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Jessica's Training Journal

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Thank you! Things have been good. Been struggling as always to cut down a bit more but still working out and diet has improved. Spent a good while mostly focused on cardio but i find it so boring and unfulfilling that i finally decided to return my focus to lifting. i try to continue some cardio, especially jump roping but the change has remotivated me )

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I've spent the last few months mostly focusing on cardio in an effort to cut down on body fat but ended up just starting to dislike working out so now i am happily back to weights, however, am already noticing some improvement as I have managed to decrease my appetite and eat much healthier now. Also trying to do more running but running has always been one of those things I want to love but just don't, at least for long distances. So i am working on trying to run 3 times a week and slowly increase the distance.

Also happy to say my one rep maxes for a lot of exercises have increased . I can bench 70kg, deadlift 110kg, and squat 100kg.


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