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frequent yawning...

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Hi all


I am constantly yawning. Even when working out, in between sets, sometimes several yawns.

I get 7-8 hours of sleep on a typical night, and usually wake up on my own before the alarm.

I take a multivitamin every day...

I've been like this for years, all the doctors i've asked say i'm fine and shrug it off, especially when i mention that i'm veg.


Any suggestions? It's fairly annoying. I don't feel tired, certainly not when working out.

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I yawn a lot too. It's apparently a mechanism to cool the brain and increase concentration. I'm curious, are you kind of person who's always hot compared to other people in the room? I'm always wearing short sleeve shirts and can't normally stand layers of clothes because I get too hot.


Gallup AC., A thermoregulatory behavior., Front Neurol Neurosci. 2010;28:84-9. Epub 2010 Mar 26.

The existence of yawning across vertebrate species suggests important basic functions, and the spontaneous and involuntary nature of a yawn lends support for it having adaptive significance. Recent research suggests the biological function of yawning among homeotherms is central thermoregulation. Comparative research from birds, rats and humans shows that yawning reduces brain and body temperature, is influenced by the range and direction of ambient temperature change, and is inhibited by methods of behavioral cooling. This research provides strong support for the view that yawning stimulates or facilitates cortical arousal, demonstrating that a yawn is a behavioral response to transient brain hyperthermia, acting to counter intermittent increases in brain temperature and promote thermal homeostasis. This theory is powerful because it not only integrates a great deal of seemingly diverse information about yawning, but it can also be used to generate numerous testable predictions. Applications from this research range from basic physiological understanding to the improved treatment and understanding of diseases associated with thermoregulatory dysfunction.

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Nope, i prefer to be warmer than most people (except when I'm working out, then i need as much cooling as possible - One major gym-determining factor for me is how cold it is)


The most annoying part about my frequent yawns is that my eyes tear when i yawn, so people are always asking me if I'm upset. then i have to explain that my eyes tear when i yawn, and really, i should probably just get it printed on a shirt or something.

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I actually have had the same problem for years (along feeling of needing to take a deep breath and not being able to and heart palpitations), I had a guy ask me why I was yawning when I was doing cardio once. When I was worried about it I searched all over the internet and came across something called chronic Hyperventilation syndrome, I don't know much about it and won't pretend that I do (there are some scholarly articles out there to read if you google them but I've not taken the time to read them). But knowing something like this exists made me feel less crazy and worried for my health.

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Yawning is not just a physical reaction, it's also considered to be an emotional response. I'm really - REALLY - shy, and sometimes I catch myself yawning when I'm unconfortable - I even do it during cardio too. Try and find out the reason(s) why you're having that problem(?).

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Interesting......I am always yawning too and have the teary eyes thing going on. Even during intense HIIT. So I am not tired then for sure. I do relate to always being warm though. I always seem to be warm even when others are comfortable......and as far as the emotional response, that may be me as I tend to be shy in crowded situations. I'll have to try and pay attention when I'm working out when the gym is packed vs. slower times. Thanks for the input as I know I'm not alone now!

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