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Positive thinking: your thoughts?


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What do you think of positive thinking?


I'm not talking about unrealistic thinking that doesn't fit the facts.


I'm talking about, when given a situation and different equally valid ways of looking at it, choosing the positive interpretation. By "positive thinking" I also mean turning away from negative thoughts when there doesn't seem to be much else around and focusing on what you can do.


I think most people would say positive thinking is a good thing. I also think that most people don't do it or don't do it as much as they could.


My own disposition leans towards the critical.


I think as long as positive thinking is kept realistic ( even if only in keeping your mind off of negative stuff ) it is incredibly beneficial.


Anytime you start out to build something, there are always people who will say that it can't be done or that it isn't worth it. It can keep you from trying or trying enough.


The way you think steers how you feel. Looking too much at the negative side of things can really drag you down.........and to no benefit. At least I think so. In my opinion when you think negative, or even just critical past a certain point it can demotivate you from trying.


There are loads of examples of accomplishments despite the negative thoughts the people who did them may have had or that other people had.


The way I see it, if you are realistic and positive, the worst that will happen is that you will be wrong.


By staying positive and realistic, you will be more inclined to deal with a problem and do what you can, instead of feeling overwhelmed which often leads people to not do enough. So, even if the ending you hoped for doesn't come, at least you have spent the time doing what you can instead of torturing yourself.




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Yeah, I think there is a lot to be said for a positive attitude. It can help you get through situations which otherwise would be tough, boring, painful etc. To see something as a challenge to overcome and to be stronger for it, is better than seeing it as a burden that you are stuck with. Also seeing benefits, and focusing on them, is better than focusing on things you can't change which might bug you.


The only trouble with being positive too much of the time, is that you may overlook some genuinely bad things which really do need attention. It is possible to have the correct balance though, being able to appraise things which are wrong / bad on their own terms, and trying to do something positive about it. Being too positive can lead to being apathetic about some things which "get you down", which you may start avoiding or ignoring.


I used to be very much negative, not seeing much positive in anything. I am still that way really I suppose, about a lot of things. But in day to day life, I am able to see something to aim for, something to give me motivation. Seeing things as obstacles rather than barriers is a good thing for me definitely.

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In 2010 my goal is to think more positively. I tend to be a pessimist and be overly critical of everything. So far this year I have been trying to have a healthy balance between realism and seeing what needs to be taken care of as well as seeing the positive side of things and accepting this I cannot change. I'm not 100% successful all of the time, but I have been ruminating a lot less which I think is great for my mental health.

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Positive thinking can change the world. I tend to be a pretty cynical person, but I've been reading a lot about The Law of Attraction recently which deals a lot with your thoughts. I'm starting to see how my negative thinking really has created who I am today and I'm looking to change that now. I do notice when I commit to positive thoughts I feel a lot better. It's just difficult to do when you've been in the habit of negative thinking for years, but I'm certainly getting better

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I am also guilty of being a cynic and leaning towards the pessimistic side of things.......but am working at changing this. I find when I remember to try and have a positive attitude and think positive thoughts that life in genral seems better. Still working at staying positive, sometimes that old negative energy gets the better of me, but still working on it.

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I think this thread sucks!


I'm a weird mixture of optimist and pessimist. I my day-to-day life, I really am always an optimist. Even during/after a catastrophic breakup, despite the pain, I can still say "At least the next one might be hotter?" and have a laugh about it. But I also verge on nihilism on some issues, like the environmental/political state of the world, or even the patients I treat. I can give them genuine empathy, but also think to myself "Seriously, this isn't going to change much." when I know they're going to walk out the door and continue smoking 2 packs a day and drinking while pregnant or something like that. But, I still feel I'm doing the best I can, so it doesn't drag me down and I feel pretty good about myself (that optimistic side coming through again).

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