Adena Posted April 18, 2011 Author Share Posted April 18, 2011 Thanks, MaryStella! Mosh, I'll PM you my email address. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted April 19, 2011 Share Posted April 19, 2011 what are no momentum situps? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted April 19, 2011 Author Share Posted April 19, 2011 Wow, I haven't done those in a long time, MaryStella. You must've been reading my log from a long time ago! No momentum situps are pretty much what they sound like. You start from the position of laying on your back with your legs stretched straight out. Then you sit up, ending with your knees still straight and legs still on the ground. They're easier to do without having someone hold onto your feet, but they're a little more difficult in other ways. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted April 19, 2011 Author Share Posted April 19, 2011 I definitely had a fun weekend in the gym. Deadlift Day Deadlift: 1x5x1351x5x1651x5x1901x5x215 Rack Pulls (from about knee level): 3x2x245 Farmer's Walks: 3x90 Assisted Wide Grip Pull-Ups: 1x81x71x6 This time I was using a different assistance machine, and it said I was using 48 lb of counterbalancing weight. See what I mean about the other machine being inaccurate? Plate Pinches (two 5lb plates pinched together): 3 sets until failure for each hand Bench Day Bench Press: 1x5x451x5x751x5x851x6x951x7x901x8x851x10x801x11x751x11x70 BOR: 3x8x95 Push-Ups: 1x141x101x7 Tricep Extensions: 1x10x202x12x25 Also ran intervals on my rest day before these two day strength sessions, then ran at a steady pace on a treadmill yesterday for 30 minutes because it was raining. Tonight I'm going to do overhead presses, yes! Then I think light deadlift assistance. I kind of mixed up the order of things last week, but I'm intending to do Overhead Press Day, Squat Day, rest day, Bench Day, Deadlift Day, two rest days. Usually I do cardio on my rest days, but not always. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted April 21, 2011 Author Share Posted April 21, 2011 OHP Day SOHP: 1x3x451x3x501x3x551x4x65 Press Starts: 3x3x70 True to my word, I'm mixing things up. I did deadlift assistance exercises after my heavy overhead press work. Good Mornings: 1x12x952x12x105 Assisted Wide Grip Pull-Ups (with supposedly 54 lb of assitance): 1x141x71x5 Farmer's Walks: 3x90 Plate Pinches (with two 5lb plates between thumb and fingers): 3 sets to failure for each hand Squat Day Foam rolling and stretching for about ten minutes Parallel Squats: 1x3x1401x3x1601x3x180 Front Squats: 5x3x95 Then I did my light bench assistance. BOR: 2x10x951x9x95 Push-Ups: 1x201x181x16 Wow, those are way easier when I'm not all tuckered out from benching. Tricep Extensions: 3x12x30 I think these rather minor changes are breathing new life into my routine. It was just what I needed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted April 22, 2011 Share Posted April 22, 2011 Good stuff! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 23, 2011 Share Posted April 23, 2011 Looking strong Adena! I'll be, watching you..uh, your log! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted April 27, 2011 Author Share Posted April 27, 2011 Bench Day Bench Press: 1x3x451x3x801x3x901x4x105 Lunges with 45 lb plate held overhead: 3 sets Parallel Squats: 3x10x95 I just couldn't really think of anything better for light leg work. I absolutely hate leg press and leg curls, and I don't feel like they help out anyway. So I figured squatting light would be about right. Deadlift Day Deadlift: 1x3x1351x3x1801x3x2051x3x230 Rack Pulls: 3x3x245 Dips (BW = 145): 2x81x6 Assisted Chin-Ups: 1x101x81x5 Now is the week where I do a set of five, a set of three, and a set of one or however much I can muster. Overhead Press Day SOHP: 1x5x451x5x551x3x601x4x65 Push Press: 3x3x70 These were pretty wobbly, which made things fun. Good Mornings: 3x12x105 Farmer's Walks: 3x90 I couldn't make it nearly as far as usual, which I think may be due to my deadlift day being too close to my back assistance day. I might have to rethink how I'm doing my assistance yet AGAIN. Plate Pinches with two 5lb plates: 3 sets until I dropped them Tonight is Squat Day, so I'm looking forward to that. I don't really expect to do well. Hopefully I'll just make it through one rep of my 95%. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted May 2, 2011 Author Share Posted May 2, 2011 Squat Day About ten minutes of foam rolling and stretching. Parallel Squat: 1x5x451x5x1351x5x1501x3x1701x2x190 Front Squats just to practice form: 3x3x95 BOR: 1x12x951x10x951x8x95 Push-Ups: 1x201x151x8 Tricep Extensions: 3x12x30 Bench Day Bench Press: 1x5x451x5x851x3x1001x3x110 without a spotter! Yes! Parallel Squats: 3x12x95 Lunges with 45 lb plate held overhead: 3x16 lunges (8 each leg) My husband and I are attempting to become urban farmers, but we're starting small (kinda). We have four 4x8 raised beds for vegetables, and a compost bin going at the moment. We're hoping to install a rain barrel so we don't have to pay a huge water bill, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Everything we're doing is organic. Hopefully we'll end up saving some money eventually. This is the first year of veggie gardening for us though, so we're mentally prepared to lose some of our crop due to not really knowing what we're doing yet. But so far it's fun. We also have several berry bushes planted, but they usually don't produce the first year. They take a couple years to really get going. We also have a ton of strawberry plants, but then, we can eat a ton of strawberries. I spend a lot of this weekend watering the gardens and hanging out in our backyard oasis with the dogs, so I didn't make it to the gym for my Deadlift Day. I'll get that done tonight, and then do cardio outside and deloading for the rest of the week. I'm still intending to start my vegan bakery, but at the moment, I'm way too busy. I did get a couple of ingredient labels ready and saved on our computer, and I have a good amount of packaging to get started, so I'm almost ready. I just need to set aside one evening during the week to bake over at the commercial kitchen I use, and then deliver the stuff. I'm thinking Thursday nights are looking good for baking, and maybe Friday for delivering. That way my stuff can sell first thing in the morning on Saturdays. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted May 3, 2011 Author Share Posted May 3, 2011 Deadlift Day Foam rolling and stretching for about ten minutes. Deadlift: 1x5x1351x5x1901x3x2151x1x240 Rack Pulls: 3x1x255 Dips (BW=146): 1x81x71x5 Assisted Pull-Ups (42 lb counterbalancing weight): 1x101x81x5 All of the tomatoes and most of the bell peppers in our garden died! Oh well, it's a learning experience. At least we still have all the berry bushes, strawberries, sugar snap peas, snow peas, green beans, cabbage, pac choi, kale, brocolli, carrots, radishes, yellow onions, shallots, Hungarian sweet peppers, jalapenos, cold-climate kiwis (for real!), stevia, chamomile, lavender, parsley, fennel, garlic, and some other random herbs that are doing just fine. Ok, I'm not so sad anymore! It's all a learning experience. In the future, we'll leave our tomato and pepper plants indoors until we're absolutely sure it's going to stay well above freezing overnight and not transplant them into the ground until at least May, just to be safe. Perhaps June. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 so jealous of your awesome sounding garden!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chewybaws Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 Cool news about the garden, looking forward to reading about that! Nice pulling. What's your current 1RM? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted May 3, 2011 Share Posted May 3, 2011 nice job on the deads. really really nice on the dips too! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted May 3, 2011 Author Share Posted May 3, 2011 Chewy, I estimated my 1RM as 255 this month, even though I was worried it was a little high. Might not be, though. I rack pulled 255 without much of a problem. I'm not totally sure what my actual 1RM is currently, though. Bodyweight is still 146. MaryStella, thanks! I thought my dips were kinda wimpy, actually! Lobster, maybe you can have a garden, too. Did you end up relocating to California yet? Also, if you're in an apartment right now, container gardening is the way to go. There's nothing wrong with starting with a window sill full of herbs, and learning from that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted May 5, 2011 Share Posted May 5, 2011 I've been in California since Oct - definitely loved my snow-less winter. We have a couple herbs in a window box. I'd like to get some tomatoes going or something in a container on our balcony, but it doesn't get much sun so I'm worried that would be a giant flop. I should do some reading and figure out what would do best. We get some early morning light but that's about it. Which is nice if you want to sit outside in the cool shade, not so nice for growing things. And everyone is right, your numbers are super impressive! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted May 5, 2011 Author Share Posted May 5, 2011 Aww, gee, thanks! Some tomato varieties do well in partial shade, actually. May as well try it, a packet of seeds is pretty cheap! We get ours from High Mowing Organic Seed Company. Also got some stuff from Raintree Nursery so we didn't have to start everything from seed this year. They have a catalog with some detail regarding growing conditions you need for different varieties. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted May 5, 2011 Share Posted May 5, 2011 thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
goob Posted May 10, 2011 Share Posted May 10, 2011 Looking crazy strong Adena!! Really impressive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted May 10, 2011 Author Share Posted May 10, 2011 Thanks goob! I've just finished my Deload Week where um.....I didn't even go to the gym. I just helped my husband with the garden all week and spent a nice Mother's Day with his mother and mine. The garden looks pretty good, now. My husband just fertilized it with his extra special secret fertilizer. Anyway, I'll be heading to the gym tonight to start a new four week cycle! Overhead press, here I come! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted May 16, 2011 Author Share Posted May 16, 2011 Kinda funny nobody asked about my husband's secret fertilizer. He peed in a bucket and diluted it with water. Not as gross as you might have been thinking. Maybe. What's funny is everything shot way up in the week following the application of said fertilizer. He's pretty proud of himself. Aaaaaanyway, here's what I accomplished last week: Overhead Press Day Bodyweight: 144 Assumed 1RM: 75 Military Press: 1x5x501x5x551x6x65 Push Press: 3x5x70 Good Morning: 1x12x1052x12x115 Farmer's Walks: 3x90 Plate Pinches: 3 sets each hand, to failure Squat Day Assumed 1RM: 205 Foam rolling for about ten minutes Parallel Squat: 1x5x451x5x1351x5x1551x7x175 Oly Squat: 3x5x135 BOR: 1x12x951x10x951x8x95 Push-Ups: 1x161x121x8 Foam rolling for about ten more minutes Bench Day Bench Press: 1x5x451x5x801x5x901x7x100 Light Parallel Squats: 3x12x105 Lunges with 45 lb plate held overhead 4x12 steps Foam rolling for about ten minutes Deadlift Day Deadlift: Assumed 1RM: 260 1x5x1351x5x1701x5x1951x5x220 Rack Pulls: 3x1x255 Dips: 2x81x6 Chin-Ups: 3 sets of about 1 1/2 chins (wanted to see what I could do without assistance....kind of pathetic, actually.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted May 16, 2011 Share Posted May 16, 2011 Kinda funny nobody asked about my husband's secret fertilizer. He peed in a bucket and diluted it with water. Not as gross as you might have been thinking. Maybe. What's funny is everything shot way up in the week following the application of said fertilizer. He's pretty proud of himself. He has magic urine evidently! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted May 23, 2011 Author Share Posted May 23, 2011 Overhead Press Day Foam rolling for about ten minutes, then... SOHP: 1x3x551x3x601x4x70 Push Press: 3x3x75 Farmer's Walks: 3x90lb in each hand Plate Pinches with two 5lb plates: 3 sets to failure, each hand Good Mornings: 3x12x115 Squat Day Foam rolling for about ten minutes Parallel Squat: 1x3x451x3x1451x3x1651x3x185 A2G Squats: 1x5x1552x4x155 BOR: 1x12x951x9x951x6x95 Push-Ups: 1x201x161x10 Tricep Extensions: 2x12x301x8x30 Foam rolling for about ten minutes Bench Day Foam rolling for about ten minutes Bench Press: 1x3x451x3x851x3x951x4x110 I'm very happy my bench is finally starting to show some miniscule progress! Yeah! Light Parallel Squats: 3x12x115 Lunges with 45 lb plate held overhead: 3 sets, about 12 steps Foam rolling for about ten minutes So for some reason, the last week or two has been kicking my butt. I'm not exactly sure why. I felt like my knee was a bit sore in a bad way after my heavy bench/light leg assistance day, so I skipped my deadlift day on Saturday. It was hurting me to walk up and down the stairs, but by the middle of the day on Sunday it felt completely fine. I think I'll start up where I left off tonight, and do only three days of lifting this week, or maybe just lift every other day until I complete this cycle, just to give myself a little more recovery time. If you can't tell, I've been trying to be a little more diligent about foam rolling, which should help recovery. I'm wondering if doing the light assistance on a different day is too much for me, or if I'm just not used to it yet. I'll keep doing it for a little longer, because I think it's a little early to tell. In other news, our garden seems to be doing well. Our compost still does not smell at all, and the strawberry plants are blossoming. We're having lots of fun watching veggies and berry bushes take off, and have hardly had to weed. Or water. It's been pretty rainy this spring. We did set up a rain barrel to take advantage of it. It's hooked up to our drainpipe, so it fills up in about one or two rain showers. Yay for watering our garden for free! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryStella Posted May 27, 2011 Share Posted May 27, 2011 those lunges with the plate overhead are an asskicker!! Great numbers you got going on here! My knee has been bothering me too lately. The steps are worst! Hope you heal up soon!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted May 27, 2011 Author Share Posted May 27, 2011 Yeah, I felt fine in less than 48 hours so I figured I didn't do anything too serious to my knee. I think you're probably right that it's the lunges, I tend to wobble around and have terrible balance while doing them for some reason, but my squat form is really good so I don't think that would have done anything to it. I've been trying to just slow down when I do lunges so I don't lose my balance but it's still not helping. I didn't lift that much yet this week, but I'll post what I did a little later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted June 7, 2011 Author Share Posted June 7, 2011 OK! Back to business. I decided to redo the last cycle's weights since I missed part of it. Overhead Press Day SOHP: 1x5x451x5x501x5x551x5x65 Push Press: 3x3x75 Overhead Shrugs: 1x8x652x10x65 Dips: 1x101x81x5 Assisted Chin-Ups (36 pounds assistance): 1x101x61x5 That's it! Squat Day tonight! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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