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First off congrats on the weight gain. I am in that weight gain hunt as well and damn does it feel good to get on the scale and see improvement. 2nd you have done a great job being thorough and keeping up with your journal. You have qualified for a prize package. We all hope you continue to use it.

I was in Auckland last spring. Cool little city, good music scene and decent comedy scene too.



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Soooo, I haven't been to the gym in a little over two weeks, mostly beacuse of the following:

* Lost my swipe card (it is 24 hours and I find it hard to get there during staff hours, so getting a new one has been problematic)

* Started a band - which means 2x late nights practicing per week.


I aim to get back into it tomorrow though, as I feel I am adjusting to the new time constraints. I really do feel like I have lost strength and tone, but I can't beat myself up over it.

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  • 2 months later...

Tell me about it. Over February and March I must have visited the gym around four times, and now I'm lifting more than I was when I left off.


Yesterdays workout:

Warm-up row machine - 3min

Squats (Smith machine) 70kg 5x5

Military Press 30kg 5x5

Curls - 20kgx30 25kgx6 20kgx10

Chinups x3

Treadmill x5 mins 10-13km/h



Those curls have left my biceps hating me, and the squats being 5kg higher than last time was great.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey mate,


Well I took 8 weeks of little training while I had a half sleeve tattoo done. Now right back into it.


After the eight weeks I can't say I've noticed much of a drop in strength which is good.


Presently into a 5x5 program every second day and trying to increase my yoga, Kum Nye and Calisthenics.


Also occassionally heading down to a Nastix (nastix.weebly.com) class every now and again. Those silks are tough work!


I have been meaning to post my workout logs here so will get back into that next training session. Meanwhile I've gotta go eat again!

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  • 1 month later...

kum nye is a tibetan practice, similar to yoga, i picked up a routine from a book called 'waking up for beginners' and found it to be an excellent daily practice. These days howevee i do tend to neglect it as I spend a lot of time and energy between yoga, gym, work and play.


I have been really happy with my muscle memory, and also think I will try from my next gym visit to keep a live workout log here instead of in my notebook. I do wish tapatalk worked well for my phone though.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey bro, thanks for checking up on me


Yeah I am still around and still training in various forms. I have actually almost two weeks ago moved from Auckland to Melbourne, Australia, which meant I cancelled the gym membership and until I get a job will stay away from paying for the luxury of a gym. I had also been getting to Silk classes ocassionally which was great, and are super upper body and core workouts. Aside from that I had been stuck with masses of work plus lots of music related business, I think I averaged 5 hours sleep for about 6 weeks for a while. The timing of the move and subsequent break from trainings was actually pretty good as I'm pretty sure I cracked a rib a week before leaving, the morning of this performance (I come in at 3:40 - my 15 seconds of fame - and looking quite skinny here actually...):




The rib injury meant my usual pullups and all upper body work-outs were out of the question until recently, but now I have however been cycling a lot, running, and working on my calisthenics. I also discovered a local set of free bouldering walls, and am planning setting up a climbing rope and pull up bar in a park at the end of my street.

Also decided to join the Tough Mudder this summer so am very motivated to train for that.


Today I jumped into a two hour Parkour class (there are actually structured outdoor training sessions here, cheap and with a good crew), and am planing a bunch of calisthenics for the evening. Just finished off a mean power packed green/banana/berry smoothie.


Some example weights from my last couple of gym sessions almost a month ago now:

Deadlift (80kg, mechanical machine - Jetts gym) - 5-5-5-5-6

Curl (25kg BB) - 16-7-4

Squat (smith) 62.5kg - 5x5



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  • 2 months later...

How is life living in Melbourne going? I have fam out there just outside of the city in Launching. I visited there and Auckland last year, loved both places but in different ways. Still keeping up on your workouts?



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