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Vege's progress

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I got inspired looking at some of yours progress photos here!! I'm putting my first before photos and hereby promise to put some new soon, hopefully looking more muscular:)

too bad i don't have photos from a month ago, when I started going to gym:(

I already made some progress in hands and back, but i want to do something with legs. Any suggestions, best exercises for butt and legs?

I eat a lots of beans and exercise four times a week, so I hope to see some bigger progress soon:)



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Sosso, your pictures were actually most inspiring! You really did a great job with your tighs and the rest of the body! My problem is that I get pains in one knee when I do too much squats. I guess Im beginning to get older:) Im 37:)

I do leg extension, leg curl, leg press, seated and standing calf raises

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  • 2 weeks later...

This week and next 30 days I won't be able to go to gym. I'm away from home and spending a month in Barcelona. Looked for gyms, but then gave up, since everything was pretty expensive.

Found some bars on the beach and been working out there for three days already. This month is going to be a pull-ups/chin-ups/push-ups/squats/sprint-running month:) All body-weight. We'll see what happens. I think I already got stronger in my back from pull-ups.

Nutrition as always: much fruit in the morning hours, and then lentils, chickpeas, beans, couscous, rice, quinoa, and steamed vegetables in the afternoon. Got hooked on Spanish watermelons:)



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Jason X, maybe it's a good idea! I have a month away from home and gym and I started Armstrong pull-ups program. It will be interesting to see improvements in one month (if any:)))) I also started with hill sprints, that should do something to my legs I guess...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Robert, thank you for your comment! It is a big compliment for me to hear something like that from you! You are big inspiration for us all! People like you make veganism more popular! All best!


jcdenton, Richard & Fallen_Horse: thanks guys! Support and motivation I am getting from you is precious! I will definitely keep on doing BB and pull ups!


PS: jcdenton, maybe it is because of close-up photo that I looked bigger, but hey - I chose the best photo to post


OK, here are some normal distance photos. I also found my photos from exactly one month ago, before Armstrong program. I'm posting them to, just for comparison. I didn't develop much mass, but I certanly feel stronger, denser and I have better definition and posture.


I weigh less now, actually (had 71 kg, and now 69 kg). I don't use any supplements I wonder how that would affect my progress (and health)... Still undecided about that...


July 11, 2010



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August 11, 2010



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OK, I'm back home from holidays, and back in the gym. After being on a strict Armstrong program for pull ups for a month


I have learned importance of writing down the exercises I do. It is very motivating when you read your older posts and then see how you've made progress in particular exercise.

Today in gym I've made circular training for all major muscle groups. From now on, beginning with next time I'm in gym, which should be tomorrow, I will write down all exercises I do and post it in separate thread. It will be nice having my online exercise diary. That will keep me motivated!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm changing the gym. It will be more basic, which means more squats and dead-lifts. I will also do Armstrong pull ups program again, and post it in my training diary. I plan to begin with running (on my way to gym), also. My goal is to get more mass on upper body, but primarily I want to see those quads finally growing! Don't want skinny legs no more Here's before pic, I'll get back in one month with results.




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what have you been doing for legs? they look a lot stronger/bigger than the pictures on page one.


lookin' good man.

Thanks, but really?! i don't see any difference. Maybe more definition. I want them a lot bigger. I have very skinny jeans, and I'll be satisfied when I am not able to get into them anymore!

btw, I was doing hill sprints last month, but not too many. And this month in gym I started squatting, maybe that's it... I want terminator thighs! And more developed chest.

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