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So, what parts of your body annoy you?


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Okay this isn't really a post along the lines of "I hate that bit of fat there" and so on. Everyone's body is different and I think we all have bits that we can't do squat about.


For example, I have very thick and large bones, my ribs are HUGE and come out past my hips (quite a bit) so even at my (fit) heaviest, 170lbs they stick out soo much that someone thought I was literally starving. Also my waist/hip bones are very dense and thick meaning my waist wont really drop below a 34


What about you?

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hey, abs and chest drive me nuts! everywhere else leans out much sooner and easier. abs and chest always seem to stay behind for much longer. also being really tall is a curse and a blessing, i like being tall but its harder to look bigger. but wouldnt change any of it, just gotta keep training!

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  • 6 months later...

I am annoyed most by all of the parts I can change, but somehow choose not to. Fat mass, muscle mass, posture, etc. Everything else is stuck, and I'm not big on plastic surgery, so everything else is what I care about changing, but I haven't even gotten around do doing THAT yet, so I guess I am most annoyed by my brain.

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My stomach right now. Not fat but my actual stomach. I keep getting ulcers. Screws up all my gains. Have to rest and eat a bland diet until it gets better(which takes at least a month... took me 5 because I kept cheating on the diet and making it worse). Not sure what is causing them. Last time my diet was horrible so I wasn't surprised. This time my diet was pretty good at least by my standards. No soda, coffee, very limited junk food.


Going to try running this time. It's too depressing to lift for a few months then be chair

bound watching all my results go away. Maybe add body weight if I feel like it, like pushups/pullups.


On a positive note I did cut during that time. Lost about 20 lbs.

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My little toes, no idea what the deal is, but they rest on top of the toe next to it permanently. Know idea how to get it fixed, always makes me a bit self conscious taking of ma shoes tho!

Mine are exactly the same, nice to know I am not some kind of weirdo freak haha


haha for real!!!??? Never seen it elsewhere before. We should have been in the hobbit haha

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Decided to look up about myself and MF's toes, turns out its a condition called brachymetatarsia. Essentially its a growth defect, the bone stops growing for any number of reasons. I vaguely remember having these shoes that I literally couldnt part ways even when they were way too small for me. Im guessing this is the reason I have it. Jennifer Garners toes look exactly like mine!

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