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What is happening to me ?

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Can't really give you an answer unless you give us more information.


What kind of training do you do?

Has your routine changed?

How often do you train?

What do you eat?

How much sleep do you get?

Has anything else changed in your life? Any new stress etc?

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I train 3 - 4 times a week roughly 1.5hrs each . Squats , deadlift , benchpress and other exercises etc .

I just changed the mixing of exercises and the days I train .

I eat roughly 5 - 6 meals a day , rice , tofu , fruits and loads of vegetables .

I sleep roughly 5 -6hrs a day due to school .

Yeah stress from my school work...

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90 minutes workouts 4 times per week is a lot so maybe you're overtraining? When's the last time you took a week off from the gym; perhaps you need to deload?


5-6 hours isn't a lot of sleep. I feel like crap if I get less than 8 hours.

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Yeah, that is a fairly low amount of sleep. You might want to give three days per week in the gym a shot. I recover much better from three days per week. That should also give you more time to get stuff done and get some extra sleep. Intensity is good, but training with maximum intensity (to concentric failure) on a four day per week program is problematic for many, unless your volume is very low (I am talking HIT type low). Coffee is fine if everything else is in order, but coffee + little sleep + lots of stress (from high workout volume and otherwise) = massive fatigue.

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