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Posture Support Vest, Yay or Nay?


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I am looking into getting a posture support vest (link to Amazon below) and I am wondering if anyone here has used one or thinks they are beneficial? I am trying to straighten out my back and exercises alone aren't doing it. So do you guys think it's helpful or hurtful to get one of these?



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How coincidental. i was diagnosed yesterday with scoliosis. Major bummer. But I asked my new chiropractor about these. He said to get one that will actually work, you need to shell out for one of the more expensive ones, and also one that covers nearly your whole back and is fairly stiff. I hope this helps you. I'm debating over getting one myself, but I dont want to jump the gun since I was just diagnosed.


If you have the insurance coverage (or a cool sliding scale chiropractor nearby), I would highly recommend going to a chiropractor at least for a consultation to get a true picture of whats really going on. I went in for some help with chronic neck pain which I though was just from anxiety, and I left knowing that my entire right side of my body is an inch higher than my left, one of my hips is turned out which is why I cant run, and I dont know how to breathe properly thus effing up my back even more. I would say it was worth it just to know.


But as far as braces go, i'd say get the better ones.

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