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All Or None?


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I am not (at least at this point) ready to commit entirely. I don't think I'd be able to work out all my muscle groups every day. Would it be best to stick only to the abs? Because it would look a little off if I had big biceps/chest and like no back or legs... But a six pack is always okay. So maybe I'll just lower my bf% and do crunches and not worry about the rest?

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There's no need to work all muscle groups every day (you'll get tired but you won't get strong or big that way!) A sensible workout plan starting with something such as each muscle group once or twice weekly is good enough, and for some, maybe every 8-14 days per group. Everyone's different, but I've yet to hear of anyone who can train all groups daily and still make any progress!


Daywalker posted stickies for some good standard routines. Definnitely look into those for a starting place.

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