asparagus Posted October 29, 2013 Author Share Posted October 29, 2013 yeah, I've been on it for almost 7 months again. Going great, just like last time, although I am content with the slower progression now. Previously I switched off it because I thought I could improve faster on a different program, but that didn't work out. Hit 7@150# OHP today, pretty stoked about that. That matches my PB from before my shoulder got screwed up, 5 months or so ago. The extra volume work on the BBB template really seems to be helping out as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted November 1, 2013 Author Share Posted November 1, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 6 Week 3 recap OHP: 7@150#, 5x10@80#, Hang clean: 5@95#, 2x5@135# Deadlift: 7@405#, 5x10@235# Bench: 6@215#, 5x10@125#1-hand BB Row: 10@~120#, 5x10@~70# Squat: 6@320#, 5x10@180#, Leg raise: 5x10 Had a pretty good week overall. Rear right delt was sore on Monday after pressing. Had a little discomfort towards the end of the volume sets. Couldn't do any pullups. Deadlifts felt heavy. Lost my grip on completing rep 4 so I quickly grabbed some more chalk and pulled another 3. It was hard to resume after even a 10-second break, and I felt a little sloppy on the last rep. Bench day went well, nothing of note. Squats also went well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted November 16, 2013 Author Share Posted November 16, 2013 Last week was a deload week, didn't post anything. 5/3/1 Cycle 7 Week 1 Recap OHP: 10@138# (had to use the 15kg bar again), 5x10@83#Pullups (mixed grips) 5x5@BW (210#) Deadlift: 10@370# (touch-n-go), 5x10@235# Bench: 8@200#, 5x10@125#1-hand BB row: 12@~110#DB row: 5x10@70# Squat: 10@295#, 1x19@185#, 3x10@185#Leg raise: 1x8Knee raise: 4x10 I strained my right deltoid going for the 10th rep on OHP. It ended up being sore all week. Hopefully it will be OK by Monday, but I'll probably take it easy next week to make sure I don't exacerbate the strain. I let the deadlifts bounce twice between reps, keeping tension on the bar the whole time. I don't drop the bar until it is a couple inches off the floor. If they only bounce once then it is much easier to get them up for the subsequent rep. The second bounce means they have lost most of their kinetic energy, and while it is not a paused/reset rep, it's still good and strenuous. Bench was tough because of the shoulder strain, but I actually had another in the tank on the 200# set. I'm happy with the squats although I think I may have had another in the tank on that one too. On the first volume set I decided to go for 25 reps, but around rep 16 I started getting a headache. By the 19th rep it was splitting and I had to stop. I had the strength to hit 25 reps easily, but I forgot to double-breath between reps on the volume set as I have been doing for the past month. I double-breathed on the subsequent sets and they where doable but I still had a minor headache at the end of each one. Still feel a little off. All in all some good numbers this week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted November 23, 2013 Author Share Posted November 23, 2013 5/3/1 Cycle 7 Week 2 RecapMonday:OHP - 8@145#, 5x10@85#Pullup - 5x5 supinated Tuesday:Deadlift - 7@395#, 5x10@235#Hang clean - 3x10@135#Back raise - 3x15@BW Thursday:Bench - 7@210#, 5x10@130#1-hand bb row - 10@115#DB row - 5x10@70# Friday:Squat - 8@315# PB, 5x10@185#Leg raise - 5x1024" box jump - 3x10, x5@+25#, x3@+35#, x3@+45# (grabbing a plate in front with both hands) Overall a great week. Shoulder was feeling better come Monday but I started to feel it strain again on the heavy OHP set. Deadlifts were going well but my grip gave out on the last rep. Had the strength for one more touch-n-go, but my hands were shot. Bench session was great. I only planned to go for 6 reps given my shoulder but I had no real trouble getting the seventh, and my shoulder wasn't so bad for it. Squat session was also great. Was only expecting 7 reps but got the eighth without much fuss. I'm a little unsure about my depth though - I think they weren't quite to parallel. Next heavy squat session I'll have to ask someone to depth check for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted December 7, 2013 Author Share Posted December 7, 2013 So last week was Thanksgiving and since I'd only have Monday-Wednesday available to hit the gym, I decided to do a deload week last week and do my heavy 5/3/1 week this week. Unfortunately I caught a slight cold over the weekend which was enough to throw me off my groove. Other than today's squat workout I had a pretty mediocre week. 5/3/1 Cycle 7 Week 4 (program week 3) recap Tuesday:OHP - 6@155#OH shrug, shoulders to top of head - 3x5@155#OHP - 5x10@85#Deadlift - 4@415# Thursday:Bench - 5@220#, 5x10@130#DB Row - 10@110#, 25@75# Friday:Squat - 6@330# PB, 5x10@185# superset withPullups, neutral grip, explosive - 5x3 Got in to work really late on Monday so I skipped the gym and did my OHP on Tuesday before Deadlifts. The workout sucked. Low energy, poor performance, couldn't get in the groove. I just wasn't into it. I tried to get a 7th rep on OHP but failed. Spending so much energy on OHP probably contributed to lackluster Deadlift performance. Judging by last week I was expecting to get at least 6 reps. Thursday's bench workout wasn't much better although my rowing was OK. Today's squat workout was the only one that I felt OK on, in fact I'm pretty sure I left a good rep still in the tank on the heavy set. I also concentrated on squeezing my glutes, as I noticed a lack of glute activation on them. I'm going to have to remember to keep doing that for the next couple cycles so it becomes habit. Up to 213# BW at workout time today. Still gaining weight. Hopefully this helps my lifts go up a bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted December 14, 2013 Author Share Posted December 14, 2013 5/3/1 Holiday Intermission Instead of the regularly scheduled 5/3/1 lifts for this and next week I've decided to work on some power cleans and push-presses. I'll get back to the 5/3/1 in January. I might test some maxes next week, but I'll see how I feel on those days. My schedule was a bit screwy this week, so only ended up lifting twice. Tuesday:Power clean - this is my first real attempt at learning the form, so I did multiple training sets with just the bar, and then a whole bunch of sets at 95#. I've done power cleans previously in order to set the bar for OHP, but I know my form was terrible so I started at the beginning. Tried a set at 135#, but form went to shit so I did a few more sets at 95#.Push press - Again, I've never really done push press, but it's not that complicated so I just went right into it.3@95, 3@135, 3@155, 2@175, 1@185, 1@195, 1@205, fail@215. To be honest, I think the sets at 195 and 205 were more of a push-jerk than push-press.Front squat - 3@135, 3@175, 3@195. I haven't done these since I started on Stronglifts almost 3 years ago, so my form was a bit off. I actually had trouble with the triple at 195! Not in the legs, but in keeping my torso tight and upright. Today (Friday):Power clean - a bunch of practice sets at 3x and 5x95#. Worked up to 1@205#. I didn't try heavier because at 205# my legs were a bit too spread out and I had to bend my knees to get under the bar for the catch. I definitely am not ready for heavy weights on this, but wanted to get a feel for my limits. Did a couple of back-off form sets at 5@135#.Push press - worked up to 1@195#Push jerk - 1@210, 1@215, 1@220, 1@225. Failed on the first 225 attempt but reset, took a minute, then hit it. The intent here was to find my push-press max but on these last 4 sets my form more closely resembled a jerk - using legs/hips to get the bar up, then using shoulders/arms to press it while dropping my body down a couple inches, and then locking my elbows under the bar and standing up when it got near the top. Still happy about the amount of weight I got overhead!24" box jumps - 5x10, supersetted with the push-jerk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landsleaving Posted December 17, 2013 Share Posted December 17, 2013 Nice Lifting, (nobody told you front squats are an upper back exercise!!) They are great for staying supple too.I hope you make the 200/300/400/500 OHP/bench/squat/deadlift soon. It is a very significant milestone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted December 20, 2013 Author Share Posted December 20, 2013 Thanks, landsleaving. I was hoping for that milestone by the end of 2013 but it's not going to happen. I tested maxes this week. I wish I was happier with my results, but I have only increased slightly over a year ago. I failed on my deadlift test however, so that one remains the same. And that is the one I had the highest hope for hitting my goal for this year. Monday - Deadlift 1RM testwarmups then 3@335, 1@375, 1@405, 1@445, fail@475, fail@465Power clean: 2x5@135, 5@155Really dissapointed with the lifts. 445# felt heavier than I wanted it to and felt my back round a bit so I dropped my planned 485 lift to 475. Got the slack out of the bar on 475 but couldn't get it off the floor. 465 came up a few inches but I was done. Was having trouble getting in the groove and my start position felt loose. BW 211# today. Wednesday - Bench/1-arm BB row 1RM testbench warmups then 3@205, 1@225, 1@240, 1@255row warmups then 3@105, 1@125, 1@135, 1@140Great session. 240# went up easy so I felt good going into 255. Was a grinder but I got it up. My ass was starting to break contact with the bench though, so it was definitely at my limit. Rows went well, although form is a bit tough to nail down with this format (barbell in the core-blaster, stack of 10# plates on the end, grip at about 2/3 from the center of the bar to the sleeve at the end of the knurling). Used a staggered narrow stance. Also rowed 145#, but my torso was a bit more upright and I didn't get the bar up to my chest so it doesn't count. BW 213# today. Friday - Squat 1RM testwarmups then 3@285, 1@325, 1@355, fail@385, 1@375, 1@385power clean: 5@135, 3@155, 3@175, 1@195, 1@205, fail@215Got stuck half-way up on my first attempt at 385, had to ditch the bar to the pins. I reduced the weight to 375 and hit that one pretty well so I went for 385 again. I think it may have been slightly above parallel, but it was close so I'm calling it good. Tried to see if I could up my max on power cleans as well but by the time I got around to 215 I was spent. I'm going to work power cleans into regular rotation next cycle, 3xweek so I can get some practice. I definitely need to do a lot of technique work on them. BW 213.5# today. I think in the future I should try smaller jumps in weight when testing maxes. My bench and row tests were fine, as those were small increments, but 30-40# is probably a bit too much for the deadlift and squat. With smaller increments I'll get a better feel for the heavier weight in a gradual manner, and then perhaps my performance on them will be a bit better. Current max lifts:OHP - 170# (haven't retested, but it probably hasn't gone up by much)Bench - 255#Squat - 385#Deadlift - 460# (no increase)Average BW this week - 212.5# I need to step it up next year and get on the ball. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mini Forklift Posted December 27, 2013 Share Posted December 27, 2013 Good training buddy, when do you think you will reschedule the max deadlifts for? Hope you had a great Christmas MF. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted January 11, 2014 Author Share Posted January 11, 2014 Thanks, MF. Not sure when I will try the deadlifts again. Getting right back on the horse though to pick up where I left off. I'm not deloading like I did after last holiday break. Took two weeks off from the gym, only because my University was closed for the Holidays. Last year I got in a couple free workouts at Gold's gym, but I didn't try anything like that this time. Came back this week for a light work week to get me primed for the next cycle. Monday:OHP - 5@45#, 5@65, 5@85, 5@105, 5@135, 3@155Power clean and press - 2x5@95Chinups - 2x5I shouldn't have tried going so heavy on my first day back. I was feeling good and wanted to get some heavier weights overhead again, but ended up straining my right shoulder. Eh, back to normal I suppose. Tuesday:Deadlift - 5@135#, 5@185, 5@225, 5@275, 5@315Snatch grip deadlift - 3x3@225Chinups - 3x2Felt OK on deadlifts, but my shoulder was still bothering me, so couldn't do much on chins. I was testing out the snatch grip for possible future accessory work, but I'm not sure I like the way they feel. I may try deficit deads instead for helping my deadlift at the floor. Thursday:Bench - skipped, wanted to rest my shoulder. Friday:Squat - 5@45#, 5@95, 5@145, 5@185, 5@225, 5@265, 3@295My lower back was a little stiff afterwards, but feels fine now. Should have tried some light benching also, but wanted to get out of the gym so I can go home (18:00 and still at work on a Friday evening). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted January 18, 2014 Author Share Posted January 18, 2014 I'm repeating the weights/percentages from my last cycle. Last year I did a significant deload coming off the winter holiday and changing my program. Sticking with 5/3/1, at least until the summer. I've had a look at Smolov Jr and I think I might try it to up my bench into proportion with my other lifts. I'll do a couple more 5/3/1 cycles and then have a look at how to fit it in. The Smolov 4-week schedules call for M/W/F/S lifts, which I can't do so it would have to be M/T/Th/F just like I currently do. Not sure how that will affect the recovery. 5/3/1 Cycle 8 Week 1 recap Monday:OHP - 8@138#, 5x10@83Chinups - 5x3Shoulder started to tweak at the end of the heavy set. Only feel it at the lockout. Towards the end of each of my volume sets I tried to stop the reps just short of lockout to spare the strain a bit. Seemed to work a bit but my shoulder was still sore afterwards. Tuesday:Deadlift - 7@370#Snatch grip deadlift - 5x10@185Back raise - 18, 17, 16I can definitely go heavier on the snatch grip deadlifts. These came up super easy. My traps were super sore the next day, so they definitely got worked! I think I'll stick with these for a while. Made sure to squeeze my glutes hard on the back raise. My hams and glutes were sore the next day as well! Thursday:Bench - 7@200#Close grip bench - 5@95, 5@105, 5@115, 5@125, 5@135DB rows - 7@110, 5x10@70Shoulder started to hurt on the last few reps of the heavy bench set. Also towards the end of each of the close-grip sets. I tried the just-short-of-lockout trick again and that helped. I thought close-grip bench was supposed to work the triceps more, but I didn't really notice it. The shoulder seems to be OK until I work it with higher reps. Friday:Squat - 8@295#Squat, low bar, ATG - 5x10@185Leg raise - 5x10Hang clean into front squat - 3x5@95Killed my legs on this one. I could have hit more reps on the heavy set but held back. ATG sets burned me out. I could have easily gone heavier. Overall I'm happy with my progress on squats. They have been getting steadily stronger, and I like it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vegan_rossco Posted January 18, 2014 Share Posted January 18, 2014 Wahey! 5/3/1! I'm gonna be using it for my squats and deadlifts Killing benching dude, what's this lockout trick you mentioned? Hope everything's cool where you are dude? And not too cold Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VSP Posted January 19, 2014 Share Posted January 19, 2014 You're killin it brah. I'm a big fan of the snatch grip deads as well. I wonder what could be going on with your shoulder--do you feel like maybe your technique is breaking down a bit as you get fatigued from the higher reps? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted January 22, 2014 Author Share Posted January 22, 2014 Thanks guys. Ross - the lockout trick is actually not locking out. I find that if I stop just before lockout I don't get as much pain in my shoulder. I don't think it affects my strength development much because at that point the muscles are practically in their final position anyway. VSP - I'm sure my form starts to break down a little, but I don't think it would be enough to cause the strain. One day a few months back I woke up from sleeping on my right shoulder and it hurt. Ever since then I've had this issue. I'm not sure if it's an impingement problem or just a chronic inflammation issue or what. I can't sleep on it anymore, and I used to sleep on my right side all the time. Next time I'm at the doctor's I'll ask for a referral to have it looked at, but since it hasn't really affected my day-to-day life or my max strength I'm not in a real rush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted January 22, 2014 Author Share Posted January 22, 2014 Since I had a Holiday on Monday I squeezed OHP and Deadlift into yesterday's workout. Instead of trying to rep max on the final heavy set as usual I went for 2 sets of 3 reps on each lift (it's the /3 week on 5/3/1). On OHP I also stopped just short of lockout (not squeezing at the top for lockout) and brought the bar back down immediately instead of a slight pause. No shoulder pain! I did start to feel a bit of strain on the last couple reps of my last two shoulder volume sets, so I may have to adjust my methods on those. On my future heavy sets I may have to substitute multiple sets with short rest instead of going for max reps to keep my shoulder happy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted January 25, 2014 Author Share Posted January 25, 2014 I've modified my diet a bit. I had been following an IF protocol for the past 6 months or so, but it really hasn't done anything positive for me. If anything, I think I've put on a bit of extra fat. I also found it really hard to squeeze 4000 kcal into an 8 hour window, and didn't like the feeling of stuffing myself to get it all in. As of this past weekend I've dropped the IF and reduced my caloric intake and I've already lost a pound. I'm going to stick on a reduced intake for a while to drop some weight, then slowly up the calories again. 5/3/1 Cycle 8 Week 2 Recap Tuesday:OHP - 8@138#, 5x10@83Deadlift - 7@370#Snatch grip deadlift - 5x10@195Felt good on OHP, used the no-lockout trick and no shoulder pain! Started to feel a little strain towards the end of the volume sets, but really minor. Second heavy deadlift set was tough, felt the form go a bit. Volume snatch grips wore me out again! Love it! Thursday:Bench - 2x3@210#Close grip bench - 5x10@1251-Arm BB row - 2x3@bar+75#DB rows - 5x10@75Used the no-lockout trick on the heavy bench, no shoulder pain. However, I could feel a bit of strain every time I unracked the bar. Towards the end of the volume bench sets my shoulder started to hurt. I'm going to have to rethink/rework how I do these so that I take it easy on the shoulder. Maybe figure out different assistance work. I didn't feel any pain during the rows, but I could tell that my should was making the rows a bit more difficult. Or maybe it was all in my head. Friday:Squat - 2x3@315#Squat, low bar, ATG - 5x10@185Leg raise - 5x10Hang clean into front squat - 3x5@98 (15kg bar)Everything felt good today. Squats felt a little heavier than I would have liked, but I think I could have put up 5 or 6 reps for a single set without much fuss. The volume sets are killer. I did the first three olympic style, the last two as low-bar ATG. My hang clean is getting better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VSP Posted January 27, 2014 Share Posted January 27, 2014 Have you ever seen anybody about your shoulder? Did you injure it at some point/do you know what's causing the pain? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mini Forklift Posted January 27, 2014 Share Posted January 27, 2014 Nice squats buddy, take it easy with the shoulder. Maybe you could get it looked at just to be on the safe side? Hope you had a good weekend MF. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted February 1, 2014 Author Share Posted February 1, 2014 I still haven't gotten around to seeing a doctor about the shoulder, but I've found ways to work it that don't stress it too much. This week actually went off without much shoulder strain at all! 5/3/1 Cycle 8 Week 4 recap Monday:OHP - 4@155#, 5x10@90Chinups - 5x5, superset withHang cleans - 5x5@115The hang cleans were pretty easy, I can probably keep increasing the weight each week for a little while. I didn't squeeze the lockout or pause at the top on any of the OHP reps and my shoulders felt fine afterwards - happy! I also didn't push for the extra rep or two, which actually leaves my rep total for 155# down a couple from last cycle - not particularly happy about that but no shoulder pain makes up for it. Tuesday:Deadlift - 4@415#Snatch grip deadlift - 5x10@195Back raise - 5x10, superset withHang cleans - 5x5@115Form went to shit on the last rep of deadlifts, but I was able to get it anyway. Thursday:Bench - 4@220#DB slight incline bench - 10@50# (each arm)Bench - 4x10@1301-hand BB row - 4@~125DB row - 5x10@75I had the spotter help with the liftoff on the heavy bench, which definitely spared my should some abuse. I might actually start asking for liftoffs on the set prior to the heavy set as well, just to keep my shoulder happy. I can usually feel a little strain when moving the bar into position from the rack, but once I am over my chest it is fine. Here again I made sure not to squeeze the lockout, but I found that pausing slightly at the top didn't cause any pain. I also paid attention to my lockout position - I think part of my trouble is my form going to shit and lifting with my shoulders instead of keeping them down. I tried the DB incline bench to see if it would be easier on my shoulder, but it was not. I went back to flat BB bench and had no issues. Friday:Squat - 5@330#Squat, low bar, ATG - 5x10@190Leg raise - 5x10, superset withHang clean into front squat - 3x5@115Not much to say here, other than another good squat workout. These have been consistently good and draining, especially the hang clean into front squat sets at the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted February 22, 2014 Author Share Posted February 22, 2014 It's been a while. On Friday Jan 31st I came down with a what I believe to be the flu, or a very nasty cold at least. I ended up staying home from work sick the entire following week, so needless to say I missed the gym as well. Last week I wasn't feeling up to lifting until Wednesday and hit the gym for a light OHP/DL session. My bodyweight was down 7# since the 31st, and I felt weak on all my lifts. I had planned to hit Bench and Squats on Friday 2/14, but I thought I was having an allergic reaction to something so I skipped the gym. After eating my first lunch I became extremely flushed, turning red all over. It dissipated about an hour later, but I was feeling off for the rest of the afternoon. After some research, I think it was a niacin flush, as I took a b-complex vitamin with that meal. So then comes this week. I weighed in at 203.5# on Monday, down 9.5# since 1/31. 5/3/1 Cycle 9 Week 1 recap Monday:OHP - 6@145#, 5x10@90Chins - [email protected]# Tuesday:Deadlift - 6@380#, done as singlesHang cleans - 5@95, 5@115, 5@135, 5@155, 5@175 Thursday:Didn't go in to work, so no workout today. Friday:Squat - 6@305#, 3x10@190Bench - 6@200#, 3x10@135 Monday went well, even though I'm feeling a little weaker. Was fully expecting to get 5 reps at best on OHP, but got an easy 6 and could have hit at least one more. I switched to the thumbless grip to see if it would protect my shoulders a bit from the strain I've been having. It worked, no strain! The problem probably has a bit to do with my form, flaring my elbows a bit when I press. Although my right shoulder still hurts a bit if I sleep on my right side, so it's not entirely a form issue. I was getting a bit jerky while doing the chins though, and started to feel it in my shoulder, so I stopped at 3 sets. Felt weak on deadlifts. All reps on all sets were done as singles. That might be why my deadlift weights have seemed lower as of late, as I used to do all touch-n-go sets which probably inflated my rep counts. Felt weak on both squats and bench. Considered doing a "jack shit" workout but decided to throw in a few volume sets to get me back into the groove. I was done after 3 sets on both. I was barely able to get the 6th rep in on the heavy sets as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted March 1, 2014 Author Share Posted March 1, 2014 5/3/1 Cycle 9 Week 2 recap Monday:OHP - 4@150#, 3x10@95Chins - 3x5 (these are getting easy)Lateral raise - 5/4/3x20#, 5/4/3x15#, static hold for 5 seconds between rep groupsHang cleans - 5@1251-hand DB clean and press - 2x5@60# Thumbless grip is working great! No shoulder pain. I guess this means that I am having a form issue that causes the pain, probably due to flaring elbows on pressing movements. Need to start adding more sets/reps on chins. Tried the lateral raises as something different to do for shoulder accessory work. Only bar available for hang cleans had a broken collar so it wouldn't spin. Made the cleans really awkward so left it at 1 set. Wanted to do something else so tried 1-hand DB clean and press - could have definitely gone much heavier on these, they were easy. Tuesday:Deadlift - 4@405#, done as singlesPower cleans, from just below the knee - 5@95, 3@135, 3@155, 3@175 Form went to shit on the last deadlift rep. I didn't check my previous cleans before setting these numbers - I should have gone a little heavier this week. Friday:Squat - 4@320#Bench - 4@215# Today was a jack shit day. Needed to get in and out of the gym as quickly as possible. Also missed Thursday, so did bench today. Weights felt heavy, but I had other things on my mind so my focus was shit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mini Forklift Posted March 5, 2014 Share Posted March 5, 2014 Nice deadlifting man, big weight for reps there. You really do need to sort out your avatar someday lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted May 28, 2014 Author Share Posted May 28, 2014 Hey everyone - I've been busy with personal things and haven't really had the time or motivation to check in here lately. Lots of good stuff lately but I've been out of the gym the majority of the past 3 months. I've lost a little bit of weight and some strength, just started back on my program last week. Looking forward to getting back up to big lifts and breaking some PRs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted August 2, 2014 Author Share Posted August 2, 2014 Still at it. I've been in the gym steadily all summer and my lifts are looking good. I'm just about back to where I was last December, although my deadlifts are better and my bench is slightly lower. My bodyweight is up again, fluctuating between 206 and 209#. My heavy sets at the end of this last 5/3/1 cycle are:OHP 4@160# strictDeadlift 5@415#Bench 5@215#Squat 5@330# I'm still doing the boring but big template, however I have switched the days so that I am doing bench 5x10 on OHP day, squat 5x10 on deadlift day, and OHP 5x10 on bench day. I am not doing deadlift 5x10 on squat day - instead I am doing front squat 5x3 and increasing the weight each week to get my front squat up. I have also been doing hang cleans as a warmup before each workout and heavy hang/power cleans on deadlift days, increasing the weight each week. I think the hang cleans have helped my deadlift along by strengthening my upper/mid back. I am going to pull 500# this year. I'll probably wait until December to test my maxes again, but I will do it. For the past month I have been experimenting with a peri-workout nutrition protocol. I am mixing up a sweet fruit juice and protein powder shake, drinking 1 third of it 15 minutes before the workout, 1 third of it during the workout, and the last third of it after the workout. (Source:, number 3). I'm not going to use their chemical cocktail, but the basis of this is sugar and protein, which I can easily do. My observations:1. I don't know if it has helped me increase muscle mass more so than my standard procedure (lifting/eating). I have maintained the same average weight all month. I weighed 204 when I first got back to lifting at the end of May, so 2-5 lbs increase since then - not much.2. I haven't noticed any "extra" energy in the gym. I feel just the same when I'm lifting as I did before.3. My recovery has improved. I can still feel the muscle soreness, as I still beat the shit out of myself in the gym. However, previously I would get home from work and have no energy and be practically falling asleep by 20:30. Now I have plenty of energy and can play with my son until late at night or do chores or whatever. Even if this is the only benefit, it is worth it to me. Sunday I have my first workout at a (somewhat) local strongman training facility. I'm going to look into integrating strongman training once per month or so, probably at the start of my 5/3/1 deload week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted August 4, 2014 Author Share Posted August 4, 2014 So I'm going to do strongman now. I worked out with a local strongman team on Sunday (yesterday) and got my first test on some of the events. I can honestly say I want to do this. Started out with axle clean and press. Much different than how I am used to pressing. Between the thickness of the axle and the wobbly bumper plates it was tough. Worked my way up to a max single. I was only able to lock out 205#, whereas I have push-jerked 225# from pins. As the axle got to about 75% of max I was doing continental cleans, which was also new. I definitely need to work on my cleans and presses! After that, there was a bit of setup going on and a bit of a break, then they had me do their rookie test medley - 8 tire flips and then a 30ft (might have been 40ft? I'm not sure) chain drag in a 90 second limit. Since I'm not that strong they gave me the medium tire - ~650#, and the chain was 300#. I finished it in 96 seconds. My time sucked, but damn that was awesome. Then the team was setting up for some medley event testing and while they were doing that I did some 40ft farmers walks. I started light and then did a set that was either 205# or 225#, I don't know for sure. It wasn't timed, but I was able to move pretty well with it. That was also pretty cool since that is close to my deadlift max and I wasn't sure that my grip would last on the smooth handles but it was solid the whole way! The team did a bunch of medley tests and then we set up for atlas stones. They were low on tacky so I went without. The stone was 18"/240# and the bar was set at 54". I tried out the basic movement on a couple test singles, then a few of the others guys had their timed test runs. Then I went again and did three reps. There was a bit of tacky on the stone at this point so I had a better grip. I probably could have done one more. I didn't put on enough sunscreen and burned my arms up pretty well. But totally worth it. I felt great afterwards, probably riding an endorphin high, although today I am feeling a little worked over. I need to buy some decent shoes before my next session. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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