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Problem with legumes

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I noticed that i have a really big problem with legumes(beans,soy,lentils,chickpeas).Lentils by far gave me the worst side effects but it seems all of the above give me breathing difficulties,headaches,throat tightness,gastrointestinal problems,water retention,gas etc...Typical allergy symptoms.This sucks because i love all of the foods above.My body feels much better if i don't eat them but how can i bulk without all legumes?

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Hemp, quinoa, yams and sweet potatoes, mushrooms, mushroom or gluten based veggie meat, nuts and nut butters. I've been into quinoa bread and quinoa pastas a lot lately. They are getting easier to find at grocery stores now.

I mean this are examples of some of your best non-legume options but there is tons of stuff to eat out there to help you put on healthy calories and give you protein. I recent had a convo with a friend about how meat eaters always ask vegans so you can't eat anything but salad? Its funny because the amount of fruits, vegetables and grains out numbers the amount of meats and cheeses by hundreds of items.



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Hemp, quinoa, yams and sweet potatoes, mushrooms, mushroom or gluten based veggie meat, nuts and nut butters. I've been into quinoa bread and quinoa pastas a lot lately. They are getting easier to find at grocery stores now.

I mean this are examples of some of your best non-legume options but there is tons of stuff to eat out there to help you put on healthy calories and give you protein. I recent had a convo with a friend about how meat eaters always ask vegans so you can't eat anything but salad? Its funny because the amount of fruits, vegetables and grains out numbers the amount of meats and cheeses by hundreds of items.




i thought mushrooms are for other purposes, if you know what i mean lol.Qinoa is a tough one, i like it but 100 grams of quinoa costs as much as 1000 grams of oats so it's pretty expensive.Hemp protein powder with some white rice will be a good combo,i like potatoes, they really are the perfect food.I can eat 1 kg of potatoes per meal, they are cheap,delicious and easy to digest.This is the pasta i eat, i am very satisfied.It's very easy to prepare http://www.google.rs/imgres?um=1&hl=sr&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=603&tbm=isch&tbnid=x14vxxL1zBs3dM:&imgrefurl=http://texassisterscook.blogspot.com/2011/10/easy-gluten-free-pasta-with-chicken.html&docid=NtQ_1voL1qskoM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AO2W66-FbFA/Tot4kj76nAI/AAAAAAAACkA/V1R6NaZKJN4/s1600/IMG_1246.jpg&w=1195&h=1600&ei=C2TFT4DGM43LswbLpMzDAw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=319&sig=118333045644470767361&page=2&tbnh=137&tbnw=102&start=19&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:19,i:129&tx=59&ty=77

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I used to love mushrooms until I thought about the fact that they are just fungus. Umm no thanks! lol


that is an interesting signature.However bible is very contradictory.

Check out genesis 1:26 and genesis 9:3

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1:26 - dominion means "dominant" not "torture to death and eat"


9:3 - man was living to be over 900 yrs until God shortened the (general) generation (at the time) to around 120 yrs.


Even in that latter verse you say is contradictory God Himself refers back to Gen 1:29 (even as the green herb I have given you all things)

Direct intervention by higher intelligence isn't contradiction, it is a change of the situation for the grand scheme of things.


For you, I suggest YOU "check out" Daniel 1:12-16 which is a blatant demonstration of what a vegan diet does over others.


Through more and more stem cell research scientists are just now starting to discover the fact that our nerve cells can regenerate spanning centuries. How many centuries? They don't know, but it is many. But for some reason the body (of today) degenerates at a much higher rate of speed and can't keep up. At the same time doctors are coming into agreement that meat causes deGENERATION in the human body.


What a coinky, the whole thing. Maybe people should think about what has already been written.


I have the verse in my signature not for unbelievers, but for those who already believe and know the truth of God's Word. I didn't post it for someone to find interesting only in a manner with which to verbally bash and debate in threads that have nothing to do with it.

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For you, I suggest YOU "check out" Daniel 1:12-16 which is a blatant demonstration of what a vegan diet does over others.


good stuff.I don't get the WINE thing.It is everywhere in the bible yet alcohol is a well know toxin even in the smallest ammounts.

Plant diet is superior to a meat eating one but plants are also living beings, i believe humans were bretherians before the Fall of men.The fall started with eating solid foods.Honestly eating is a pain in the ass, it's like a choire.We would be much better without food.

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Did you guys see that guy that got an anti gay tattoo that quoted that bible saying it is wrong to be gay and then someone took his picture and points out another bible quote that says its wrong to have tattoos. Hilarious. I respect everyone's beliefs but too many people think they can just turn a quote from the bible into whatever they want it to mean and hate others because of it. That is called stupidity in my book. (Just to clarify, my book is not the bible, haha).



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That's because people don't know the whole bible. It takes commitment (sacrifice) to understand it as it is written. It isn't fast food.


Edit: and sorry if I came across as harsh or defensive. It's just that people can be quite argumentative, rash, and ugly on the subject.

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I noticed that i have a really big problem with legumes(beans,soy,lentils,chickpeas).Lentils by far gave me the worst side effects but it seems all of the above give me breathing difficulties,headaches,throat tightness,gastrointestinal problems,water retention,gas etc...Typical allergy symptoms.This sucks because i love all of the foods above.My body feels much better if i don't eat them but how can i bulk without all legumes?


Ignoring all the ridiculous bible related posts and getting back on the subject...sorry to hear about your allergy. I used to suffer from serious gas problems from legumes and found cooking them with some kombu makes them far more digestible, so if anyone just suffers from gas/digestive problems they should try this.

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Fruits and veggies contain all the protein you will ever need to build muscle. You don't need anything "high protein" or any protein powders.


If baby's breast milk only contains 2.5-5% protein for something doubling in size a rapid rate then the percentage is quite adequate for me to repair what damage I did to some fibers in my shoulders on a given day, or legs, or chest, or whatever. It certainly isn't going to require hundreds of grams of the stuff.

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Fruits and veggies contain all the protein you will ever need to build muscle. You don't need anything "high protein" or any protein powders.


Fruits/vegetables are low in both protein and calories.1 banana has like 1 gram of protein,100 grams of zuchini has 3grams of protein.

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Hey I was just thinking. Do you do well with grains? There is corn, corn flour, pasta, etc and then there are all the wheat products (bread, pasta, and even meat replacement products) that are higher in protein content than fruits and veggies.


There's also oatmeal and various others I'm probably not thinking of.

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