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The only thing that stands out about eggplant in nutrition value is "sodium". There is no beneficial nutrients.


There is a reason why it tastes awful...its because we were never meant to eat that sponge tasting crap



You're right that it's basically void of nutrition but there's almost no sodium unless you add salt.




Sodium 1.0 mg

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i eat aggplant mostly as baba ganoush


And its one of the best things to eat, besides hummus:)

But you can not eat eggplant raw. Let the taste be your guide. If it feels horrible to eat raw, then it will be horrible on your stomach as well.


As for nightshades: I avoided them 5 years when I was macrobiotic, and then started to eat them, some even in extra large quantities (potatoes, tomatoes). I have not noticed any change in my overall health or some issues connected to eating nightshades. I think the whole story is bull shit.

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Thoughts on this food? I feel that is must be eaten cooked, as uncooked is nearly impossible to digest. It is a "nightshade vegetable", or so I have read. Thoughts on "nightshade vegetables"?

Happy New Year to all!


Hi Hilary;

Nice to see you around.


There is nothing wrong with "nightshade" vegetables, anyone who tells you differently is repeating nutrition folklore.


Eggplant, at least for me, is all about the recipe. If it is a great recipe I can eat it, if not ......ick.


There are many kinds of eggplant. Go to an Asian market like the Korean Korner at Veirs Mill and Randolph. The smaller Chinese egg plants taste better.

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