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How many of you have adapted a vegan diet, and then had "setbacks"? By setbacks I mean.. You've been vegan for I dunno.. A couple months or years or whatever and reverted to eating dairy or eggs again? I'm sure lots of people have done this, and then gone back to veganism.


I have a bowel condition, IBS, and my body is very picky. Several foods cause be problems such as seitan (wheat gluten), some mock meats, raw coniferous veggies (broccoli and cabbage), oranges, dairy, eggs, meats etc.


For the past few months or so I've been feeling especially miserable. I've been very tired and been dealing with a lot of abdominal cramping and other things. I was told that omega 3s, especially from fish oil can help reduce the inflammation of the bowel and help ease the pain naturally.

Being a person who used to just love fish I decided to put fish back in my diet. Now before you guys all yell at me and get mad, I'm going to say something.


I used to love fish. When I was a kid I would often go camping in the middle of nowhere and catch my own fish. Real camping like no bathrooms, no showers, no electricity or running water. I could build my own fire, catch my own fish, clean them, eat them, and live off the land like that. I loved fish!


But when I ate some yesterday, I didn't enjoy it. It's like veganism changed my tastebuds or something.. But I just couldn't enjoy eating what was on my plate. I ate a small order of sake roll (raw salmon). This used to be my favorite but I found it had no flavor. I also ordered an all veggie roll and I actually enjoyed it a lot more.


Anyways I thought I'd admit my setback to you guys since I've been here awhile. I became a member after being a vegan for a week so most of the stuff I learned is from you guys. My friends.


I'll also admit that while being a vegan can sometimes be a pain in the ass, I can't imagine eating any other way. Now as far as the omega 3s go, I guess I'll visit a health food store and pick up some hemp oil.

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taste buds do change after I think it is 6 weeks. the only thing that I have heard people still have a yen for is cheese. Anyways, good for you to talk about this. I am glad that you are not tempted by the fish anymore. Also it is easy to have romantic relationships with food threw experiences from our past. I think that cubby could add something to this thread, as Dr Fuhrman has quite alot to say about this condition, and I am not yet a member (cubby is). Good luck to you with your IBS, and bad luck for your IBS with you.

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I spoke to Robert and you've been BANNED.

Veganism is important to all of us in varying degrees. Fix yourself first and then worry about your veganism.

Your honesty is refreshing.

Now I have to talk to my doctor about all the chocolate gifts I brought home is necessary for my health. Well it would be healthy for my daughters' thighs anyway if I would eat the milk chocolate. I have been surprise about my ability to stay vegan in the face of all the pressure. But Then I'm not dealing with health issues, and doctor issues. I think it woulde be so for me too in that I would get little if any pleasure for eating non-vegan.

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If you learned from your set back, you are only that much better for it. I can't believe you never liked cheese. Sometimes I daydream about eating an extra large double cheese melt from Quiznos and dipping every bite in ranch dressing. It sounds rather repulsing but it tasted so good back in the day.

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Sorry you are having trouble with the IBS, but I'm glad you have broken free of the 'devil meat'.


Humans weren't made to eat creatures from the water, that's why we don't live there. Plus, they swim around in their own excrement all day. Yuck!

Humans evolved to extract nutrition from most anything they can get there, head and hands around. Excrement being the useless part of the equation

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