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Rob's Firefighter Challenge

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Yeah, but the only games showing on FoxSC is Madrid vs. Tottenham, and Inter Milan vs. Schalke. And ESPN2 isn't showing any of them, which is unusual. Shite.



Warm up:

3 rounds of -

5 ring dips (red band)

5 pistols (used rope for support)

5 hand stand push ups (small range of motion)

5 kipping pulls ups (touched the floor after each one )



Part 1

4 rounds of -

Row 150 M

12 unbroken barbell Thrusters (45 lbs)

7 pull ups (used green band)

90 secs rest

Total Time - 8:37 not including rest periods


Part 2

10 minutes to find max load for x1 Power clean into x5 unbroken Thrusters

Load -

65 lbs

85 lbs

95 lbs


Maybe could have gone a little heavier, but the fatigue was setting in and my form was bound to be getting sloppier.


Surprisingly, doing this second part after already being tired was pretty fun. Endorphines kicking in, I guess. Felt like a beast

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Yeah, but the only games showing on FoxSC is Madrid vs. Tottenham, and Inter Milan vs. Schalke. And ESPN2 isn't showing any of them, which is unusual. Shite.


Doh! Sorry about that! put you on a bum steer! Its tomorrow night! your right the two games you mentioned are on tonight!

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@Carrie - When I first started, I would see people doing handstands, and I'd think I could never do that. Not to mention HSPU's. But it just takes practice, practice, practice. I get better every time and closer and closer to a full range HSPU.


@JB - Thanks for the update. I'm glad Drogba finally ended his dry spell in the Stoke game. I was getting worried about him.

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rob - for what it's worth when i first started doing kipping pullups I used to drop off the bar after each one. As you get strong and your kip gets better you will be able to connect them so don't feel bad about. I still do that when i get tired in a wod with a high number of pullups. It is faster and less straining for me to just drop of the bar and restart then hanging there resetting the kip. everything is starting to look good on here!

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Yeah, I kinda was able to do that today during warm up.




Warm up:

10 Pull ups (was able to chain a few 2's together with kipping)

10 Push ups

10 GHD sit ups

10 Air squats (I always want to say Air biscuits...lol I crack myself up...)

10 Hip Extensions

30 Double under attempts (Not so much)



For Total Reps: (8 rounds of 20 sec on 10 sec off per exercise)

Tabata Sit ups (abmat)

Tabata Hip Extensions (My hamstrings were cramping up so bad during this! )

Tabata Mountain Climbers (Left + Right = 1 Rep)

Tabata Double Unders (I did Singles and divided by 3)

Total Reps: 375


Fuck me in the goat ass this was hard!


Tabata - Japanese word for "You should have stayed your ass at home today, fool."

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see your getting the kipping connect already! I started doing it in the warmup and then during wods when i start out fresh for each round i do it and then just drop down to singles when i can do it anymore. I mentally keep reminding myself to push off the bar because that is usually where i screw it up.


And your right tabata anything is the shit! But it does make you fast and strong!

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Warm up:

Run 400 M

5 pistols per leg

7 pull ups (used green band)

5 hand stand push ups



20 min to find 3 rep max for Overhead Squats

85 lbs (3 reps), I tried 95 lbs, but only did it once...a major part of what is holding me back seems to be my right wrist...a lot of pain on the thumb side of it, which forced me to drop the 95 lb after only doing it once. If it wasn't for this, I think I could do a bit more weight. Even the wrist wraps don't help that much.


5 rounds for time of -

4 push ups

4 ring dips (used blue band)

4 hand stand push ups (I can tell I'm getting better at these, but the ROM is still pretty small)

8 Kettle bell swings (55 lbs)

Time - 7:51

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Warm up:

Run 600 M

"Ultimate OHS stretch" hold for 2 minutes

shoulder mobility each arm for 2 minutes

10 kip swings

5 kipping pull ups

10 empty bar overhead squats

warm up OHS



1 Power snatch (85 lbs)

2 OHS (85 lbs)

drop bar

1 Power snatch (85 lbs)

2 OHS (85 lbs)

Run 400 M

1 Power snatch (85 lbs)

2 OHS (85 lbs)

drop bar

1 Power snatch (85 lbs)

2 OHS (85 lbs)

Row 500 M

1 Power snatch (85 lbs)

2 OHS (85 lbs)

drop bar

1 Power snatch (85 lbs)

2 OHS (85 lbs)

3 minutes of ring dips and muscle up skill work

1 Power snatch (85 lbs)

2 OHS (85 lbs)

drop bar

1 Power snatch (85 lbs)

2 OHS (85 lbs)

2 minutes on Airdyne bike


More muscle up skill work afterwards + stretching

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Thanks. It's my wrist under my thumb, and I don't think it's going to go away. Not sure what is the root cause, but I think I'm stuck with the pain. Oh well.



BW: 199 lbs


Man, I wasn't even planning to go today. In fact I was contemplating going to hot yoga. I haven't been there in a while, and I feel like I need to get my stretch on. But I made the mistake of looking at a facebook page rife with witty crossfit oriented slogans. So I said to myself "Just go, ya lil bitch. You'll hate yourself later if you don't."


Warm up:

Run 800 M

"Ultimate OHS stretch" hold for 2 min

shoulder mobility 2 min each arm

10 kip swings

10 empty bar overhead squat

10 burpees



10 min AMRAP -

15 bar facing burpees

15 Overhead Squats (65 lbs)

10 pull ups (used green band )

Rounds - 2 + 8 burpees


I think I should have done better on this. Before I started, I thought I would get at least 3 rounds. But, this morning I feel like every joint on the right side of my body hurts. Probably from yesterday. Plus I'm probably more fatigued than I realize from doing many of the same movements yesterday. Ballz.

Edited by Rob PMFF
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BW: 199 lbs


Warm up:

2 rounds -

5 hand stand push ups

5 pistols per leg

5 air squats

10 GHD sit ups



4 rounds for time -

12 Sandbag get-ups (40 lbs)

bear crawl 30 ft to abmat

15 abmat sit ups

bear crawl 30 ft back to sandbag

6 jumping squats with sandbag (40 lbs)

run 100 m with sandbag (40 lbs)

Time - 16:46


Practiced some push press until they started looking like push jerks

45 lb x 3

60 lb x 3

85 lb x 3

95 lb x 3

105 lb x 3

110 lb x 3

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Yeah it was, and my core still hurts.




Warm up:

Run 400 M

10 empty bar good mornings (say "good morning" to 10 people )

5 empty bar front squats

3 T-drills

warm up to power clean



5 rounds for time per round -

4 Power Cleans (115 lbs)

Run 200 M

12 Box Jumps (24")


Active rest 3 min after each round doing mobility or stretching


Round 1 - 1:43

Round 2 - 1:49

Round 3 - 1:37

Round 4 - 1:39

Round 5 - 1:43


I literally felt like I was going to piss myself when this was finished. Not sure what that was all about Very strange.


Felt like I could have gone heavier on the power cleans. Rx was 155. Couldn't have gone that high though. Maybe 120 - 125.

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Warm up:

Run 400 M

practice power cleans, toes to bars, and wallballs



20 Min AMRAP -

5 Power Cleans (115 lbs)

10 Toes to Bar

15 Wallball Shots (20 lbs at 10 ft)


Results - 5 full rounds + 5 Power cleans + 6 Toes to Bar


My shoulders hurt so bad I can't even describe it. They still hurt this morning from Wednesday's WOD. Now it's worse. Really tough WOD today. (Scaled version of Sectional 11.5, Rx was 145 lbs)


At the end, I wasn't really tired in a cardiovascular sense, but my skeletal muscles were so fatigued that they were useless. It was kind of a strange paradox. I wasn't winded and my heart wasn't racing, but my legs and arms were just done.

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