I can start developing and designing it. Its going to be a great achievement. I am going to put my word out there loudly! Its about time that animals started getting streated fairly. Im tired of all of the unneccessary pain that they go through, and I am going to step up, share my word through developing a great wbsite, and greatly support the movement of veganism.


Good luck on your forum Molly!


And I give great thanks and gratitudes for your support!


Cool dude. I really hope it could be a site that is frequently updated with blogposts, videos of vegan athletes etc. Rainira on the forum has a youtube site called vegan seals (don't know if you've seen it) but there you have a large collection of vegan athletes doing their thing. I think it would be great with something along the line with what Robert has in the bio section where you highlight good examples of vegan athletes in combination with good scientific info on vegan sports nutrition and training.

All the best.


I think adding videos and blogposts to my site would be an awesome way to expand! I could include videos of vegan athletes, like you mentioned, and also videos on nutritional advice. It is a goal for me to add some great scientific evidence and info on why veganism is the best way. I could also include scientific info on certain nutritional aspects of a vegan diet, including whole foods and vegan supplements, and also information on training methologies to add on to the site.


I give astounding thanks to you for your great support, Johan!


Have an awesome day!

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I hope that it has a bunch of vegan fitness women. I like pics of vegan fitness women. We once had more here but there are less. Ofcourse good luck on your site shawn.


Lol! Yes I will try to bring up some vegan athletes! Especially women vegan bodybuilders. I will of course do this with their permission But I'm really sure they won't mind, as I will be promoting them.


My site is now fully processed and now I can edit it! Already 17 hits and I havent even added anything! Im so proud hehe.


Thanks alot man.

Best wishes-



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In your xml code you need to add adjectives to your

Your "meta name"

Like in the code page for Dictionary.com




This is yours:




So when people search for you the search engines can use these tag to find you.


Words like:

Vegan, Veganism, Meat free, Vegetarian, Fitness, Workout, etc..

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Meta keywords are actually largely useless as far as search engines are concerned. But it's still not a bad idea to include some.


Interesting overview of the topic (I thought so anyway)




Im' a yahooist and not a googler so it's probably going to work for me.

Not to mention it's been a few years since I mested with HTML

Just trying to help with my limited abilities.

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In your xml code you need to add adjectives to your

Your "meta name"

Like in the code page for Dictionary.com




This is yours:




So when people search for you the search engines can use these tag to find you.


Words like:

Vegan, Veganism, Meat free, Vegetarian, Fitness, Workout, etc..


Lol, I read this post earlier today and I entered almost all these same keywords. They have been entered in the "Meta Tags Keywords" in "Extras" within the control panel. I also added a breif description. Later down the road I'll plan on coming up with some more keywords and a better meta description.


Meta keywords are actually largely useless as far as search engines are concerned. But it's still not a bad idea to include some.


Interesting overview of the topic (I thought so anyway)




Haha what a coincidence. In my control panel for the site hosting service it says that meta tags in this modern era of internet are now relatively useless. But yes I'm sure they do help, of course. But by doing something like Pay Per Clicks you can in the top 10 in the search engine, but then again you have to pay.


Meta keywords are actually largely useless as far as search engines are concerned. But it's still not a bad idea to include some.


Interesting overview of the topic (I thought so anyway)




Im' a yahooist and not a googler so it's probably going to work for me.

Not to mention it's been a few years since I mested with HTML

Just trying to help with my limited abilities.


I havent really tried HTML before, eventually I might give it a try though.

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Today I have did a little further development within my site. I have incorporated a slightly more appealing template. I made a few of my web pages slightly more appealing. Finally, I spent some quality time getting used to the controls and functions of the control panel (cPanel).


I do plan on purchasing a good 40-70$ template eventually. A template that has a green - earth friendly - feel, and still has a feel that it's an information site. It would be great to get a template with drop-down menus, so I could add subcategories into main categories. For example: One main menu item I could include 'Vegan BodyBuilding Diets', and sub categories could include items such as 'High Protein Diet', 'Moderate Protein Diet', 'Soy Free Diet', and 'Raw Vegan Diet'. These subcategories can still hold the fact that they are vegan bodybuilding diets, meaning that the raw vegan diet would consist of foods for a bodybuilder to build muscle.


So, if anybody has any comments on my site, feel free to comment in this thread, or in the blog within my site, I will be more than happy if you did so. (I want to make my site a great site.)


L8er all!

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I have been doing some research on building websites, and I have come to understand that I must learn CSS and HTML coding!!! I am excited because I love learning, I am open minded!


Lol. So I have read a few articles, and they all say that if you thoroughly learn css and html, you will reap benefits greatly in the long run. One reason is because it will allow you great flexibility in designing the sight the way YOU want it, and not the way the site builder BUILDS it. So therefore I am planning on putting alot of time to studying both html and css.


I have picked up a book on html and css at my library, and another book on online marketing too, but one is published in 2004 and the other in 2001. The thing is, the internet is expanding wayy to rapidly to read books this old. So tomorrow I am going to take them back. I don't really need any books, I can just read tons of articles, and chat on some kind of web development forum that has internet genius willing to offer free support and advise.


I probably won't add much to my site until then, but I will develop some awesome articles and excel worksheets personally made by me, Shawn. So far I made a high-protein meal sample for vegan athletes and bodybuilders on excel. But that is only a tiny spec of what I am planning on developing!


I am so psyched for this website.


Have a great day Y'all!

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Currently I'm reading a 10-day e-book course on affiliating. I want to deliver excellent, sought-after, valuable content on certain vegan products and to direct customers to them, and make commisions. So far I have learned in this e-book is that to successfully affiliate you are not to try to "Sale", but to "Pre-Sale" i.e get your site visitors in a open-to-buy mind-set that will guide them to products that will be of value to them.


Alot of good stuff to learn yet

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  • 1 month later...
Just did some major changes to my website during the past few days!


Check out my Sun Warrior affiliate page! I Think Its Awesome!!


Any ideas are welcome! Anything I should add?


If you're looking for affiliates, I'm always down for it. Can't go wrong with having the largest online vegan shop to direct people to for a commission, just ask Robert

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Just did some major changes to my website during the past few days!


Check out my Sun Warrior affiliate page! I Think Its Awesome!!


Any ideas are welcome! Anything I should add?


If you're looking for affiliates, I'm always down for it. Can't go wrong with having the largest online vegan shop to direct people to for a commission, just ask Robert


Sounds like a plan bro. Right now I'm studying Adobe Dreamwaver in a 30 day trial- One of the worlds best site development/design software.


Now planning on spending more time studying the real stuff like CSS and HTML coding and software such as Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is expensive but its worth it.


My site right now is a "WYSIWYG" (What you see is what you get) website builder and it is nothing compared to Adobe Dreamweaver. With Dreamweaver Ill be able to make real-professional looking websites.


Take care!

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