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I guess my body doesn't like some vegan food

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I went to get a seitan burrito today from a local vegan joint today. I'm not sure why but something just didn't feel good about eating some of these vegan alternatives. I was eating the burrito and half way through it felt like my body was rejecting it, I wasn't going to throw up, just not enjoying it very much. When I noticed when I ate the rice and lettuce, it was quite nice - but when I ate the seitan and fake cheese and sauses, I didn't enjoy too much. I don't think I have a sensitivity to gluten, because I eat the Gardein products just fine - I actually just had one right now and everything was fine


I guess I could ask a question here What foods does your body not enjoy eating?

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I don't think non vegan burritos make you feel any better lol


Only things i feel gross eating is gross stuff like chips and candy etc.Cheese to i guess but i haven't tried any for a year.Glad i don't feel like eating cheese at all any more.It's not good stuff.It's good for the first year of being a vegan though.I used to search the internet for hours just trying to find cheese alternatives and recipes etc.Glad them days are over.

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Probably just too much gluten, salt, fat, or simply calories all at once.


I don't normally have a problem with gluten either unless I eat a lot of it all at once. In particular I've gotten some vegan cheesesteaks in Philly that have disagreed with me the same we you've described.


It's probably just the amount and concentration. The Gardein things are gluten AND soy so that cuts it down a bit. Plus they're so expensive you probably aren't eating all the much at once.

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Probably just too much gluten, salt, fat, or simply calories all at once.


I don't normally have a problem with gluten either unless I eat a lot of it all at once. In particular I've gotten some vegan cheesesteaks in Philly that have disagreed with me the same we you've described.


It's probably just the amount and concentration. The Gardein things are gluten AND soy so that cuts it down a bit. Plus they're so expensive you probably aren't eating all the much at once.

they are a bit expensive, but i buy store brand chicken breast which is rebranded gardein. still not cheap, but defiantly cheaper http://reviews.presidentschoice.ca/6584/F19430/reviews.htm

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I'm jealous, I kind of miss having President's Choice stuff, some of it was really awesome.

you have only yourself to blame for that...


California winters > President's Choice

i would take the year long farmers markets > presidents choice as well

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