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Your goals for the year?

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My three main goals for this year...


** Break the 451 raw dealift record for the 130-145lb class

** Get a 1,000+ total

** Defend my title and win my weight class at the Raw Champs again (would be for the third consecutive year). Also would like to get on the podium and better my 4th place overall from last year.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Squat: at least 220lbs

Deadlift: 330

Benchpress: 140? I really need to work on my bench press technique, that's for sure. And it's sooo uninspiring to se guys race ahead while I'm stuck at 100 lbs.


Overall goal is to qualify for norwegian championships next year. In order to do that I need to hit 65olbs total. I'm at 462 now.

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Goals for December 2013: 300/400/500 lbs Bench/Squat/Deadlift


End of 2012: 245/365/460 (end of 2012 lifts)


End of 2011: 200x5/300x5/405x1


Didn't gain a lot of strength in 2012, but I took a few deloads and breaks from the gym, and the last 6 months was slow progress on Wendler's 5/3/1. I'm expecting much better from this year!

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  • 1 month later...

Jan- 50 pushups am & 50pm

Feb- 60 push am & 60pm

Mar- 70 push am/pm & 10 pullups am/pm



Every month I up the pushups by 10 and will up the pullups by 5.


I would like to get my bodyfat down, but keep my size and strength.


I want to keep my bench and squat at 315 for more than one rep.

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Good goals ~ your bench and squat seem really disproportionate though? You're only just benching a little over your bodyweight, but that squat is massive ?!


Are you male or female?


Do you mean me? Lol. If so then yes I am female. I have a really weak bench.



Nice! That's some serious weight to throw around at 130#!


Thanks! Hoping for more by the end of 2013

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Post them up in here and let's see if we can hit them


MY goal? Hmmmmm. I'm at 385/550/605 (bench/squat/dead lift) and in the 1500lb. club. My total is 1540. I'd like to have my current weight of 248 drop to 220 and stay in the 1500lb. club. MAYBE 215 for my weight, we'll see.


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  • 6 months later...

Last minute entry


1) Win this year's RAW IPF nationals. Got 2 other competitors in the 74 kg class who are strong as hell, so this is gonna be a challenge.


2) Whilst achieving no 1 set national records in the total and deadlift and thus achieve the qualification total for our national team (won't be able to join yet, though, due to some stupid policies).


3) in numbers: any total above 545 kg would make me happy, 585 would be awesome. squat of 200 kg would be great and 250 deadlift does also have a nice ring to it


all very hard to do, especially since i only have a few weeks left. Let's do it!

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

Goals for this year are to have a smooth transition to a Vegan Diet and maintain bodyweight of 198.


Geared 800 SQUAT, 550 BENCH, 600 DEADLIFT


By the way for any pointers you have for me on the Vegan Powerlifting lifestyle feel free to hit me up.

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