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MoshxDeLaney's lifting log

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Herein I will track my progress in the gym in hopes that people can read on it and give any feedback they want, and maybe reading this will inspire someone to try something new. I am currently following Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program and have been doing so for about five months now. I like it because it is pretty bare bones. I see so many high school kids in my gym spending two hours a day doing concentration curls, kickbacks and quarter rep squats and then complaining about not being able to get any bigger. Anyway, here begins my log:


I begin every workout with foam rolling, stretching and some pull ups, push ups, hyperextensions and ab work to warm myself up. When I feel sufficiently warmed up, I begin with my warm up sets for my primary movement. I weigh myself at the end of every workout wearing mesh shorts, a t shirt and my Chuck Taylors, just as a reference



standing military press - (40kgx5reps, 45x3, 50x3), 58x3, 65x3, 74x4

wide grip pull up - BWx12, x8, x6, x4, x4

dip - BWx20, x16, x13, x9, x8

neck* - 15kgx12, x10, x8


Followed this up with some light ab and lower back work because I had a lower back injury a few months ago and am trying to keep my core strong. After that I went home and did two sets of 14 tire flips up and down my driveway supersetted with 20 sledge hammer hits


Body weight - 236

( ) - indicates warm up sets

* - I don't know what to call this movement, but I lay back on a flat bench, hold a weight plate on my forehead, lower my head as far as possible then bring it back up. Sort of looks like a crunch for the neck.

Notes: I slightly changed my lifting path on military presses, which I think took a rep away from my final set, but it puts my shoulder in a less compromising position, which is important as I have torn my rotator cuff in the past. I also started focusing on pulling slightly back on pull ups, which again definitely took some reps away, but I feel in the long run it will be a good change.

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deadlift - (70kgx5, 90x3, 110x3), 140x3, 160x3, 180x4

glute ham raise - BWx10, 7, 6, 4, 3

barbell lunge - 50kgx8, 8, 8, 8, 8

hanging leg raise - BWx12, 12, 12, 12, 8


Followed this up with some hill sprints. There is a hill in my town where all the kids sled when it snows. The hill is probably 100 yards or so in length and fairly steep. I'll get a picture sometime soon. Aside from the tire flipping, this was the first cardio I've done in about 4 months. As such, I only did 10 hill sprints. I rest however long it takes me to walk back down the hill, which is about as long as the run up takes.


Body weight: 235

Notes: I strained my sacroiliac joint about 4 months ago (the reason I stopped my cardio, as I wasn't able to run). This was only my second real deadlift work out since then, and I'm not pushing myself 100% because I don't want to push my luck. Also, I just added glute ham raises into my work out a few weeks ago and am still getting used to the movement. It's also a little difficult as my gym doesn't have a proper GHR, so I do them on a Roman chair, which absolutely kills my quads. Abs have been feeling weak recently, not sure what that's all about.

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bench press - (95x5, 135x5, 155x3), 185x3, 210x3, 240x9

incline dumbbell press - 65x10, 10, 9, 7, 7

dumbbell row - 90x10(per arm), 10, 9, 8, 7

neck harness/db shrug superset - 35x15/100x13, 13/11, 10/10


No cardio today. The weather was crappy and I was in a bad mood and just wanted to get home.


Body weight: 238

Notes: Barely got the 9th rep with 240 on bench. I was pretty smooth until the lockout and got stuck there for a few seconds before finally getting it. After next week I think I'm going to give 5/3/1 a break and give the Westside template a try. A few of my buddies are getting great results

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squat - (70kgx5, 80x3, 90x3), 108x3, 125x3, 140x6

good morning - 5x10 @65kg

standing cable abs - 5x10 @90

barbell curl - 95x6, 6, 5


I did a bunch of sets of wide grip pull ups between sets of my accessory work. Nothing crazy, just sets of 5 with my bodyweight. I did them very strict and methodical, and I also did them hanging from the crossbar of the cable station at my gym, which is a very wide, square bar, so that added a fun element to it. Did some light box jumps for a little cardio/explosive lower body work. 5x5 with no added weight onto a 32.5 inch box. Before when I couldn't deadlift for awhile I was finishing up that workout with 3x6 onto a 40" box. Now that I'm back in the groove with it I'll probably move back up to that box but keep the set/rep scheme at 5x5 and work on speed/explosiveness. Also ended up talking to a kid who goes to my gym and competes in Olympic lifting after I finished that up. He coached me a little on proper form for cleans, which I was never really shown before; I just always learned from watching experienced lifters and have been planning on getting into it, so that worked out nicely.


Body weight: 236

Notes: Felt really sluggish when I got into the gym today. Work was crazy today and my job is fairly physical. Once I got into my work out I found some energy and it ended up being a really good day at the gym. I need to start taking some video of my lifts, as I've never even seen myself lift. That is all for now.

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This morning I went and did a yoga class at my old commercial gym, of which I'm still a member, even though I haven't gone in months. This was my first time doing yoga in probably 8 or 9 months. It felt so good hitting those deep stretches. My hips have been so tight from squatting, and I never really stretch out my core like that anymore. I'm going to make this a regular thing from now on.

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standing military press - (20kgx5, 40x5, 45x5, 50x5), 62x5, 70x3, 78x3

wide grip pull up - BWx13, 9, 7, 5, 5

dip - BWx20, 18, 15, 10, 8

neck curl - 15kgx12, 12, 9


Followed this up with some light shoulder rehab work, just to keep everything in check. Then I went home and did 4 sets of 14 tire flips superset with 20 sledge hammer hits. I'm going to try to pick up the cardio a little bit every week


Body weight: 232

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Haha perhaps one day, but as of now that dude has about 55 pounds on me and is arguably the best deadlifter in the world, pulling close to double what I do


who is the big fella then? what's his dead?

His name is Konstantin Konstantinovs (it really doesn't get much more badass). His best competition deadlift is 430 kg (about 948 lbs). He's also done 420 kg in competition completely raw, no belt.

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deadlift - (70kgx5, 100x3, 120x3), 150x5, 170x3, 190x3

glute ham raise - BWx7, 5, 3, 4, 3

barbell lunge - 60kgx10, 10, 8

hanging leg raise - BWx12, 12, 12, 8, 6


BW: 233

Notes: I don't know what was wrong with me today, I just wasn't hitting the reps I normally do. Energy levels were normal, muscles weren't particularly sore. I think maybe I'm just overtrained. Next week I'm just going to text my maxes, which I haven't done once since I started lifting again, and do some very light accessory work. Also, something I meant to note on my deadlift workout last week; I normally pull with a mixed grip, but last week decided to try double overhand, which felt really weird, and my grip started to go before my muscles, otherwise I probably could've hit two more reps. I'm still being cautious with my lower back when I deadlift, not going to absolute failure like I normally would. The week before I strained my sacroiliac four months ago I pulled 190kg for 7 reps, so hopefully I will be back to that level soon.

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deadlift 190kg/7reps


Apologies Bud, didn't realise you we're a vegan beast!!! that's some impressive lifting!

I presumed you being american weights we're in lbs!


barbell curl - 95x6, 6, 5 -- thats some strong barbell curls! you always do heavy and low reps on these?


Gonna keep an eye on your log for tips

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Haha thanks man. I work out in an olympic lifting gym so all standing lifts on the platform with bumper plates. As for the barbell curls, that was honestly the first tome I've done them in at least six months. I used to do them for slightly higher reps but I think with my goals right now it makes more sense to keep the reps lower and weight heavier.

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Some serious lifting man!


Konstantinovs is my favorite deadlifter!


You wearing a belt on squats/deads?


Keep up the good work, will be keeping an eye in here.


(ps. are you on veganfitness.net ? if not register and get your maxes on the strength table)

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Some serious lifting man!


Konstantinovs is my favorite deadlifter!


You wearing a belt on squats/deads?


Keep up the good work, will be keeping an eye in here.


(ps. are you on veganfitness.net ? if not register and get your maxes on the strength table)

Thanks chewy! Same to you man. I see you've made some awesome progress since you started. Konstantinovs is amazing, superhuman. Although I don't know if you saw, Benedikt Magnusson just pulled 1015 wearing only a belt. If you haven't seen it I recommend you go here http://youtu.be/q4jO21-a2W0 right now.

I've been wearing a belt only on my final set recently just as a precaution, because with my recent back injury from which I'm still recovering I don't want to take any chances.

I'm not on veganfitness.net but I'll go check it out after I do this. Thanks for the support man!

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