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Rob's Firefighter Challenge

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It's okay. I don't really see the point of it except to build up lactic acid in the shoulders. However, my forearms and the sides of my neck were sore from this WOD, not sure which part specifically. I see the rope thing pretty frequently in footage of MMA fighter training.

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Warm up:

5 inch worms

60 double under attempts (I successfully did 5)

15 empty bar good mornings

10 broad jumps

1 min squat hold

3 warm up sprints at 80% effort



12 all out sprints (100% effort) of 5 seconds duration each

rest 1 min between each sprint

5 min shoulder mobility between sprints 4 & 5, and 8 & 9

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Yeah they felt good on the calves.


Well I had the flu for 5 days. That's 2 big illnesses in the past month. Hopefully I'm done getting sick for a while. Made today's WOD especially difficult.



Warm up:

15 empty bar good mornings

10 overhead PVC walking lunges with core twist at bottom

10 burpees

10 empty bar overhead squats



5 round for reps of:

30 secs 20" box jumps

30 secs rest

30 secs Hang Power Snatch (65 lbs)

30 secs rest


1. 14/9

2. 13/10

3. 13/10

4. 11/9

5. 11/9


Rest 5 min


5 rounds for reps of:

30 secs Row for calories (1 cal = 1 rep)

30 secs rest

30 secs burpees

30 secs rest


1. 10/7

2. 9/7

3. 8/6

4. 8/6

5. 8/7

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BW: 190 lbs (for the past week or so it's been 188.8 lbs)


Warm up:

2 rounds:

10 hip extensions

10 sec handstand hold

10 kipping pull-ups

30 double under attempts (I didn't get any today, Really wasn't feeling the rhythm for some reason)



4 rounds for load and sit-up reps:

2 Snatch Deadlifts, 1 Snatch Pull

rest 20 sec

2 Snatch Deadlifts, 1 Snatch Pull

rest 20 sec

3 sets of Tabata Sit-ups

Rest 2 minutes


Snatch loads per round: 95 lbs, 115 lbs, 125 lbs, 135 lbs

Tabata sit-ups: 45/41/44/36

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rob - just a suggestion - do you try to jump singles first to get the timing of the rope? I think it helps. then you can mix in a double under with the singles as you can until you can just chain the double unders. My other suggestions would be to try some tuck jumps too.

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Yeah I do, but that time my calf muscles and my wrists just weren't cooperating.




Warm up:

1 min active shoulder mobility per arm

10 PVC passthroughs

10 kip swings

10 good mornings



Over head squat practice


7 min AMRAP:

10 burpee box jumps (24")

7 Overhead Squats (65 lbs) from the floor

Sprint (approx 100 m? 150 m?) to end of lot and back


2 full rounds + 10 burpee box jumps + 2 Overhead squats


Man I had a rough time today with flexibility. My range of motion was just terrible on the squats and I had to drop down about 30 lbs from what I did last time we did this (January 20th). My hamstrings were just so tight, and I couldn't get them loosened up for anything.

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BW: 191.4


Warm up:

some crazy ass shit the coach came up with



30 Turkish Get ups (25 lbs dumbbell)

1 min rest

15 rope get-ups (since I can't climb it yet)

1 min rest

20 Ring Dip negatives

1 min rest

100 steps of bumper plate farmers carry (45 lbs each hand)

Time: 18:05 - which really isn't accurate because I had to wait for someone to bring the 45 lb plates back


Practiced rope climbs and overhead squats for a bit afterwards

Edited by Rob PMFF
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@ Carrie - Yeah it was 10 rounds of 1 inch worm to 1 push up to 1 right side mountain climber to 1 left side mountain climber to 1 right side plank to 1 left side plank to 1 inch worm back to standing position to 1 right side walking lunge to 1 left side walking lunge 1 air squat then 1 jumping jack...then all that 9 more times.


@ Mary - I do like it. Quite a bit. But at the same time it's very humbling. Like I thought I had decent strength and endurance before, but once I started Crossfit, I realized I didn't have shit. Not being able to climb a rope yet is humbling. But it took me a long time to be able to do a few double unders at a time, so I'm sure the rope climb will come too. Just stuff like that. It's hard...but that's why we do it right?


@ Gary - Yeah there's always that little voice in my head that says "Why the fuck are you doing this? You can still quit and walk the hell up out of here." But it's best to ignore him.

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BW: 195 lbs


Warm up:

Row 200 m

10 empty bar good mornings

10 kb swings (35 lb)

30 double under attempts



8 rounds of the following:

45 sec row for calories, damper 5 (each calorie = 1 rep)

45 sec kb swings (45 lb for the 1st round, 40 lb for rounds 2 through 8...)

45 sec single unders (divide reps by 3)

45 sec mountain climbers (left + right = 1 rep)

2 min rest

400 m walk between round 4 and 5


Reps per round:

1: 19+15+15+27 = 76

2: 16+12+18+25 = 71

3: 14+12+09+25 = 60 (kept tripping on the rope)

4: 14+12+18+22 = 66

400 m walk

5: 14+12+15+25 = 66

6: 12+11+15+25 = 63

7: 14+12+14+25 = 65

8: 14+12+14+26 = 66

Edited by Rob PMFF
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i bet you can climb a rope if they taught you how to use your legs. if i have the strength to climb up and down a rope a bunch of times you do too! another way to train it is to climb it from seated on the ground to standing only. so your just pulling yourself up. It is still a good workout and you don't have the worry about falling and getting hurt. Glad your liking it!

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Wallballs don't really bother me...maybe I'm not doing them right.




Warm up:

Run 400 M

20 air squats

10 push ups



3 rounds of:

2 Front Squats (115 lbs)

10 hand stand pushups (only got the first 6, had to do the knees on the 24" box thing after that)

Rest 90 seconds


3 rounds of:

4 Hang Power snatch (75 lbs)

12 ring dips (used the blue band)

Rest 90 seconds


2 rounds of:

30 sec AMRAP box jumps (24")

Rest 1 min

Total: 25


2 rounds of:

30 sec AMRAP Hip extensions

Rest 1 min

Total: 47


2 rounds of:

30 sec AMRAP pull ups

Rest 1 min

Total: 20

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