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James Cameron on the main page...

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Why is the link to the interview with James Cameron displayed on the main Veganbodybuilding.com web-page? He talks about organic farming yes, but he also talks about eating meat.. I don't see the relevance other than having a famous director on the page (who is not a vegan, or even a vegetarian). It seems hypocritical...



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I guess Rob would be the one to answer this fully, as he requested the video to be put up. But from my own perspective, I don't see why it would be a bad thing to promote organic foods. Also the video link doesn't mention anything about James Cameron being vegan himself, it's about organic produce, so I don't think it's misleading. Most likely, the fact that it is James Cameron being interviewed is why it is featured - because that will catch people's attention. If it was somebody else saying the exact same things, perhaps it wouldn't have been featured, I don't know. I found it interesting to hear Cameron's views, and it seems he has some good messages to spread even if he is not vegan.

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I guess Rob would be the one to answer this fully, as he requested the video to be put up. But from my own perspective, I don't see why it would be a bad thing to promote organic foods. Also the video link doesn't mention anything about James Cameron being vegan himself, it's about organic produce, so I don't think it's misleading. Most likely, the fact that it is James Cameron being interviewed is why it is featured - because that will catch people's attention. If it was somebody else saying the exact same things, perhaps it wouldn't have been featured, I don't know. I found it interesting to hear Cameron's views, and it seems he has some good messages to spread even if he is not vegan.


I wasn't implying that they were trying to be misleading about anything.. It just seems like it is selling out your principles and beliefs and for what? To say that you (not you personally) interviewed James Cameron and now he's "featured" on the web page..? That seems tacky to me.


I think organic farming is great, but that's not what our (I'm new I know) community is all about. Next time interview Alicia Silverstone, It's relevant and I'm in love with her (two birds, one stone).

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I think Rob was at the event and was probably talking to a bunch of people, and wanted to share his chat that he managed to have with Cameron. I don't think any beliefs have been sold out. I think that it is healthy for the movement to involve people and try to raise awareness, even if not everybody sees things the same way. There are still valuable things people can say and do besides being vegan. Of course, it is a shame that not everybody is vegan, but that's the world we live in, and I think it's better to make the best of the opportunities that come up.

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