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diet plan critique and advice


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ok so ive been training hard and consistently but not making much gain so i thought it was my nutrition so heres my plan



4 weetabix

2 cups oat milk

agave nectar

flax, sunflower, pumpkin seeds


1 cup quinoa

1 cup black beans

1 cup onion

1 cup aubegine

100g sweet potato

1 cup pasatta


tin of lentil soup



2 apples and peanut butter

2 bananas

40g sultanas

24 almonds

12 dates

protein and carb shake after working out

and protein shake before bed

green smoothie with ground oats


531.4 carbs 194.1g protein and 95.8g fat

gives me 56.5/20.6/22.9 and 3,764 calories

im 5'11 and 178lbs


how does this look? is it balanced enough for steady gains?

Edited by klaatu21
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Definitely make sure you do a weekly weigh-in and be mindful of how you feel intaking that many carbs and adjust accordingly. I know, personally, I have a hard time with a high volume of food but people have no problem with it. Other than that, it looks solid. Also make sure you try and change it up, too, so you don't get tired of the same foods day-in and day-out.


Also, just so you know, meal-timing isn't super important so don't stress about always getting your shakes in PWO and pre-bed.

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Is it flavoured? If so try this:


Mix 1 scoop of pea protein with 250ml (8oz) ice cold water, pour it over your weetabix in place of the milk for a change every now and then, it's delicious, trust me!


If it is unflavoured pea protein, throw in a sachet of stevia or something to sweeten it when shaking it with the water.

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Is it flavoured? If so try this:


Mix 1 scoop of pea protein with 250ml (8oz) ice cold water, pour it over your weetabix in place of the milk for a change every now and then, it's delicious, trust me!


If it is unflavoured pea protein, throw in a sachet of stevia or something to sweeten it when shaking it with the water.


I do stuff like this all the time. My girlfriend calls it "protein voodoo." Haha.

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My girlfriend says I'm powered by vegan magic because I'm always full of beans(no pun intended) and never get ill


"Beans, beans, the Magick Fruit, the more you eat 'em, the more you toot!"


Seriously though, have you considered that it may be your training routine and not your diet? If you are doing the same routine for a while (my case is usually about 2 mos) your body will adapt and you'll hit a sticking point. And if you aren't progressively loading (increasing volume or weight) during each workout then you aren't progressing, period. You have to change something up which can be many things; training frequency, reps, sets, lifting (and lowering) speed, rest time between sets, etc.


For myself all I do is change rep ranges. I'll do 12-15 reps for a while, 8-10 reps, and at that point my muscles are needing a huge kick in the pants so I go down to reps for strength at 3-5. After that I take a couple weeks off and go back into the high reps.


I learned this little trick doing HST. Google it if interested. Not many people are because there is a HUGE amount of science behind it and its not the most "mainstream" of programs which is intimidating. For myself, the geek in me fell in love!


For now, I'm doing my own compromise which again is what I posted above. I may go back to doing strictly HST in the future though. Will see if my joints and endurance levels can hold up to it.



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Yeah I'm always changing it up, I work with a trainer so he keeps me pushing my self to failure, I've only been training for three months though so I might just be impatient, there has been small gains in time from no nutritional disciplin so I'm going all guns blazing, I'll check that out because I'm a major geek haha

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ok so ive been training hard and consistently but not making much gain so i thought it was my nutrition so heres my plan



4 weetabix

2 cups oat milk

agave nectar

flax, sunflower, pumpkin seeds


1 cup quinoa

1 cup black beans

1 cup onion

1 cup aubegine

100g sweet potato

1 cup pasatta


tin of lentil soup



2 apples and peanut butter

2 bananas

40g sultanas

24 almonds

12 dates

protein and carb shake after working out

and protein shake before bed

green smoothie with ground oats


531.4 carbs 194.1g protein and 95.8g fat

gives me 56.5/20.6/22.9 and 3,764 calories

im 5'11 and 178lbs


how does this look? is it balanced enough for steady gains?


I am just some guy on the internet with no credentials but I think your diet is half of the reason you are not making gains. The other half could be your exercise routine. At least you are vegan and you are trying. Props to you! Do you not like to eat leafy greens? If you can handle pea protein you can surely handle kale and spinach. Maybe your green smoothie is the sole source? I also say cut out all of the wheat. The other grains are plenty. If you gotta have an apple make it a granny smith. Drop the peanut butter and use almond butter and walnut. Dates are also at bottom of my list. Easy on the nanners too. I also think your calories are through the roof. If you are at a wall you sound like a good candidate for intermittent fasting. Eat only during an 8 hour window and drink only water and tea for 16 hours (details at leangains.com if interested). Try something simple at the gym for a month like squat day, dead lift day, and bench day with a day of rest between or light cardio. Do 4 sets of 5 reps and only be able to complete 3 or so on last set. My critique may be wrong, but I am just some guy on the internet with no credentials... So feel free to critique my critique.

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Yeah the shake is where I get my greens, how many calories do you suggest? Im not at a wall I'm only still finding my feet, and how does fasting help? Surely if your hungry you should eat


I think eliminating ALL wheat would get you into the 2500 range. I think a lot of effort is used battling the GMO that some call "wheat" these days. How does fasting help? That's what I said not long ago. Though many have success with traditional frequent meals and eating wheat, they could possibly make their journey a lot easier. The world is not flat after all... Even if you don't try it, you owe it to yourself to look into intermittent fasting (IF). Lots of threads on various forums in which initially skeptical minds converted to IF with great results. Check out leangains.com it is at the very least an interesting read.

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so whats your typical days nutrition>


For the last 5 weeks pretty low. I only drink tea and water until noon. 5 minute before lunch I do an apple cider vinegar (ACV) shot. Lunch is usually spinach, broccoli, cabbage, avacado with olive oil/ACV garlic dressing. Maybe some nuts and algae (Chlorella/spirulina) around 2. Drink a shake around 3 (half before and half after workout) with almond or coconut milk, blueberries, kale, vega or similar, bcaa+g, creatine. Dinner at 5 or 6 similar to lunch but add beans, wild rice, asparagus, brussel sprouts, sometimes tofu, etc.. Maybe nuts and algae to snack 7 or so. At 8pm I drink a half shake and don't eat again until noon the next day. I take a couple supps here and there, glutamine, reversatrol etc. but don't sweat it to go without for months. I might pick up the calories if I feel the need but at the moment just enjoying getting lean and feeling peppy!

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there are only 240 cals of carbs from wheat in my diet, so why do you fast?


I don't have an allergy to wheat but I did find I have a sensitivity to wheat through process of elimination. Shoot I think everyone does! Then I discovered a book called "Wheat Belly" that more than reaffirmed my belief about wheat. You are a healthy guy, it would only take you a few days to get over wheat withdrawls if you stopped cold turkey. And I mean ALL wheat. Then when you get hungry it will be just that, hunger, and not a craving for empty calories. Then IF is easy. As far as why I fast. Well because it makes me lose fat, feel good, and still gain muscle. Get the biological details of why and how IF works at www.leangains.com I never would have thought I would promote such a concept a year ago.

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Low calorie intake and putting on muscle just doesn't add up, what gains have you made? And you seem to be taking alot of supplements, why not just get the nutrition from your food?


Lately only supps are BCAA+G and Vega. I don't consider algae a supplement and I sometimes eat handfulls like candy. Lately minimal gains, mainly cut fat (198-182 so far). Will up the Cals a bit soon when reach target weight of 175 in attempt to reach 185 with muscle. But even then 2000 calories in an 8 hour window should be fine. Did you check out that link?

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Oh I don't count algae as a support either it's a whole food and I eat it every day, yeah I checked it out but no offence it seems like hokum to me, it's natural to graze through out the day, and I'd rather listen to my body, plus I'm trying to gain mass not lose it, I don't have much fat on me to lose as it is

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