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Back on the wagon! I need recommendations!

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Not sure if any of you remember me... I fell off the wagon after I got laid off last July. I didn't stop being a vegan but I did stop going to the gym ... Well I'm back! and I started on Thursday and I already feel great!


I have a couple of questions. I need some recommendations. Any of you have a favorite brand for a food processors? Something under 80 dollars. Also any good books out there on recipes that are low on calories and fat?


thank you!!!!

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I have a Kitchen Aid, the 12 cup. Not sure what that goes for in the U.S. but it might be a bit out of your price range. It's not super expensive but it's not cheap either.


A lot of the price will depend on what size you are looking to get. You can get really small (3 cups) processors or quite large ones.


I've had good luck with Kitchen Aid appliances. I've had problems with Procter Silex/Hamilton Beach when making a warranty claim and I now boycott them, but other people use them and don't seem to have a problem. I think Black & Decker makes food processors too.


I would suggest going on Amazon.com and reading reviews or something like that.


My suggestion would to spend around the $80 you have budgeted and not go too cheap. It's just going to break and be crappy if it's cheap.

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I have a Kitchen Aid, the 12 cup. Not sure what that goes for in the U.S. but it might be a bit out of your price range. It's not super expensive but it's not cheap either.


A lot of the price will depend on what size you are looking to get. You can get really small (3 cups) processors or quite large ones.


I've had good luck with Kitchen Aid appliances. I've had problems with Procter Silex/Hamilton Beach when making a warranty claim and I now boycott them, but other people use them and don't seem to have a problem. I think Black & Decker makes food processors too.


I would suggest going on Amazon.com and reading reviews or something like that.


My suggestion would to spend around the $80 you have budgeted and not go too cheap. It's just going to break and be crappy if it's cheap.


I guess my price range seems pretty fair. I will do some research. thanks a lot! !!

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Any of you have a favorite brand for a food processors?
I got a used Cuisinart food processor, it's over 20 years old, from a family member and love it. Think I would search garage sales (or post an ad on kijiji) if mine ever broke.


Also any good books out there on recipes that are low on calories and fat?
Not sure about books but healthy low fat/calorie site/blog off the top of my head: http://fatfreevegan.com , http://blog.fatfreevegan.com . Check your local library, I've found some great healthy recipe books there.
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