asparagus Posted July 12, 2013 Author Share Posted July 12, 2013 Cool, thanks. Yeah I did 9 sets of pullups. That's the number of sets I will be doing every Thursday, the reps per set will increase over time. I did a lot more today! 5/3/1 Cycle 2 Week 2 standard warmup Squat5@45#5@1355@1855@2153@2503@2855@320 Good morning5x10@135#superset withPullups, rotating sets through normal, wide, supinated grips, 60 seconds rest14x4, 1x5 Hanging Leg/knee raise0/4, 3/0, 2/1, 1/3, 0/3(except for the first set, I did leg raise to failure and then knee raise) Not happy about my squatting. The first rep on the heavy set was slightly above parallel, the rest were to parallel but felt awful. Paused for a few seconds before each of the last two reps. More on squatting after the recap. Went 3 sets more on pullups than usual for a Friday, just for the hell of it. By the time I got to hanging raises I was pretty much done. I think I'm doing them wrong. I'll have to check some youtube videos and see if I can fix them. I recently bought a copy of Rippetoe's Starting Strength book (the latest edition). It reads like a textbook so it's slow going. I'm still on the squat chapter (Ch. 2) and there is a lot of information in there. I did a bit of analysis of my own squatting and realized that my technique has gotten worse and gone to shit on the heavy sets. I've been lax in consciously maintaining my form, assuming that I had it down to where my body would automatically set up correctly. I was wrong. A lot of what he discusses in the book I have heard read time and time again and tried to put into action, but for whatever reason it doesn't stick. It's worse on 5/3/1 as I'm only squatting once a week so any corrections I try to make are harder to enforce consecutively. The solution: I'm going to squat twice a week, but most of the volume will be at 50% max. I may or may not continue to do heavy sets on Fridays for the time being, probably not until I am confident that I've got a decent form again. With the lighter weights and volume, it should be easier to work on my technique and hopefully get some of this stuff to stick. I'd love to get a coach to help me out, but due to my current workout limitations (I can only lift on my lunchbreaks at work - I have no free time otherwise and can't afford to get a separate gym membership just for an hour or two on the weekend) I'm somewhat stuck in that regard. I lift in a general college gym. The athletes have their own gym, so I lift with the bench bros and curl dudes. In the 2.5 years I've been lifting there, I've only seen 2 people squat correctly, and I never see them anymore. There are personal trainers available, but I've never seen any of them have someone in the squat rack so I am reluctant to even bother with them. So for the near future I will be doing my best to fix myself. I wanted to go for a 395# squat at the end of August, but that doesn't seem like a good idea anymore. Back to squat school! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted July 26, 2013 Author Share Posted July 26, 2013 Aaahh, it's been a bit, but I've still been in the gym. Recap: Monday 7/15OHP4@165# +2 push pressPullups12, 7, 6, 6, 6DB Press2x10@45#, 2x10@40#, 1x10@35# very hard to finish these Tuesday 7/16Deadlift daySkipped due to work schedule, couldn't get to the gym Thursday 7/18Bench5@230#DB Row5x10@90#Pullups9x4, 60 seconds rest between setsDips4x10, 4-2-2-2-2 10 seconds rest between each Friday 7/19Squat3@340#5x10@135#Pullups9x5, 60 seconds rest between setsGood morning3x10@135#- I really focused on my form here. I was initially hesitant to go for the programmed 5/3/1 weight for this week, but I was feeling good after my warmups so I went for it. First rep was slightly above, second was parallel, third was again slightly above. On the volume sets I tried out some changes to improve my squats: a slightly narrower bar grip, a slightly wider stance, toes at a bit more of an angle, torso a bit lower for a smaller hip angle and larger knee angle, and neutral head position in relation to the spine. These are all cues that I got out of the Squat chapter in Rippetoe's book. It took me a while to get comfortable with some of the changes, but by the end of the third set I was feeling really good. I noticed an improved hip drive and better knee and hip angles. It was really difficult to keep my head neutral as I found myself constantly looking into the mirror to check my form (which is how I normally squat). It was a bit awkward at first to have my legs spread out as much as I did, but once I got in the groove and my gut sat nicely between my upper quads it felt pretty good. My knees were tracking properly, which is something I've had trouble with all along. By the end of the 5th set most of the changes I tried were sticking. Monday 7/22OHP deloadPullups12, 8, 6, 7, 6Hang cleans10@45#, 10@75#, 10@105# Tuesday 7/23Deadlift5@335#3@3802@425470 fail455 failPullupsPyramid 1-7, 6, 4Squats3x10@135#Hanging leg raise, toes to eye level3x10Just couldn't get focused for my max attempt. Was distracted throughout the warmups as well, should have known better and just gone for a max rep set at 425. The 2 reps at 425 were easy enough though, so I though I had it. My balance was off - once the bar left the floor it shifted forward and my hips shot up setting all the weight on my lower back. I got the bar to the bottom of my knees then realized what was going on and dropped it. Took a bit of a rest then went back to try it slightly lighter but I was done. Couldn't even get the 455 off the floor. My lower back is still a little tight from it two days later. Thursday 7/25Bench deloadDB rows3x10@50#Pullups9x4, 60 seconds rest between setsDips5x5@BW (200-ish)Nothing really to note today. I'm looking forward to trying my [hopefully] improved squat form with slightly heavier weights tomorrow. It's a squat deload day, but I'll still be lifting 180# and then 215#. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted July 27, 2013 Author Share Posted July 27, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 2 Week 4 Deload Squat5@45#5@955@1155@1455@1805@2155x5@135Superset with Pullups9x3, strict, slow, pause at bottom Good morning3x5@135 Kept up the form work. Paid attention and tried to maintain all the changes I put in. Keeping my head neutral was a little easier, but I had some trouble bringing my torso down enough - I kept falling back into a more upright position. I noticed it happening each time over the first few sets and was able to correct it for the subsequent reps. By the third set I had it dialed in. After the second set I felt a little twinge in my right shoulder so I moved my grip back out to my normal position (index finger on the stripe in the knurling) and I felt fine after that. I did fine with the heavier weight, but it still remains to be seen how I handle the regular work weights (on non-deload weeks) with the new form. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mini Forklift Posted July 29, 2013 Share Posted July 29, 2013 Great work bud, I think form/technique days are a great idea to implement during deload weeks. That's a lot of work with the squats, hats off to you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted July 29, 2013 Author Share Posted July 29, 2013 Well, I'm actually going to keep up the squat volume during my regular weeks as well. I need to hammer it in until I'm used to it. The extra volume at low intensity isn't going to mess with my progress much, it will probably only make my legs bigger. 5/3/1 Cycle 3 Week 1 OHP5@45#5@755@955@1155@1355@150+2 push press Pullups, max effort sets, 90 seconds rest11, 6, 6, 5, 5 Called it a day after that. I just didn't have the strength on OHP today. 7 weeks ago I hit 7x150#. I was hoping for at least the same, if not 8 reps today. Had a poor weekend of not eating enough (probably <2000 cals per day) and a lot of sitting on the couch or at my computer, so that may have something to do with it. My right shoulder was feeling a little weird after the sets, but didn't bother me while lifting. Curious to see how deadlifts turn out tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted July 31, 2013 Author Share Posted July 31, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 3 Week 1 Deadlift5@175# hook5@215 hook5@255 hook5@300 hook5@345 switch, chalk9@390 switch, chalk, touch-n-go, holy shit PBPullups, pyramid with incremental rest1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4 Squat5@45#5x10@145# I'm not quite sure what happened today. Went in feeling normal, then hit the deadlift like a boss and smashed it. Even though it was touch-n-go, I felt great while pulling it! I was hoping for 7 good reps, then at the top of the 7th I thought to myself "I've got another!" and went for #8. Then at the top of the 8th I thought to myself "Hell yeah I've got another!" and went for #9. Barely closed out the 9th, but I got it. Man that wore me out! The squats were the icing on the "holy shit I'm spent" cake so I stretched and left. I love it when I feel like this after a session! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted August 2, 2013 Author Share Posted August 2, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 3 Week 1 Bench5@65#5@1055@1355@1605@1854@210 fail - just couldn't lock out #5 DB Row2x10@90#, 1x20@90# Pullups, rotating grips through normal, wide, close supinated9x3 Not sure what happened today. I should have had an easy 5 reps on the 210# bench and probably at least 6. It could be because I waited too long after eating. It could be because I switched from a thumbless grip to a thumbs-around grip. It could be because I'm worn after deadlifts on Tuesday. It could also be that I'm just worn out from moving lots of heavy furniture this week and this is going to be a hit-or-miss week on my lifts. So far two misses, one hit. After my poor bench performance I decided against the normal 5 sets of rows and went for 3-rep sets instead of 4-rep sets on the pullups. I'm not going to change my programming unless I perform poorly again next week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted August 2, 2013 Author Share Posted August 2, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 3 Week 1 Squat school?@45#5@1155@1555@1955@2405@2753@315 5x10@145Superset withPullups, normal/wide/close supinated grips, 120 seconds rest6x5 Today was the first time going heavy with the new squat form, not too shabby considering the switch up. I was only aiming for 1 rep at 315#, but was feeling good so I hit 2 more. I'm also going to drop my squat target weight by 30# to help with the transition into proper powerlifting squats. Still trying to remember all my cues. There's a lot I've changed and a lot I'm trying to focus on at the same time. Going to stick with the 2xweekly volume squatting until I get used to it, then switch to 1xweek volume squats. Now to go sit in traffic and sweat for an hour and a half. Hurray! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vegan_rossco Posted August 3, 2013 Share Posted August 3, 2013 Are you finding it more difficult to squat using powerlifting form? I looked it up and I don't like how far back on your shoulders the bar sits, it doesn't feel safe :l Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mini Forklift Posted August 5, 2013 Share Posted August 5, 2013 Low bar squats are safe if you adjust your form to counter the change in bar placement. They're not for everyone, but I noticed I could lift slightly heavier using a low bar positioning over the high bar I normally use. Just my 2c of course MF. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted August 5, 2013 Author Share Posted August 5, 2013 The difficulty I'm finding is in switching my habits. Ever since I started squatting a little over 2 years ago I've been apparently doing it with a weird hybrid form. I was trying to do a powerlifting style squat with too narrow a stance and two high a back angle. Those are the main two things that I am changing, but there are a lot of other little things I'm noticing as well. I'm definitely getting used to the wider stance. Part of that is getting used to using muscles that were previously not fully engaged while squatting with the narrow stance and more upright torso. I'm happy with how my squatting went last Friday, and my legs were sore all weekend - especially the inner and outer thighs. I remember having sore legs at the beginning, but usually they aren't. The bar doesn't really sit that far down on my back. I still keep the bar in roughly the same place, I'm just bending forward a bit more a the hips. 5/3/1 Cycle 3 Week 2 OHP?@45#5@755@953@1253@140x@160 fail2@160 push press, 2@160 push press Pullups, max effort, 90 seconds rest10, 7, 7, 6, 6 Behind the neck press, 60 seconds rest10@60#, 10@70#, 9@80# +1 push press I was not expecting to fail so miserably today. I'm not sure if this is because I fasted last night through today. I decided on trying out IF to see if I could drop a few unwanted lbs, and started fasting this weekend. I fasted 15 hours Saturday into Sunday, and 13 hours yesterday into today. I ended my fast at 10:00, ate again at 11:30, then went to the gym at 12:45. I wasn't lifting on an empty stomach. I might have to lift later in the day to get a little more food through my system before the gym, but I'll try it this way for the week and see how it treats me.[EDIT: It may also have to do with the fact that for this workout I had the bar set in the power rack, as opposed to power-cleaning it for each set. Maybe I wasn't holding my core as tight and my posture was off?] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted August 6, 2013 Author Share Posted August 6, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 3 Week 2 Deadlift5@135# hook5@205 hook5@265 hook3@320 hook3@365 switch, chalk5@410 switch, chalk Pullups, pyramid1-6, 4, 3 Squat10@45#, 10@95#, 3x10@135# Lifted a little later in the day today than yesterday, hopefully to give my glycogen stores a bit of time to replenish before the workout. Ate meal #1 at 10:00, meal #2 at 12:30, fruit at 14:30, gym at 14:45. I'm not sure if this had any effect on my lifts. I should have hit 6 reps at 410#, but didn't have the strength for it. I felt my lower back starting to strain on rep 5, so I finished it out at that. My lower back isn't so happy right now - probably should have dropped the bar as soon as I felt the strain but I was pissed about not feeling strong. So far this week isn't going so well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted August 21, 2013 Author Share Posted August 21, 2013 After I screwed my back deadlifting a couple weeks ago, I took the following week off entirely from the gym to give myself time to recover. I also needed to concentrate on work as I am in the busy lead-up to the start of the semester. I've been following a 8/16 IF protocol for the past few weeks and I feel I've adapted well to it. I hate eating, so cramming all my food into a smaller window appeals to me. The challenge is eating as many calories as I need. I've cut down on my vegetables slightly from 5 cups chopped to 4 cups chopped daily, which has helped in not feeling as full all the time. I should be getting around 4000 on my workout days, but I'm probably topping out around 3500. This might be why my lifts were stalling. I have also been eating very poorly on the weekends, barely scraping 2000 per day. I don't get hungry on the weekends, but I know that's not enough calories. So far I've lost about 4-5 lbs, judging by my weight at workout time. I've decided to deload all my lifts by 10-15%, and have starting the Boring But Big template for 5/3/1. The lower max weights will allow me to build back up and work on my form, and hopefully put back some of the muscle that I've lost in the past month. Yesterday - OHP, 5x135#Today - Deadlift, 8x350# Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theVeganInitiative Posted August 26, 2013 Share Posted August 26, 2013 hope you heal up quick and can keep on lifting hard! looks like you're doing really well... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted August 28, 2013 Author Share Posted August 28, 2013 Thanks, as far as I can tell I'm back on the horse at this point, so to speak. Still doing 5/3/1, boring but big. I'm not logging each individual workout since the weights are a little lower and I'm building back up. So far the emphasis on stressing proper form is working out. I feel more comfortable in my lifts and am noticing more often when I'm not doing something correctly. Last week's 5/3/1Thursday: Bench top set 6@195, 5x10@115Felt like I should have been able to do at least one more rep at that weight, but whatever.Friday: Squat top set 5@285, 4x10@155, 1x10@165It felt much heavier than I wanted it to. Yesterday 5/3/1OHP top set: 5@135 +2 push press, 4x6@65 +4 behind the neck, 1x10@65 +4 behind the neckGym was a zoo, full of meatheads that work out for the first two weeks of the semester then never step in the gym again. On rep 5 of my top set, as I had the bar at full extension overhead some idiot walked under the end of my barbell, screwing up my concentration. After I dropped the bar to my chest and told him to watch out, I switched to push press. On the second rep of push press a different idiot walked under the end of my barbell, so I ended the set at that. Today 5/3/1Deadlift top set: 8@365, 2x10@205, 2x10@215, 1x10@225Lost count during the deadlift set, which is good, because I was super focused on the lift and maintaining my form. I'm pretty sure I did 8, and even had a little left in the tank. I'm really feeling good about my deadlifts, but we'll see how it goes when it starts to get heavy again. I've also been making sure to get in more calories on lifting days and on the weekends. Peanut butter, cliff bars, and now twice weekly (on deadlift and squat days) protein shakes to the rescue. I'm relaxing my 8/16 IF a bit to make sure I'm getting all my calories, so it's turning to more of a 14-15 hour fast during the week and 12 hour fast on weekends. My weight dropped 5 lbs over 3 weeks as of last week, but it seems as though I've put 3 lbs back on since then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mini Forklift Posted September 2, 2013 Share Posted September 2, 2013 Haha, Cliff Bars are so good aren't they ?! Hope your back is healing up fast, how's things in general with you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted September 3, 2013 Author Share Posted September 3, 2013 Back seems to be doing fine. I only get a little discomfort when I'm sitting in my car seat too long, or if I'm sitting on the floor or something similarly solid. In general I've been super busy at work, so everything else has been suffering a bit as well. It may well have been work stress that caused my lifting performance to tank last month. I'm coming from the deload and am happy with all my lifts so far. I like going back to slightly higher reps on the heavy sets. 5/3/1 Cycle 4 Last Thursday, Week 2Bench: 6@195#, 5x10@120#DB rows: 10@80, 10@70, 5@85, 3@90, 3@95, 12@100#Right arm was lagging on the rows, needed to use a lot of body to get the last few reps up. Right arm's been bugging me for a few weeks off and on, noticing a lack of strength in upper right arm on rowing and pressing. Last Friday, Week 2Squat: 8@285#, 5x10@170#Squats are coming along nicely. Today, Week 3Yesterday was Labor day so I combined yesterday's OHP day into today's deadlift day.OHP: 5@140# +3 push press, 5x10@70, 1x10@70 behind the neckDeadlift: 5x385#, 5x10@225#A bit sad that my OHP has dropped as much as it has, but nothing to do other than work back up. I won't stop until I can press my own bodyweight. I probably won't stop after that either. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted September 20, 2013 Author Share Posted September 20, 2013 Still here! I haven't been checking in much lately. I'm still hitting the gym, trying to work back up to where I was. Hit another setback last month. I woke up one morning and my right shoulder was all out of whack. I noticed my right side acromion protruding a bit, significantly more so than my left side. I also found myself a bit weaker on all my upper body lifts, especially in my right arm. I had to drop all my upper body training maxes by 15%. I get occasionally soreness at the bottom of my right deltoid in my upper arm, but that's it. No pain, no range of motion difficulties. Just a loss of strength. Going to make an appointment with my doctor and get kicked around the referral chain for a bit, hopefully I can find out what the problem is. Still following intermittent fasting, my weight is currently sitting around 206# at workout time (early/mid afternoon). Still doing the hypertrophy sets after my main lifts. I'm pretty happy with my form on all my lifts at this point. I've put in a lot of effort to get it down, and although my work weights are a little lower than what they previously were, I'm happy to be doing things right finally. 5/3/1 Cycle 5 Week 1 recapOHP - 8@130#, 5x10@75#Deadlift - 10@355#, 5x10@225#Bench - 7@190#, 5x10@120#DB row - 10@90#, 5x10@55#Squat - 10@280#, 5x10@165# Hope all is well out there with you guys in VBB&F land. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted September 27, 2013 Author Share Posted September 27, 2013 Had a killer week in the gym. Crushed all my heavy sets and definitely feel like I'm on the comeback now from the deload. My upper body (especially chest) is still lagging a bit behind the lower on the progress, but I'm still happy with the way things are going. I think the chest issue stems from the sporadic muscle soreness in my upper right arm (not shoulder related, my shoulders are fine). Since I'm progressing on my weights and the problem seems to be getting slightly better (still getting stronger), I'm not sure what to do about it, other than bring it up at my next doctor's appointment. My bodyweight today at workout time was 208.3#. Heaviest I've ever been. I've been eating a little more, and I'm sure the hypertrophy work over the last month is packing on some muscle. I don't think I'm really leaning out much. Still on IF 5 days/week. 5/3/1 Cycle 5 Week 2 OHP: 8@135#, 5x10@75#, Pullups: 6,6,6,5,6 Deadlift: 8@375#, 5x10@225#, Back raise: 5x10@BW+10# Bench: 7@200#, 5x10@120#, DB rows: 15@100#, 5x10@60# Squat: 9@295#, 5x10@175# I've left a little in the tank each day on my heavy set, too. I probably could have hit one more rep on all of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted October 4, 2013 Author Share Posted October 4, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 5 Week 3 recap Lots of good lifts this week OHP: 7@145#, 5x10@80#, Pullups: 2x5@BW (208#), 5@213#, 4@218#, 4@223#, 5@208#Deadlift: 7@395#, 5x10@225#Bench: 6@210#, 5x10@120#, DB Row: 8@110#Squat: 7@310#, 2x10@175# However, I screwed myself up somehow. I now have a pretty bad headache at the back base of my skull after squatting. On Tuesday I tried to change my breathing pattern on the deadlifts to breath at the bottom instead of at the top between reps. I found it very uncomfortable and much more difficult, but that might only be because I am used to breathing at the top. At the end of my last two x10 sets, I felt a bit of a headache at the back base of my skull, on my left side. It dissipated after a short while so I didn't think much of it. However, it came back today on squats. On the last rep of the heavy set I felt a minor headache in the same spot as I was straining. It went away pretty quickly. On the last rep of my first set I felt it again, but it was also minor and went away after a minute. At the end of my second x10 set, it happened again, but it was intense. The "scrunch your eyes up" intense kind of headache. I sat down for a couple minutes and waited it out a little, but this time it didn't subside quickly at all. I am still feeling it 35 minutes later, although it isn't painful anymore. I don't get headaches very often. Luckily next week is a deload week, so I'll take it extra easy and hopefully it is only a strained muscle that is causing the pain. Oh yeah, and I weighed in at 209.4# at today's session. I'm gaining. Not quite sure where I want to go with this, though, although the side effect of being stronger is nice Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mini Forklift Posted October 6, 2013 Share Posted October 6, 2013 Great squats and deads mate, lap up the deload week now.Hope your headache comes right, I'm sure it will be a tweaked muscle or a side effect of over-exerting yourself. Hope you are having a top weekend MF.PS: Heard from ScooterPie yesterday, he got his prize pack that I sent out to him. Better late than never! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted October 11, 2013 Author Share Posted October 11, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 5 Week 4 recap Deload week OHP 3x5@60/75/90#Deadlift 3x5@175/215/255#Hang clean and jerk 3x5@115#Squat 4x5@115/135/165/195#Bench 3x5@95/115/135#DB Row 3x5@40/50/60#Hanging knee raise 3x5@BW (207#) Lost a pound and a half since last Friday. Not much to worry about, pretty standard variation. Got a headache again on Tuesday while doing deadlifts. I think it's an exertion headache, as it only happens on deadlifts when I take breath at the bottom and hold it for the whole rep, or on squats when I do really slow heavy sets and really squeeze my core. I only switched up my breathing on deadlifts as Rippetoe recommends it in his book, so I wanted to try it. However, I think I will stick with breathing at the top, as I don't get headaches that way! I also won't be doing my volume sets of squats as slowly. Time under tension is great and all but headaches aren't, especially if they make me stop lifting (like last Friday). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted October 19, 2013 Author Share Posted October 19, 2013 Weighed in at 202.2# bare and empty on Tuesday morning, 206.5# at the gym. Today at the gym I was 209.7#. 5/3/1 Cycle 6 Week 1 Recap OHP: 11@133#, 5x10@78#, Hang clean: 5@78#, 3x155#, 5@135#Deadlift: 10@365#, 5x10@225#, back raise: 20, 15, 15 all at BW (206.5#)Bench: 8@195#, 5x10@125#, 1 hand BB row: 5@~75#, 5@~85#, 10@~95#, 5x10@~65#Squat: 10@285#, 5x10@180#, leg raise: 4x10, knee raise 1x10 All in all a good volume week. Moved a lot of weight for a lot of reps. Very pleased. On Monday (OHP) I tried doing a muscle-up and tweaked my right rear deltoid. It's been sore all week now. It hurt a bit while doing the volume sets on OHP and a little during my bench sets on Thursday. Hopefully it will mend up over the weekend. On Tuesday (Deadlift) the heavy set was very light touch-n-go, trying to minimize the bounce but not resetting between reps. I went back to breathing at the top and had no headaches. The volume work was done with a pause on the floor, breathing at the floor for the reset and breathing again at the top. Again, no headaches, hurray! On Thursday (bench) I had more in the tank on the heavy set, but my should was bothering me a bit so I didn't go for it. I know I could have hit another rep but didn't want to over-stress my shoulder. Instead of doing dumbell rows, I set up the core blaster with a barbell to do 1-arm barbell rows. The stance was a bit different, more upright, than I usually do rows, but the heaviest dumbells my gym has are 100# and 110#, so I need to switch to the barbell to go heavy. Today, Friday (squats), I got a minor headache after my 2nd volume set. On the 3rd-5th sets I double-breathed at the top and didn't get headaches. I also did them at a normal pace, not super slow as in last cycle. I also took a bit more time between reps on the heavy set. Overall I think I'm responding pretty well to the Boring But Big template. I feel really strong on all my lifts and if my volume numbers correlate to max lifts, my theoretical maxes at the end of this month/cycle will beOHP: 184#Deadlift: 499#Bench: 257#Squat: 394#I really wanted to hit 200/300/400/500 OHP/bench/squat/deadlift by the end of this year, but I think I'll wait a few more cycles before I test any of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted October 26, 2013 Author Share Posted October 26, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 6 Week 2 recap It was a short week, as I was sick on Tuesday and took Thursday off lifting as well to give my shoulder more recovery time. OHP: 9@140# +1 push press, 5x10@80#, Pullups 2x3 supinated, Hang clean 3@95#, 3@135#, 3@145#, 3@155#, 3@165#Squat: 6@305#, 5x10@180#, Bench 6@205#, 1-arm BB row 10@~100# My shoulder started bothering me during OHP and got painful during pullups. However, no pain during hang cleans. Still the right rear deltoid that's giving me crap. It felt a little sore Tuesday and Wednesday, but Thursday was alright. I started to feel it again during bench and rows today, which is why I didn't bother with the volume work. Well that and I didn't want to be in the gym for 2 hours. It's a little sore now, but not as bad as earlier in the week. I'll have to take it easy over the weekend and hopefully I'll be good for some heavy presses next Monday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vegan_rossco Posted October 26, 2013 Share Posted October 26, 2013 5/3/1 again then bud? How's it going this time? I do miss this kind of training Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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