chewybaws Posted April 4, 2011 Share Posted April 4, 2011 Nice work on PR's, you have a strong press! Oh, and I just set up my numbers for SL 5x5 intermediate - aka, Madcow's 5x5/Bill Starr's 5x5Madcow isn't a stronglifts program. The website for the program was hosted on geocities before it got shutdown. Several places who had a backup of the program have uploaded it to their site (including stronglifts). I think it's much older than SL. The SL Advanced prog is here Madcow looks better imo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 4, 2011 Author Share Posted April 4, 2011 About the PRs, Thx Chewy! About the program, not much gets by you! You're right Chewy. It has been around much longer. Though, it is recommended as an intermediate program following the SL 5x5 beginner. So, I just spoke about it that way.The excel file I downloaded is named 5x5_intermediate_v0.3 (from the SL site - which is why I thought it was the SL 5x5 intermediate - oops! ) It's really user least for me. (when I opened the file it actually says at the top in big bold letters Bill Starr 5x5.) Perhaps, I should have specified that it is Bill Starr's/Madcow's 5x5.I should've given credit where credit is due. And, yes, I also think it looks better than the SL advanced. As I understand what I've read, it's set up as a periodized program whereas Bill Starr's is linear - of which, there is an advanced version that is also periodized once the linear progression runs out."After a while, linear progress doesn't work so well. You want to do this for as long as you can. And I mean, resetting and running at your records, changing some exercises, rep ranges, whatever, just keep trying to get some linear progress as you want to milk this kind of progression for all it's worth. After a while it will become pretty obvious this doesn't work for you any more. Welcome to periodization." I found these links very useful: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted April 4, 2011 Share Posted April 4, 2011 Yay, periodization! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 6, 2011 Author Share Posted April 6, 2011 Today's W/O: I feel like I could barely call it a workout...just enough to get the chest and shoulders warmed up... guess that's why it's called deloading! I played dodge ball with my students which got the blood flowing and loosened up the shoulders.Then... Bench:1x5 - 59kg1x5 - 64kg1x5 - 69kg Again, only resting enough in between to change the weights. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrilliumFortnight Posted April 7, 2011 Share Posted April 7, 2011 Wish I could deload like this, great work! Is the deloading to give your body a break before moving onto madcow? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 7, 2011 Author Share Posted April 7, 2011 Hey Trillium! Haven't seen a post from you in a while! You got it right on there. The whole 5/3/1 cycle was for two reasons. One was to get a good look at my actual 5RM and calculated 1RM to plan for Madcow 5x5 (or what ever else I planned) and the other was to use the deload week programmed into the 5/3/1 to give me the rest I needed before getting started on my next long load...or at least I hope it's long (8-10 weeks). We'll see how well my body responds to the new plan. Today's W/O: 1500m on treadmill, then... Deads:1x5 - 96kg1x5 - 104kg1x5 - 112kg short and sweet. On another note, my back has been feeling a bit of pain (I'm supposing from the heavy deads last Friday). It actually felt better after the warm up and dead lifts. It's still not 100%, though. Hoping the rest over the weekend with stretching and rolling will put me in a good place to start on Monday with the intermediate 5x5. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 11, 2011 Author Share Posted April 11, 2011 Bill Starr Intermediate 5x5 Day One Been looking forward to this for a while. I bumped up my food a bit...I don't bother counting calories, just eating more., here we go! BW - 85kg morning weight. Squats:58kg x 5 (used a wider PLer stance...I could feel it working my hips more)73kg x 589kg x 5105kg x 5120kg x 5 (Was struggling to get the new stance so switched back to my normal stance - just a bit wider than shoulder-width. I was surprised that this was a bit of a grind on the last rep.) Bench:42kg x 5 (also used a wider PLer grip here...much shorter stroke and seemed WAY easier)54kg x 565kg x 577kg x 588kg x 5 Rows:37kg x 545kg x 556kg x 565kg x 574kg x 5 (I took a vid but can't post it. I noticed that all but the last rep were clean. I broke form a bit to get the weight up on the last one - perhaps too high of a weight to start?) assistance exercises:BW hypers - 2x10 (never done these before and had a pretty sick lower back pump afterward)ab curl? - 3x12 (60kg) No clue what to call this. It's a machine and I don't know machines...I only know plates, barbell, bench and squat rack! I'll soon be learning incline DB press (this Wed.)Didn't really keep time but def. under an hour. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrilliumFortnight Posted April 11, 2011 Share Posted April 11, 2011 Nice one on the new program!! Hope you get the gains you want. Nice work on the rows!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chewybaws Posted April 11, 2011 Share Posted April 11, 2011 You've prob started too high on the rows, the first 2 or 3 weeks should be easy. I've never liked ab machines, I am enjoying the weighted situps (plate behind head) but will take a month or 2 before I decide what I really think of them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted April 12, 2011 Share Posted April 12, 2011 I like this program. I think you're going to have fun and see some gains! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 13, 2011 Author Share Posted April 13, 2011 Hey Ya'll! Thanks for checkin' in! So far I really like the new program. I'm hoping to see some good gains! I decided I won't be doing that ab thingy as it really sucks and I'll probably be knocking down the weight on the rows so I don't stall out after 2 weeks! I've been eating an extra meal lately before bed - ice cold water or soy milk, pea protein, peanut and sesame oils. (not the tastiest but adds in a few extra kcals). Bill Starr Intermediate 5x5 Day Two This was my first time to ever really do front squats. I found a couple nice surprises.1) my back is easily more upright and feels WAY more comfortable.2) it's far more difficult to use the same weight as back squats.3) my wrists needs some mobility work! OUCH! 4) my abdominal region was more taxed than with back squats, requiring more activation for stability. This also got my heart rate and breathing going faster. Front Squats:1x5 - 59kg1x5 - 74kg2x5 - 89kg Incline DB press: First time doing these also. used adjustables and don't like them. I'll prob go back to barbell next time. 1x5 - 14.5kg each1x5 - 22.5kg each1x5 - 32.5kg each Deads: Any discomfort that I had in my lower back before these quickly went away as the sets progressed...SO thankful!1x5 - 98kg1x5 - 105kg1x5 - 124kg1x5 - 144kgall no belt assistance exercises:I started doing sets of dips and biceps curls only to realize that's Friday's work! OOPS! 3 x 12 HLR - slow and controlled, focusing on a good abdominal contraction. (I know it's easy for me to rely on the hip flexors to get me legs up) After, I shot some hoops for about 20-30 minutes - nothing serious. Another note: Since using a wider stance for squats on Monday, my inner thighs have some HUGE DOMS! feels great! I discovered new muscles! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted April 13, 2011 Share Posted April 13, 2011 glad you are liking the new program! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrilliumFortnight Posted April 14, 2011 Share Posted April 14, 2011 Nice one on the doms Do you keep your shoulders off the ground/bench for the leg raises? I used to raises with my head against the ground, only recently realised I can increase the ab challenge by lifting my head and shoulders up while keeping my pelvis tilted forward. Now I feel it a lot less through the hip flexors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 15, 2011 Author Share Posted April 15, 2011 Nice one on the doms Do you keep your shoulders off the ground/bench for the leg raises?Actually, I'm hanging so, it's not a shoulders issue at all. More of a momentum and focus issue for me. If I am deliberate and conscientious about it, I can get a good hard contraction in the whole core region. Bill Starr Intermediate 5x5 Day Three This morning I ran for 20+ minutes and did a couple sets of five on squats (don't remember how much but it was light). GR8 way to start the day! This afternoon... Squats:58kg x 573kg x 589kg x 5105kg x 5125kg x 3 (the formula called for 124kg but 125 was easier to load - either way it was easy)89kg x 8 Bench:45kg x 555kg x 565kg x 577kg x 590kg x 3 (easy cheesy!)65kg x 5 Rows: I figured out the form I am striving for is more formally called Pendlay Rows...not that it matters tooo much...45kg x 550kg x 556kg x 563kg x 571kg x 356kg x 8 assistance exercises:what are those?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrilliumFortnight Posted April 16, 2011 Share Posted April 16, 2011 Sweet, bench and rows both are impressive I'd like to see more about your diet these days if you have the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 17, 2011 Author Share Posted April 17, 2011 Hey, Thanks Trillium! Diet is pretty boring...not much variation, but regular. 7:30 - LARGE protein drink (followed by spirulina & multi-vit.) was taking D3 til I found it's not vegan...looking for a good D2 supp.10:00 - 1 cup peanuts or homemade protein bar (peanut butter and pea protein)12:00 - HUGE cafeteria lunch (see earlier post)3:00 - protein drink5:00 - Dinner similar to lunch8:30 - protein drink (no carbs, plus peanut and sesame oils) Lunch and Dinner are the bulk of my calories. lots of stir-fry veggies, tofu, rice, porridge. (I'd give anything for an avocado every once in a while). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrilliumFortnight Posted April 17, 2011 Share Posted April 17, 2011 Thanks a lot! Again, wish I could get a lunch plate like that on a regular basis! Its good to have an idea of what someone like you is eating on a regular basis though, helps me think about food planning a bit. Bummer on the avocados mate, i have the same problem here in sweden Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 18, 2011 Author Share Posted April 18, 2011 Thanks a lot! Again, wish I could get a lunch plate like that on a regular basis! Its good to have an idea of what someone like you is eating on a regular basis though, helps me think about food planning a bit. Bummer on the avocados mate, i have the same problem here in sweden No problem Trillium! Happy to oblige! I'm keeping my hopes up for a TON of avocados when we get back to the States this summer! It'll be our first time back in 3 years! I'm SO looking forward to it. A lot can change in 3 years. I'm sure it'll be a bit of a shock. Either way, we have a list of places to go and food to eat! Bill Starr Intermediate 5x5 Day Four Morning Run:20 minutes and 2.5km, 1 set of 5 squats with 69 and another at 75kg. Felt good to start the day that way. Not taxing at all, just getting the sweat and blood flowing. Afternoon: Squats:59kg x 575kg x 591kg x 5108kg x 5125kg x 5 Bench:45kg x 555kg x 567kg x 579kg x 590kg x 5 Rows:45kg x 550kg x 557kg x 564kg x 571kg x 5 (attempted to keep each rep explosive with a hold at the top of the contraction - added a bit of a burn on the last rep!) HLR - weighted1x8 held a 5kg DB between my feet - WOW that was hard! I'll try to make sure I do more sets next time. My wife dropped a 2.5kg plate on her foot from the height of the bench rack. I did the same thing last week because I was talking to someone while I was taking weights off the bar. STUPID! Don't do it! It hurts - A LOT!Dinner tonight was my favorite - stir-fry sprouts with cilantro, carrot and vinegar. mmmmm! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 20, 2011 Author Share Posted April 20, 2011 Bill Starr Intermediate 5x5 Day Five Morning Run:First of all, I played 45 minutes of soccer last night and was totally whooped this morning. My running partner woke me up with a text message 20 minutes after I was supposed to have arrived. I only got in about 15 minutes on the treadmill and felt like I was coming down with a sinus infection. The sinus infection thing happens to me every Spring. Afternoon: Front Squats:59kg x 575kg x 591kg x 591kg x 5 Incline BB Bench:51kg x 561kg x 575kg x 585kg x 5 Deads:92kg x 5111kg x 5129kg x 5147kg x 5 Done in 40 minutes. Side Note: I had the 8th and 9th grade boys in the weight room with me today...a bit distracting but entertaining! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lobsteriffic Posted April 20, 2011 Share Posted April 20, 2011 Sinus infections are no fun, hope that goes away soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 21, 2011 Author Share Posted April 21, 2011 THX Lobsteriffic. It's usually at it's worse in the morning and then after I get everything cleared out, I'm good for the day. Just not a fun way to start the day and it makes running in the AM a lot less fun. Once the pollen goes down, I'll be better. I don't like to take meds if I can help it... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrilliumFortnight Posted April 21, 2011 Share Posted April 21, 2011 Same deal here gsop. Rinsing with saline (or seawater, if you're near a clean ocean!) helps clear things out a lot, gets right up in those sinuses and flushes everything out. You can make it up yourself with seasalt for next to nothing, too, just get one of those little rubber pump ball things (like for flushing wax outta ears), fill it with the solution, tilt your head back and pump it in there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 21, 2011 Author Share Posted April 21, 2011 Sounds like fun! Thanks for the tip Trillium! Maybe I'll give the rubber bulb thing a try!In the past, I've used a neti pot but it broke. I've also been thinking of just using a tea pot I've got lying around. The spout should be a nice fit! Just tilt the head sideways and pour in one nostril and it should flow out the other. The first time I did it I gagged because I didn't quite understand how to breathe through my mouth while water is flowing through my nose....I've also tried Agrisept in the water worked really well but a little too powerful for my liking! LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsop_3 Posted April 22, 2011 Author Share Posted April 22, 2011 Bill Starr Intermediate 5x5 Day Six morning run: 20 minutes (3km) on treadmill -- I think that's about a ten-minute mile pace?? Afternoon: Squats:59kg x 575kg x 591kg x 5108kg x 5127kg x 391kg x 8 Bench:45kg x 555kg x 567kg x 579kg x 593kg x 367kg x 8 Rows:45kg x 550kg x 557kg x 564kg x 573kg x 357kg x 8 40 minutes and out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adena Posted April 22, 2011 Share Posted April 22, 2011 Go, gsop_3, go! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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