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Rob's Firefighter Challenge

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Warm up:

Run 400 M

10 GHD sit ups

10 back extensions

L-sit practice




45 x 10

65 x 10

85 x 10

135 x 5

155 x 5

175 x 5

195 x 5

215 x 5 (PR for 5 reps...but the last 2 didn't look very good)


3 rounds for time -

"Shoveling" - 45 lb bar with a 45 lb plate over a 24" box x 10

Run 400 M

Time - 10:05


It's hot as shit here, and we're the only idiots outside running

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BW: still holding steady at 209 lbs


Warm up:

2 rounds of -

5 inch worms

10 GHD sit ups

10 kip swings



Pull ups

5 w/ green band

5 w/ blue band

3 w/ red band

4 w/ red band


For time -

10 burpees

2 abmat sit ups

9 burpees

4 abmat sit ups

8 burpees

6 abmat sit ups

7 burpees

8 abmat sit ups

6 burpees

10 abmat sit ups

5 burpees

12 abmat sit ups

4 burpees

14 abmat sit ups

3 burpees

16 abmat sit ups

2 burpees

18 abmat sit ups

1 burpee

20 abmat sit ups


every 2 minutes bear crawl 30 ft


Time - 9:39



Side note: Someone asked me "Are you still vegan?" I said "Yes." And he said "Wow and you can do all of this?"


I wanted to but I didn't.

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Warm up:

Run 400 M

2 min wrist/forearm mobility per arm

2 min shoulder/lat mobility per arm

10 hip extensions

10 GHD sit ups



As a team of 2, do 5 rope pull and drags each

One team member does burpees while the other team member pulls the rope from a sitting position and then runs the end of the rope back to the person doing burpees, and switch...

Between the 5th and 6th round of rope pulls (out of a total of 10 rounds) each team member does 25 rope whips.


Total burpees as a team: 68

Time: 6:04


This WOD was more confusing than difficult.


Practiced hang power snatch afterwards

45 x 3

65 x 3

85 x 3

105 x 1

105 x 1

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Warm up:

10 dumbbell manmakers (20 lbs each)

10 walking lunges w/ torso twist

20 double under attempts (I think I got 12 or so, and I was finally able to link 2 together a few times)




95 x 5

150 x 5

200 x 3

215 x 3

225 x 3

235 x 3 (PR)




12 min AMRAP

Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean x 5 (25 lbs each)

Hand stand push up x 5 (a few of these I did on a 30" box when I got fatigued, most were against the wall though)

Single unders x 75


Results - 5 rounds + 5 dumbbell hang squat cleans

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Warm up:

2 min OHS stretch

karaoke drill 20 yds each direction x 2

"Virtual Helen"



6 rounds for fastest and slowest time. 2 min rest in between rounds.


15 unbroken KB swings (55 lbs)

Run 200 M


Round 1 - 1:28

Round 2 - 1:24 (fastest time)

Round 3 - 1:28

Round 4 - 1:36

Round 5 - 1:44 (slowest time)

Round 6 - 1:39

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Well the only thing we really do with KB's is swings or snatches. So i can't speak for the whole KB program. Those really give my shoulders a good work out though.




Warm up:

Run 400 M

Hip, Calf & Quad mobility

20 Double Unders




Hang Power Snatch (for 1 RM)

45 x 5

65 x 5

85 x 1

105 x 1

115 x 1 (PR)

120 x FAIL


10 min AMRAP

15 Power Snatches (75 lbs)

90 Single Unders


Results - 3 rounds + 1 power snatch

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Had my fire department physical and cardiac stress test (inclined treadmill). My results were "consistent with someone who exercises regularly." Did 13:58 on that treadmill. My calves were fatigued before I felt like my heart or lungs were. The target was 12 min. My lung capacity test results were "off the charts"...no, really, they were. She showed me the chart and it went beyond the top of the Y axis of the graph. She said that was the best she had seen in 2 or 3 weeks. I look forward to seeing my cholesterol and fasting glucose numbers when they come in. This is the first time since I was a teenager that there was no protein in my urine. So that's a good thing.




Warm up:

3 min hip/quad mobility

2 min perfect OHS stretch

10 GHD sit ups

10 Hip extensions




For time: 150 wall ball shots (20 lb ball at 10 ft target)

Time - 12:21

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Warm up:

Row 30 sec

20 lb med ball slams x 10

1 min squat hold

abmat sit ups x 10



4 rounds for fastest and slowest rounds


Row 300 M

15 Box jumps

Rest 1 min between rounds


Round 1 - 1:47

Round 2 - 2:15

Round 3 - 2:28

Round 4 - 2:30

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Shoulder Press for 5 RM

65 x 5

85 x 5

105 x 5

115 x 5


21 - 15 - 9

KBS 70 lb

Toes to bar


Halfway through the set of 9 swings, I let the KB pull me too low and lost my core stability and pulled something in my lumbar area. Left side like before, I think. Doesn't hurt quite as bad, but it's still difficult to maintain ROM. Going to a Chiro in a bit. Hopefully not as debilitating as last time this happened.

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  • 4 weeks later...



First day back after almost a month. Back is improving. According to the chiropractor there was a lot more going on in there than just the apparent injury (bone spurs, tilted pelvis, compressed discs, etc). Today was open gym, so I did my own thing and kept it light, to ease back into things.


20 Double unders

20 hip extensions


Overhead squat

65 x 6

75 x 5

85 x 5


Front Squat

65 x 5

75 x 5

85 x 5


Shoulder Press

65 x 5

75 x 5

85 x 5


Push Press

65 x 5

75 x 5

85 x 5


20 Hip extensions

20 Double Unders

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WOD was "Diane" 21-15-9 DL 225 lbs, HSPUs


We scaled it for me since I'm still recovering and the chiro wants me to go easy.



Romanian Deadlifts 65 lbs x 21, 75 lbs x 15, 85 lbs x 9

Hand stand push ups with knees on a 30" box

Time - 6:53


I hate this recovery shit.

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Another light day...until further notice


Warm up:

Row 500 M

10 V-ups

to empty bar Romanian deadlifts

10 pvc overhead squats

10 jump switch lunges

10 tuck jumps



Snatch Grip Deadlift

45 x 5

65 x 5

85 x 5

105 x 5

115 x 5


16 ring push ups

10 push ups

10 push ups


3 rounds for time -

10 single arm dumbbell snatch (5 per arm) 30 lbs

20 abmat sit ups

30 med ball slams (12 lbs)

Time - 8:30

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WOD: "Fight Gone Bad"


Three rounds of -


1 minute of 20 lb wall ball to 10 ft target

1 minute of Sumo deadlift high pull (65 lbs)

1 minute of Box jump 20"

1 minute of Push press (65 lbs)

1 minute of Row for calories


Total reps after 3 rounds - 203


Even keeping in mind that I'm still recovering from the lower back injury and having to take things light and slow, it's still a mental battle between pride and common sense. Only being able to go at these at like 75% really sucks, and the scores reflect it. Could be worse...At least I still get to go do it.

Edited by Rob PMFF
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Warm up:

45 lb Romanian Deadlift x 10

45 lb Good Morning x 10

1 min squat hold w/ 35 lb kettlebell



Snatch Grip Deadlift

95 x 3

115 x 3

135 x 3

140 x 3

145 x 3


3 sets of AMRAP Ring Push ups

Total - 32


4 Rounds for time -

4 Hand stand push ups

8 pull ups

12 air squats

Time - 6:10


ROM for HSPU was very small, but I can at least support myself without using the wall, at least for most of it.


red band for first round of pull ups

green band for other 3 rounds

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Warm up:

2 min per arm shoulder mobility

bear crawl 20m

tuck jumps x 10

hand-release push ups x 10

20 lb med ball slams x 10



4 rounds for total reps -


30 sec sledge swings (4.5 lb sledge)

30 sec rest

30 sec tire jumps (in & out = 1 rep)

30 sec rest

30 sec medball slams (20 lbs)

30 sec rest

30 sec hand-release push ups

30 sec rest


Total reps - 215

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Shoulder Press

65 lb x 10

Rest 1 min

65 lb x 10

Rest 1 min

65 lb x 10



200 single under jump rope

95 lb Thrusters x 3

160 single under jump rope

85 lb Thrusters x 6

120 single under jump rope

75 lb Thrusters x 9

80 single under jump rope

65 lb Thrusters x 12


Time - 12:10

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Warm up:

10 empty bar good mornings

10 empty bar squats



Back Squat

65 x 2

85 x 2

95 x 2

105 x 2 x 8 with 45 sec rest in between each



4 rounds for time of

10 burpees

rest 1 min

10 pull ups (green band)

rest 1 min

Time - 10:07

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