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How to build up to being able to do pullups/chinups/pushups?

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Hi there, I have been in kind of a workout rut. I am wanting to take on p90x for something new, to hopefully help me past this weight loss plateau, and get more fit, but there is a pretty major issue. I cant do a single pushup, chinup, or pullup lol. What do you guys recommend to do to build up the strength to be able to do these things? Thanks!

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Haylee, the best thing you can do is start small. Push ups from your knees are a great way to start! If you can't do that, or just want to build up some strength you can do 'negatives'. Negatives really helped me with my pull ups/chins. What you'll want to do is have a platform, or jump, up to the top position and lower yourself as slowly as possible. I think if you look up Scooby and Pull Ups on YouTube he has a really good explanation for it. I'm definitely not a beast when it comes to this stuff, but from what people tell me and from what I've found the only good way to get better at push ups and pull ups is to do push ups and pulls ups

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Resistance band assisted pullups/chinups are great for building up strength if you have access to them. Work from a thick band down to a thin band. Higher reps of around sets of 10 work well.




We use just the one band most of the time, but for a beginner you might want to use 2 so it doesn't fuck up your balance.




Pushups - can you do pushups on your knees? That's always a good start

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I read that a good way to work your way up to chin ups is to do some in the morning, as many as you can (doesn't matter if they're assisted or not) and then some more later that evening before you go to bed. Do this every day and eventually, you should be able to do a decent amount of chin-ups.

I haven't tried this myself, however. I don't have a pull-up bar.. But when I visit my niece I try to do some chin ups on her jungle gym lol!

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