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Protein Shake After Workout

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I read somewhere that I should be consuming a high-protein meal or shake very soon after working out to maximize muscle growth. But I'm addicted to using the sauna after my workout; so I'm not going home till like an hour after my workout.


Also add to that I often do some cardio like running or swimming after weightlifting. Could I just mix some protein powder with some water and drink that after lifting and then go in the sauna?


For gaining muscle, do I have to get that protein right after lifting, or can it come after the cardio?

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I read somewhere that I should be consuming a high-protein meal or shake very soon after working out to maximize muscle growth. But I'm addicted to using the sauna after my workout; so I'm not going home till like an hour after my workout.


The general agreement is that the "window of opportunity" is anywhere between 1-3 hours post-exercise, so don't sweat it. Besides, protein synthesis is elevated for about 24 hours after exercise, so as long as you're getting sufficient overall calories and protein, it won't matter hugely how you spread your intake, although taking most of your calories after exercise might prove to be slightly superior.


Also add to that I often do some cardio like running or swimming after weightlifting. Could I just mix some protein powder with some water and drink that after lifting and then go in the sauna?


If it's not a hassle - sure, if it is - no big deal. Just get a solid protein and carb meal ASAP when you get home.


For gaining muscle, do I have to get that protein right after lifting, or can it come after the cardio?


See above.

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Are you hungry after your workout.


I know for me I eat a mix of slow and fast digetsting carbs with little protein about 45mins to 1hr before working out. By the time I'm done with my workout I'm starving. I could never make it an hour without eating something. I usually take a Pro Bar with me and eat it on the ride home. I workout in the evening so I usually will have dinner within 1 to 1.5 hours after working out.


I would say maybe take something with you just to keep your body from feeling fatigued and then worry about a good solid meal when you get home.

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My question is why you're so addicted to the sauna.



Pegesus had a great suggestion. I keep protein powder and protein bars in my car so I can get something in my system.


I don't why I'm addicted to the sauna. I just like sitting in there and/or the hot tub and.or the steam room. I find it relaxing and it makes me feel better afterwards and seems to help me sleep at night.


Obviously I can go with out it, but I figure I'm at the gym, its there, why not?

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On a side note, Why do you do cardio after lifting? My experience has been that lifting and cardio should be done at different times of the day or better on different days. You are killing your gains if you run right after lifting.


1-3 hours window is right. Try to hit the shake as soon as you can. I find a powder with a mix of protein and some carbs (like hemp) helps more than just straight up protein. Depends how long you workout for. The longer and more cardiovascular centric a workout is the more important carbs are. If you're just lifting, all or mostly protein is fine.


Hope this helps.

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