AndiMorris Posted September 18, 2013 Share Posted September 18, 2013 I'm hearing you on GTA V. It arrived yesterday, but I've only had about an hour to play on it so far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted September 18, 2013 Author Share Posted September 18, 2013 My girlfriend and I have been trading off playing time and I feel like all of our free time in the past 36 hours has been devoted to GTA. It's definitely harder than the last one but it's so pretty and fun. I've played for hours already and I've only done a couple missions because there's just so much to explore and do. Definitely taking advantage of extra GTA time for rest day today!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
esqinchi Posted September 18, 2013 Share Posted September 18, 2013 When you say "lab" do you mean computer, or science? If the latter, I have an old friend who worked in the NWU science labs (I believe), along with her sister. She recently moved though, to Cleveland (again, I believe). Maybe that is a good enough description without mentioning her name specifically. Nice workout the other day. I think its easy to fall into something that feels comfortable, and I guess that's ok to do if you force yourself to mix it up now and then; diet included. Now that you mention it, I might have to go pick up a copy of GTAV. I haven't bought any new games in years, and my birthday is right around the corner, so I'd say it is justified. Edit! My friend moved to Ann Arbor, MI... Just to clarify. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted September 19, 2013 Author Share Posted September 19, 2013 Science lab! I work with a group studying nanostructures and biomaterials for use in healing spinal cord injuries and locally distributing therapeutics for cancer. I love my job, and the Northwestern campus is just beautiful. It's nice to climb out of the city up here to the burbs for some open air every day Yeah I'm trying to keep myself really open about my programming. I really like and tend to thrive on structure in my day to day life, but I think when I'm in the gym and have to work around other people it becomes better for me to just get flexible. I figure that if I have an idea of which body parts I want to hit and good knowledge of my own musculature and strength, I can throw together a plan for the day on the fly depending on how busy everything is and what equipment is getting used. I'm liking the option of using machines now and then, especially for just killin a burn set at the end of a workout. The tracking/isolation makes burn sets really easy and it makes me feel completely worked out. I'd definitely recommend GTA V! Especially if you don't play many other games, and especially if you like open world RPGs. It's got hours and hours and hours of play value, so you get a lot of bang for your buck. The graphics are really stunning, as well, with really beautiful landscapes. Treat yo' self! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted September 19, 2013 Author Share Posted September 19, 2013 Yesterday was a rest day, and an extremely needed one, at that. I felt pretty okay throughout the day but it just hit me like a ton of bricks when I got home and everything was sore. It’s okay though, I got some extra time in on GTA The worse throughout the day was my wrists and forearms. I’m going to start doing some rehab on my grip and focusing on grip strength overall in the coming weeks. Long story short, I’ve got some pre-existing stress injuries to my forearms and wrists resulting from a lot of bike riding for long distances with a really aggressive posture (I use bullhorns now and a bike with better fitting geometry, but I was young and foolish once) and playing bass in a metal band as if I was a lead guitar player… ugh. Oh well. My mother (who’s a PT but works more with seniors than athletes) helped me with some rehab but I fell behind on it and now that I’m starting to lift really heavy again the pain is really starting to flare up again. I got some good advice here about what I could do in terms of rehabbing my wrists or changing my lifting techniques. I’ll be working with a stress ball and doing a lot of squeezes throughout the day and I’m going to start doing bar hangs a few times a day with the bar I’ve got at home. After a couple weeks I’m going to start in with some static holds with ~95% deadlift 1RM. It’ll be slow but it’s the best thing to do. After my lifting today I think I’ve noticed that it’s really my deads that set it off and then any sort of bicep curls really exacerbate the situation.So, rehab rehab rehab, and then when I’m feeling a little stronger I’m going to look into getting some Fat Gripz and working those in. I want my hands to be strong as heeeelllll. Marathon, not a race! Bench Press5x45lbs5x55lbs5x60lbs5x65lbs5x73lbs5x70lbs Military Press10x35lbs4x10x45lbs Kroc Rows 3x10x40lbs Incline Dumbbell Fly 10x12lbs10x12lbs10x15lbs Machine Chest Press2x10x60lbs Rope Tricep Pushdown3x10x36lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted October 1, 2013 Author Share Posted October 1, 2013 missed gettin to the gym yesterday so i made up for it today, hittin deads with arms and shoulders. it was a big one.wait for it. are you ready?5x200lbs trap bar deadlifts. boom. ready to compete. let’s get it on. Trap Bar Deadlift10x125lbs10x145lbs10x165lbs8x175lbs5x200lbs8x175lbs8x175lbs Military Press3x10x45lbs (supersets with…)EZ-Bar Curl3x10x45lbs Rope Pushdowns10x36lbs2x10x48lbs Dumbbell Bench Press3x10x20lbs (this one was burnin’ out from those pushdowns, my tri’s are going to be sore as hell) I’m feelin really ready to register for a powerlifting meet (ideally a deadlift only meet just for starters, but I’d do all three if presented with the option), but all of the information I’m finding for Chicago seems to be outdated. Are powerlifting federations really horrible at having a web presence? I have a few friends that might know about competing in the area that I’m going to ask, but if any of you might have a notion of what my next step should be let me know! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted October 3, 2013 Author Share Posted October 3, 2013 went in did work moved heavy shit Trap Bar Deadlift w/Shrugs5x10x95lbs Dumbbell Side Bend3x10x45lbs (superset with…)Alternating Dumbbell Curls3x10x20lbs T-Bar Rows5x10x80lbs Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown3x10x72lbs EZ-Bar Preacher Curls2x15x35lbs10x35lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted October 7, 2013 Author Share Posted October 7, 2013 The weekend was excellent, I had a lot of rest time and a little bike ride with my girl on Sunday that was the cherry on top. A month or so ago I got her to start drinking protein shakes with me in the morning, and this weekend she said she wants to join my gym. I’m not gonna fight it! Also, Northwestern admins said I could put her on my gym membership as my spouse even though we do not have a civil union. So much excellence (also, A+ Northwestern, very good, I’m pleased).I’ve been doin some research into how to get my biceps REALLY BIG. I know that it’s not a very good sign of functional strength and that bicep size is largely aesthetic, but it’s something I want. If I don’t have to sacrifice my dead/squat strength to get it, then I want it. Anyway, I went poking around and found some good evidence to completely quit using the EZ-Bar and to start working in one arm preachers: maximum isolating from the bench and then isolating only one arm to prevent the strong arm from overcompensating for the weak arm, causing the discrepancy to grow. I have noticiably more size and strength in my right arm than my left arm, and I know it will even out eventually but I’d like to coax it in that direction a little more directly. One-arm curls will help with that. I also worked in a straight barbell curl today and it feels wildly different from the EZ-bar. I fear that using the EZ-bar has further coddled my already weak forearms and wrists, and hopefully reverting to the straight bar at this point will help to counteract that. I’m still learning every day about my body and the functionality of my muscles. It’s just fascinating.I also completely re-wrote out a new program for myself this morning, and we’ll see how it goes. OHP10x35lbs8x45lbs8x50lbs8x55lbs6x50lbs6x45lbs Dumbbell Bench Press10x25lbs3x10x20lbs (superset with…)One-Arm Preacher Dumbbell Curls4x10x15lbs Barbell Curls8x45lbs8x45lbs6x45lbs Tricep Pushdown (straight bar)10x48lbs10x60lbs10x60lbs (superset with…)Dumbbell Front Raise3x10x10lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted October 15, 2013 Author Share Posted October 15, 2013 I took a little bit of an extended break last week after taking a good tumble off of my bike on wednesday. I still have quite a few angry looking bruises but nothing hurts too much any more. I went for another ride on Saturday to make sure that I got right back on the saddle and wouldn't be feeling nervous about it. Everything felt great and I got back into the gym on Monday. I've been noticing more and more progress lately and I'm so happy. I feel like my lifts have been going very well, weights are moving up, I'm putting on mass, and I just feel solid. I'm going to go watch my first powerlifting meet ever this weekend and I'm really excited about it. I know I'm not quite ready to compete yet but I really want to go see what it's like and what it's all about and just get a peek at what my local competition might look like. I think with my maxes right now I could be pretty competitive in my weight class, and even more competitive if I dropped to 124 lbs (sitting ~128 lbs right now). Winning isn't even the point, though. It's just competing that's the point, and pushing myself. Everything about training just feels so good right now. Monday's Session Bench Press10x45lbs10x55lbs10x65lbs5x75lbs5x75lbs3x85lbs Military Press 10x55lbs10x50lbs8x50lbs (switched from EZ-bar to standard barbell, feels different but better. it’ll take me a couple weeks to work up to my normal weights with the standard bar, i think.) Barbell Bicep Curl10x45lbs10x50lbs10x50lbs Incline Bench Press3x10x50lbs One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curls13x15lbs2x10x15lbs Plate Front Raise3x10x25lbs Machine Chest Press10x55lbs10x60lbs10x55lbs Tuesday's Session Squats6x65lbs6x95lbs6x115lbs6x135lbs3x145lbs Trap Bar Deadlifts w/Shrugs at the Top10x105lbs10x115lbs10x135lbs10x135lbs Leg Press3x10x300lbs Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns3x10x84lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mini Forklift Posted October 15, 2013 Share Posted October 15, 2013 Sorry to hear about your bike fall, I've had a few of them and they're never fun. How is your grip strength coming along, you throwing any of those exercises into your workouts? If you are looking at a powerlifting comp then it's worth doing as by the time you get to DL's you are already pretty tired. Best place to search for meets (from what I hear) is this site here: All the best with your training Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted October 15, 2013 Author Share Posted October 15, 2013 Hey MF!Yeah the fall was definitely a scary one but I was lucky I was out of the way of traffic and not banged up so bad that I couldn't pull myself and my bike off to the side of the road and safety. I haven't had too many serious falls but this one shook me up. My knees are still pretty heavily bruised and I've got a few bruises on my face but nothing that actually hurts anymore. The grip strength is still a battle, but I think that it's one that I'm winning. I've been paying a lot of attention to my hand placement, and I've completely stopped using the EZ bar over the past two weeks. My grip feels stronger when I keep my hands in a little closer for DLs, and I think that using a standard barbell instead of an EZ bar for things like curls is forcing my wrists and forearms to actually pull their weight. I've been doing squeezes at home and during free time as well, which I can only assume is contributing. Right now it still feels like a slow road, but it's definitely getting better. Thanks for checking in!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted October 18, 2013 Share Posted October 18, 2013 Nice lifting, especially those trap bar deadlifts! On grip strength - one thing that I feel helped me was doing conventional deadlifts with double overhand grip. I would do all except my heaviest two sets with double overhand (at this point its anything over 315#). Heavy farmer's walks and volume heavy single arm rows were also good. Also, use chalk! Your grip will feel much more secure when your hands are truly dry. I use Eco Ball Chalk by Metolius ($6 on Amazon) which is non-marking and you don't need a whole lot of it like regular chalk. If your gym won't allow chalk the eco ball is a good way to sneak it in - just keep it in a plastic bag. It looks like chalk in the bag but you can barely see it on your hands and nothing on the bar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted October 19, 2013 Author Share Posted October 19, 2013 Thanks for the tips! I haven't actually used chalk ever, but it's something I'll look into! I'm keeping conventional deads in the rotation once a week and usually I use overhand grip until my last two sets, as well. My grip has been feeling better every time, definitely improving. Today I was running on way less sleep than usual and without any coffee, so I decided to just get in and move some weight around and get out. For the rest of the day I've been eating every single thing that comes into my path and I plan to fall asleep early and then get up early to go check out that meet tomorrow. If all goes well I'll be spending some serious time in the gym tomorrow afternoon. Overhead Press5x10x45 lbs (superset with...)Barbell Bicep Curl5x10x45 lbs Wide-Grip Incline Press5x10x50lbs (superset with...)Dumbbell Side Bends5x10x45lbs Also, here's a little aesthetics update, sitting solid at 129 lbs now: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asparagus Posted October 19, 2013 Share Posted October 19, 2013 Growing some muscles there, good work! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted October 19, 2013 Author Share Posted October 19, 2013 Thanks! I'm workin hard on it hah The meet was awesome. Biked a total of 28.8 mi there and back, took enough time at home to slam a Monster and eat a Builder bar and then bussed up to the gym… and spent an hour and a half moving shit around. Confirmed 1RM for deadlift with standard bar at 205 lbs. I feel extra fantastic. The meet definitely showed me that I have a LOT to work on but that competing within the next year isn’t out of the question. Just gotta work work work… and eat more. Deadlift6x95lbs6x115lbs6x145lbs6x165lbs6x185lbs3x195lbs1x205lbs Romanian Deadlifts3x10x125lbs Bent-Over Rows3x10x80lbs One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curls3x10x15lbs (superset with…)Kroc Rows 3x10x40lbs Leg Press10x300lbs10x310lbs10x320lbs10x330lbs10x340lbsCable Curls10x48lbs4x10x60lbs (superset with…)Tricep Pushdowns10x60lbs4x10x72lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted October 28, 2013 Author Share Posted October 28, 2013 I took the rest of last week off. Wednesday was on purpose, Thursday I took off from lack of sleep/adequate nutrition and stress… figured it would be counterproductive to my goals, so I laid low and tried to catch up on eating. This weekend my partner and I went camping with my whole family and our dogs – it was a blast. Lots of time in the car getting there and back combined with poor eating of the weekend though. Time to get back on top of things. OHP6x55lbs10x50lbs3x10x45lbs Barbell Curl4x10x50lbs Bench Press5x10x55lbs Tricep Pushdown3x10x60lbs Cable Curl3x10x48lbs Incline Dumbbell Fly3x10x12lbs Front Plate Raise3x10x25lbs Seated Cable Row10x60lbs10x72lbs15x48lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted October 29, 2013 Author Share Posted October 29, 2013 My hammies haven’t seen this much action since I first figured out RDLs. Great lower body/back day today. Feelin totally solid. Maybe the trib/dhea off-cycle stuff is in my head. My deads didn’t suffer at all today. If anything, I felt stronger in my lockouts than ever. Added in weighted glute bridges, first time trying them, and I can already tell they’re going to be permanent in the rotation. Another confirmation of my 205 1RM deadlift today, too. Next week I’m throwing an extra 5 lbs on there at the end. My upperbody strength has increased to the point where I consistently feel my lats working on the pull-downs instead of feeling the load through my arms, which is excellent. Deadlift6x115lbs6x135lbs6x155lbs6x175lbs4x195lbs1x205lbs**10x165lbs Squat10x65lbs10x75lbs10x85lbs10x90lbs10x90lbs Loaded Glute Bridges10x45lbs4x10x55lbs Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown10x84lbs4x10x72lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted November 5, 2013 Author Share Posted November 5, 2013 Monday...Friday I went in and got things done quick and simple. Thursday I played hooky and had a ridiculously lush day at home instead with my girlfriend. Now it’s monday and I’m back in the game! The biggest issue I’m running into with training right now is just making sure I eat enough, which I’m attempting to combat by stuffing my face with every vegan food item that comes within reach. It’s tough, but someone’s gotta do it OHP10x55lbs10x50lbs10x50lbs10x45lbs Barbell Curl10x50lbs10x50lbs10x50lbs10x45lbs Wide-Grip Incline Press3x10x45lbs Plate Front Raise3x10x25lbs Tricep Pushdowns3x10x72lbs Cable Curls3x10x48lbs Cable Rows3x10x72lbs Machine Chest Press10x55lbs10x55lbs10x60lbs Then... On Tuesday...DEADLIFT DAY DEADLIFT DAY DEADLIFT DAYPicked up 215 lbs today, feelin like a champion. The lockout at 215 was a little weak but it was good at 210 so regardless I’ve got a solid new PR. The only 1RM I’m really comfortable testing by myself is deads, but I might go for a squat 1RM later this week. My bench is so atrocious I don’t even want to think about it right now. Today was an excellent day for some back work, though. Deadlift6x135lbs6x145lbs4x165lbs3x185lbs1x205lbs1x210lbs1x215lbs10x165lbs Leg Press3x10x340lbs (superset with…)Kroc Rows3x10x45lbs Barbell Hip Thrust10x40lbs10x45lbs3x15x45lbs (last three sets superset with…)Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns3x10x77lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted November 8, 2013 Author Share Posted November 8, 2013 Focused on that bench yesterday, put up some solid numbers. I’ll be back in the gym for legs in a couple hours, but I had a few minutes so I thought I’d record yesterday’s chest day. I had to cut things short because I got an alert on my phone that I was 15 min away from a meeting (yikes!) when I still had a few sets left, but oh well. That’s life! Cable curls + tricep pushdowns with a straight bar are becoming one of my favorite upper body supersets, I find myself working them in a lot. I read an article this past week about how if you superset antagonistic muscles it actually helps them recover a little better… Now, I don’t know if this is exactly true but I do know my arms have been getting bigger again over the past two weeks since I started implementing that superset and using some barbell curls. Success! Bench Press6x45lbs6x55lbs6x65lbs6x75lbs4x80lbs4x85lbs4x85lbs3x90lbs* (new PR) Tricep Pushdowns3x10x72lbs (superset with…)Cable Curls3x10x60lbs Wide-Grip Incline Press (speed reps)3x10x55lbs (superset with…)Plate Front Raise3x10x25lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted November 8, 2013 Author Share Posted November 8, 2013 Went heavy on some squats today. I feel myself gaining more and more confidence with the bigger lifts and feeling more and more confident moving my weights up and trying for some heavy triples and doubles. Still seeing great improvements.Now that I’ve been testing my 1RM or calculating out from my heavier low rep sets, I thought it might be interesting to compare stats from June: June 2013BW 55.5kgSquat 70.5kgBench 43.0kgDead 70.5kgWILKS TOTAL 218 November 2013BW 57.5kgSquat 76.5kg (+6kg)Bench 43.0kg (+0kg)Dead 97.5kg (+27kg!!)WILKS TOTAL 249.7 I’m completely pleased with my progress. The bench is a little disappointing but I was expecting it. Although I feel a lot stronger with bench these days and I know my form is 100% better than it was 5 months ago, the actual weight hasn’t gone up. It’s okay though, I’m going to start blasting bench from now on, as well as starting a daily pushup challenge. Also, winter is hitting me hard and my appetite has been out of control – which is fantastic. I’d love to put on another 5-10lbs before spring, even if some of it is cushion and not muscle.Mostly I’m just super stoked about my deads and how much I killed squats today. Mostly I just love the gym and wish I could stay there forever and lift longer without having to compromise on my gains. Alas, 50 min in and out and then I’ve gotta rest up for next time. Squat6x65lbs6x95lbs6x115lbs6x135lbs6x145lbs4x155lbs3x155lbs (first three sets were supersetted with…)Loaded Glute Bridge3x10x45lbs Trapbar Deadlift and Shrug3x10x105lbs (superset with…)Dumbbell Side Bend3x10x45lbs Leg Press3x10x360lbs (superset with…)Cable Rows3x10x84lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted November 11, 2013 Author Share Posted November 11, 2013 Hi BodyByVi! I'm so glad you've found my posts helpful. I still feel like I'm learning so much and the information I've gleaned from these forums is invaluable. I have no idea how I blasted through my session so quickly today, but somehow I was in and out in ~35 min and feelin pumped. I’m going to stop neglecting my upper body lifts as much as I have been in the past. True, they’re not as fun and don’t make me feel like as much of a raging superbeast, but they’re worthwhile. Today was OHP day! OHP6x45lbs6x50lbs6x55lbs6x60lbs3x65lbs6x50lbsDumbbell Bench Press3x10x25lbs (superset with…)Preacher Hammer Curls (alternating)10x20lbs2x10x15lbs Lateral Raise3x10x10lbs (superset with…)Tricep Pushdown3x10x84lbs Plate Front Raise3x10x25lbs (superset with…)Barbell Curl3x10x45lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted November 13, 2013 Author Share Posted November 13, 2013 I switched up training for deads a little yesterday and did a bunch of heavyish-heavy singles and then threw a little volume on the end. For the last (volume) set I completely dropped the bar and re-set between each lift, but then pulled the bar right back up again without taking more than a second or so of pause. I got the idea from an article I read this past week, and I think that I liked it. I like the idea, and I felt it, and the burn was good, so maybe I’ll try it again next week.I also did a bunch of rest paused squats yesterday. I had planned to do box squats but there was no box to be found, so I just took some loooong pauses instead. The first set I spent ten full seconds under weight for each rep before coming up. The second and third I dropped it to five seconds under weight. I kept breathing through the pauses. It felt like torture and was fantastic.Scale showed 123 lbs this morning. Not pleased. I need to eat more. Deadlift10x45lbs5x95lbs3x115lbs1x135lbs1x155lbs1x165lbs1x185lbs1x205lbs1x215lbs1x215lbs1x205lbs1x195lbs18x165lbs Rest Paused Squat3x10x85lbs Cable Row10x84lbs10x84lbs10x77lbs (superset with…)Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown10x72lbs10x72lbs10x65lbs I was burnt out at the end of this. Those deads and squats did me in. Still biked three miles home in the wind Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted November 14, 2013 Author Share Posted November 14, 2013 In an attempt to get myself more excited about bench press… Today was bench press day! Yay!In complete seriousness though I think my chest press is getting a little bit better. I had an insane pec pump after today’s workout, and I don’t usually get that. I debated going to the gym today because last night I stayed out late drinking with coworkers and I wasn’t sure that I would feel up to it enough for it to be worth it… but I’m glad I went in. It was one of those days where I was telling myself that I just had to show up. I just had to put on my gym gear. I just had to go and get under the bar. And I managed to surprise myself with how hard I was able to go today, even with poor sleep and nutrition for the past day or so.I need to do more pushups. Bench Press10x45lbs6x55lbs6x65lbs6x75lbs3x85lbs1x95lbs1x95lbs6x75lbs OHP3x10x50lbs (superset with…)Barbell Curls10x50lbs10x55lbs10x60lbs Incline Dumbbell Flies3x10x15lbs (superset with...)Alternating Preacher Hammer Curl3x10x15lbs Machine Chest Press10x60lbs10x65lbs10x70lbs (superset with…)Machine Military Press2x10x50lbs Then I devoured an entire can of chickpeas for PWO nutrition. Now all I want to do is go home and cuddle up with my dogs and sleep. I need to rest up for tomorrow, when I’m gonna go hard as hell on some squats and try to put up some newer, shinier, bigger numbers. Also, yesterday I registered for a dodgeball league as my birthday present to myself. I'm pretty stoked on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted November 19, 2013 Author Share Posted November 19, 2013 Monday's Session OHP6x45lbs6x50lbs6x55lbs6x60lbs6x65lbs Incline Press3x10x65lbs (superset with…)Barbell Curl10x60lbs2x10x55lbs Plate Front Raise3x10x35lbs (superset with…)Skull Crushersssssss10x50lbs2x10x45lbs Dumbbell Lateral Raise3x10x12lbs (superset with…)Cable Curl3x10x60lbs Tuesday's Session Deadlift6x135lbs6x155lbs6x175lbs6x185lbs3x195lbs3x205lbs1x215lbs1x220lbs** (new 1RM) Squat10x85lbs2x10x95lbs (superset with…)Cable Rows3x10x84lbs Leg Press3x10x340lbs (superset with…)Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown3x10x77lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted December 4, 2013 Author Share Posted December 4, 2013 03Dec2013one thing that needs changing is my caloric intake before and after workouts. when i switched to my new creatine powder a couple months ago, i began noticing a pretty sore stomach consistently after workouts. i chalked it up to the new powder and stopped drinking it. now i’ve been lifting creatine free for a few weeks and the sore stomach is still there after lifting. it is worse on back/leg days, presumably because my body is under more stress on those days. the only thing i can guess is that when i hit my lactate threshold the sore stomach is my body’s response, and maybe i should be eating a very small portion of fruit or something similar pre-workout to counteract this. any thoughts or suggestions? i do not feel like i encountered this with my previous creatine. perhaps i should switch back to the previous creatine that i was using pre-workout, as i never noticed sore stomach with that and was always ready to eat immediately after getting back into my lab. the biggest downfall of the sore stomach now is that it kills my appetite, making it very difficult to get in my recovery calories. it’s an extra bummer when my appetite is already as low as it has been. i continue to struggle with total intake good news, my hands and grip are responding excellently to the switch from gloves to chalk. gettin callouses and i don’t miss the gloves. i love just feeling the bar in my hands now. a+. OHP10x45lbs3x10x50lbs (superset with…)Barbell Curl10x45lbs3x10x50lbs Dumbbell Press3x10x20lbs (superset with…)Skull Crushers3x10x40lbs Front Plate Raise3x12x25lbs (superset with…)Machine Chest Press3x10x55lbs Cable Row3x10x72lbs (superset with…)Tricep Pushdowns 3x10x77lbs Cable Curls3x10x48lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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