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Hi from the UK


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Hello all,


I am new to being a vegan and new to bodybuilding although I have messed with weights for a few years I have never built muscle only toned.


I am 37 years young and I practice yoga daily (due to lower back pain), this helps to make me supple and clears my head for the day. I have a squat rack (new), weight bench and some free weights. I understand the principals of weight training in terms of nutrition and exercise/rest. The area I want help on is strengthening my lower back so that I can continue passed the first few weeks of any program.


I start the program to bulk and all is going well but then as I increase the weight my back starts to niggle and in the end I cannot lift due to the pain in certain positions. I have focused on my lifting technique by gaining advice and using the internet to ensure I am doing the lifts correct. How do I build my lower back enough to embark on a full bulk program.


Any tips would be appreciated, I am 75kgs and want to put on a modest 20kgs of muscle approximately. The back needs sorting first, then any tips on the quantity and type of food as well as the exercises I could do would be appreciated. There is a lot of conflicting information on the internet.


Thanks in advance



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Definitely, keep a training and food log with us here in the log section of the forum. Try using the search function for the key word "back" or anything similar, back strengthening and injuries get talked about a lot.

Welcome to the group Badgerman!



Honey badger don't care, honey badger don't give a shit.



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I'm also in the UK and new here, just moseying through the site at the moment. Have you looked at The Alexander Technique? Although I agree with Mrbear666 about Osteopathy and Chiropractors, Alexander Technique will look at the long term solutions and changing posture habits permanently. There should be quite a bit of choice where you are, you can potentially find a teacher who also has experience of weight lifting and nutrition too. Good luck

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Aye, but everyone in the UK seems to be in the South at the moment! The vegans I know in Scotland all seem to be solely into the ethics side of things; when I mention veganism for health and fitness I'm still met with bemusement. Home of the deep friend Mars Bar and all that.

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Rossco, Yes I went to the Isle of Wight festival 3 yrs in a row just a couple of years back.


Nice to see so many UK people on here, I will put my training log on the appropriate thread.


I have tried the Bowen Technique which did work and is similar to the Alexander Technique. I worked out today and my back is fine at present so fingers crossed.

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Hey Badgerman,


I've considered Alexander Technique for posture and would be interested to know how you found the Bowen technique. I must admit I thought it was quite far out on the alternative therapy spectrum of weirdness. But maybe not?

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Tom -


Just to leap in and defend Bowen - not at all far out, and very effective. My parents owned an alternative/natural health centre when I was growing up; my Dad was a Bowen practitioner among other things, my Mum an Alexander Technique teacher. Like anything it depends on the therapist, but for posture however and after years of watching clients come and go, and seeing what results they wanted/achieved, I'd still say Alexander Technique every time.


Badgerman - Great to hear you've found something that seems to be working, fingers crossed like you say

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