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i cant stop eating dairy!


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i am vegan most of my meals exept forwhen i have dairy...i know its why i cant drop the rest of my bodyfat. im at 19% and like to stay around 14%. i need help to stop! i have a problem with cheese and whey protein. i guess i came from old school thinking where protein protein protein was the base of the diet. when i went vegetarian i still had that train of thought. i need some info on how its bad for you and how to still keep my muscle and drop body fat on a very vegan diet. im ready to commit to this lifestyle

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First of all, you CAN give up dairy if you want to

There are many sources of information on why dairy isn't good....(unless youre a baby calf) for human consumption. The book The China Study discusses this. The site www.farmsanctuary.org even has a virtual tour of the typical lives of dairy cattle and has info on nutrition and why dairy isn't necessary. The site www.pcrm.org has a lot of info on nutrition and the cons of dairy consumption. There are heaps and heaps of information out there.

As far as whey protein as a supplement,there are many options available. I like Vega's protein powders and also Sun Warrior. I usually get it from www.veganessentials.com. Nitro Fusion is also another good one in my humble opinion. If you want to truly give up the dairy it can be done pretty easily. There are even some decent vegan cheeses out and Silk makes pretty good soy yogurt.


Best of luck to you.

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I was yoghurt and kefir addict before, I thought I couldn't live without it. I gave up diary slowly. Used to drink yoghurt every day, then I drank it once a week, and then I totally quit, and at the same time started to drink soy yoghurt and kefir. Now I don't even need soy stuff. It's just the matter of if you want to give it a try or not. Your body doesn't need diary, it's just that you're an addict, and that is because of fact that milk contains natural sedatives (that is why babies, kittens or puppets fall asleep when they drink milk). Concentration of those sedatives are even higher in concentrated diary like cheese. Just make an effort to try to give up and as the time passes you will find out that there is nothing appealing in diary products. As for the health benefits: diary causes osteoporosis (too much animal protein, that makes body acidic, so body extracts calcium from bones to make it alkaline again), joint problems, too much mucus, etc.

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the title of this thread should be "I can't stop eating pus-laden body fluids of a cow" or "i can't stop eating the commercially marketed substance produced by painful bloody and suffering animal torture"


also, it's not the dairy that's made you keep your body fat % low in the past.


if you're going to supplement with whey protein, why not supplement with vegan protein powders? the most popular are rice, pea, hemp, and soy.


as for cheese, when you feel like you want some, there are pretty tasty vegan alternatives like daiya. but cheese is a pretty low quality food anyways either way.

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i am vegan most of my meals exept forwhen i have dairy...i know its why i cant drop the rest of my bodyfat. im at 19% and like to stay around 14%. i need help to stop! i have a problem with cheese and whey protein. i guess i came from old school thinking where protein protein protein was the base of the diet. when i went vegetarian i still had that train of thought. i need some info on how its bad for you and how to still keep my muscle and drop body fat on a very vegan diet. im ready to commit to this lifestyle




There is a lot of "urban diet folklore" on vegan web board about why food made from cow's milk is not good for your health. This is unnecessary as there is a mountain of good information on why cow's milk sucks for people.


I have a special section of my blog where I have collected such articles by reliable sources:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheese and whey protein were the 2 last things i gave up when becoming a vegan as well.


The whey was easy because i just had to get a vegan protein powder(i got sunwarrior), and the cheese i just gave up because i felt the need to be vegan to inspire others around who think vegans are near death skeletor people.


When i got urges to have cheese again i just ordered a soy cheese online(i got redwood), and after eating that i would not want anymore till a few months etc.


Now its been 4+months and i still dont want any cheese tasting product.


Just kill the urges with a vegan version till you get over it.Thats how i beat smoking and drinking aswell.



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  • 3 weeks later...

had any luck jenny? I find that focusing on what you will do is easier than focusing on what you're not going to do. For example, if you say "I'm not going to eat cheese and milk", then your brain is focusing on those things, so you will want them. Instead, it can work better if you focus on what you are going to replace them with, so then you are saying "I am going to eat _____" whatever that is, and you will focus on that. If you get a craving for cheese / milk or whatever product has them in, instead you can try to replace that with another food. So you are focusing on what is actually in your desired diet, rather than focusing on what you're trying to cut out.

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You know, there are actually some studies showing that dairy might be addictive. I think that's why it's so hard-by far more difficult than meat and eggs- to give up.

I struggled with it too (although I'm back to lacto-ovo-vegetarian right now... I still need to learn some things about veganism).

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