BeansNBroccoli Posted March 5, 2014 Author Share Posted March 5, 2014 I love The Following, I get excited every Tuesday when a new episode comes out on Hulu But actually my ravens are Huginn and Muninn from Norse mythology, I got them when I was 19 as a sign of pride in my heritage and because when I think about them it reminds me to take a deep breath and listen to the world around me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 5, 2014 Author Share Posted March 5, 2014 My hands are a little torn up, I'm completely exhausted, and I was sweating buckets until just a half hour ago or so. It's excellent days in the gym like today that make me wonder how I ever didn't train. Getting into the gym brings so much good and happiness into my life.Barbell squats were a little weaker than I would've liked, but I'm sure it's due to me hitting the pistols first. My quads were still on fire and I still felt sick (that's from GH, right?), so I figure I did good work Pistol Squats (counterbalanced with one 10lb dumbbell)4x5/leg (superset with...)Wide-grip Lat Pulldowns4x10x80lbs Squat15x65lbs5x95lbs5x115lbs5x135lbs4x165lbs5x145lbs5x145lbs SLDLs4x10x125lbs (superset with...)Incline Side Plank Hip Lift4x10 Incline Dumbbell Curls2x10x20lbs8x20lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
esqinchi Posted March 6, 2014 Share Posted March 6, 2014 Awesome pistol squats there for sure - totally legit! I'd never make it back up from that low. Looks like you are putting up some big numbers, so congrats! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 6, 2014 Author Share Posted March 6, 2014 For me the pistols actually feel most stable when I get that deep, and definitely the least stable right when I'm around parallel. It also means I get to take a little advantage of the bounce back at the bottom to propel me back up. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get rid of the counterweight and hit reps like this with no assistance And thanks!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted March 6, 2014 Share Posted March 6, 2014 Those pistols are badass! I've just remembered I put pistols on my "to achieve" list for 2014, but I don't think I've attempted a single one this year. I must rectify this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 6, 2014 Author Share Posted March 6, 2014 Those pistols are badass! I've just remembered I put pistols on my "to achieve" list for 2014, but I don't think I've attempted a single one this year. I must rectify this. Yeah, the pistols made me feel tough (and sweaty) as hell! I've been thinking about and making a few more bodyweight exercise goals for myself this year, like I want to be able to hit unassisted pistols for reps, I want to be able to human flag and dragon flag, and I want to be able to do one arm pushups. I've been working more core work into my sessions lately to hopefully help with that, and doing one arm pushups from inclines at home pretty much whenever to try to get myself there. Slowly but surely! But you should definitely go get some pistols in, they're awesome! Today was really good for the most part, but my hands are tired. I think three days on heavy in a row just may be too much for my grip. Luckily tomorrow is rest day, but not actually rest day because I have a dodgeball game Saturday I might take a little light too because I want to start working on some snatch progressions, but we'll see how it goes and how I'm feeling. Also I hit the forward and reverse incline fly superset again today, and loved it all over again. I think it might become a staple. My programming has been a little less organized the past few weeks, but I'm planning on starting the PowerBodybuilding plan in a few weeks when dodgeball is up and my Fridays aren't spoken for anymore.The big news of the day is that the scale at the gym put me at 133 lbs, which I think is the most I've weighed since I started lifting over a year ago. It makes sense because my hunger has been absolutely out of control, like I constantly feel like I need to eat. Last night I finished dinner and then had a huge helping of seconds... and then had a bowl of cereal... and I still woke up feeling like a starved beast. Something is definitely working right. However, that also means that my 2xBW deadlift is no longer 2xBW... 265lbs DL here I come! Close Grip Bench15x45lbs5x65lbs5x5x75lbs (last three superset with...)Lying Leg Raise3x10 (with hips coming off of the bench, working on progressions toward dragon flags) Incline Fly3x10x15lbs (superset with...)Reverse Incline Fly3x10x15lbs Lateral Raise3x12x10lbs (superset with...)Planks3x0:45 Tricep Pushdown10x70lbs2x10x80lbs (superset with...)Alternating Dumbbell OHP3x12x20lbs Straight Arm Pulldowns3x10x80lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maybenot Posted March 7, 2014 Share Posted March 7, 2014 what is your height? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 7, 2014 Author Share Posted March 7, 2014 5'5" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 10, 2014 Author Share Posted March 10, 2014 This weekend was pretty great for lifting. I went in Saturday afternoon and put in some solid work towards getting my hang snatch technique down - really found my flaws in overhead squat, but I'll be working on them. I've also decided to continue pulling snatchgrip from a deficit for the rest of the month and then I'll drop back down to the floor and we'll see what happens! Video at the bottom, I'm super open to any critique or criticism on form. Hang Snatch practice complexes w/just bar for 20 min Snatchgrip Deadlift from 4" deficit5x115lbs5x5x135lbs Cable Row3x10x100lbs Front Squat5x65lbs5x95lbs5x5x110lbs Pendlay Row5x5x95lbs Lateral Raise3x10x15lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 10, 2014 Author Share Posted March 10, 2014 Regarding form in my Snatchgrip video... It looks to me like I should probably widen my grip a little bit, because at the top of the lift it looks like the bar is a little below the hinge. Snatchgrip is really taking some getting used to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 11, 2014 Author Share Posted March 11, 2014 I keep checking on different scales because I don't quite believe it and didn't think it would stick around... but I weighed 137 on Saturday morning and the scale says the same thing this morning. I'm not sure how I packed on weight so quickly but I do know the past week I have been eating super big and my lifts are really starting to settle in. I'm just so hungry all the time now, and I don't ever fight it.Bench press came down 5 lbs this week from last week, because I knew that last week I was not coming all the way down to my chest and my form's gotta be perfect. I threw on extra reps instead. Bench felt really strong this week, though, full range of motion, touching my chest and pausing before pushing back up. I'm going to be throwing Overhead Squats onto Mondays and Thursdays, because I know I need to get stronger and more comfortable with it if I'm ever going to feel solid working up my snatch. The static hold with just the barbell for a minute or so for each set was pretty excruciating, but I was able to keep good form. Mostly I'm finding it important to think more about engaging my lats and pulling the weight back a little as I squat down. I have a lot to work on. My shoulders were absolutely on fire after yesterday's session.All of the OHS work inspired me to go pick up a foam roller yesterday, and I rolled all over for 45 min or so last night... game changer. My back has never felt so wonderful. Bench Press15x45lbs5x65lbs5x6x80lbs (last three superset with...)Face Pull3x10x80lbs OHS3x10x45lbs (superset with...)Incline Side Plank Hip Lift3x10 Incline Dumbbell Fly3x10x15lbs (superset with...)Incline Reverse Fly3x10x10lbs Lateral Raise3x10x10lbs (superset with...)Bench Dips3x10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EdensDemise Posted March 11, 2014 Share Posted March 11, 2014 what do you think about stronglifts 5x5? adding 5lbs at every workout?i am looking forward to start with the 12 weeks program Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 11, 2014 Author Share Posted March 11, 2014 I'm doing a little bit modified version of 5x5, basically shooting for 5x5 of two main compound lifts each day and then hitting accessory work generally more in the 3x10 range. I really like it so far, and I've been pretty steadily tacking on 5lbs each week to my lifts. This month I've changed things up a little bit (different deadlift variations, switching OHP for OHS work, adding in my abs), but I'm keeping the basics the same. So far I've brought my squat 1RM up 30lbs and my dead 1RM up 20lbs, and I'm pretty sure I've got way more than that in the tank now that I haven't tested for a few weeks. 5x5 definitely increased my hunger like crazy, as well. It's way more intense than I was previously training. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 12, 2014 Author Share Posted March 12, 2014 Nothing fits, and my girlfriend keeps telling me how fantastic my ass looks these days. Squats, squats, squats, and more squats, all the way to the ground. Alright, fine, I only hit parallel on my working sets but everything warming up (including OHS) are ass to grass. Growin like a weed.I feel like I want to add leg press for Wednesday, might do so next week. After squats, of course. OHS3x10x55lbs Squat5x115lbs5x155lbs5x5x165lbs (last four superset with...)SLDL4x8x135lbs (w/wraps)) Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown3x10x90lbs Weighted Decline Sit-Up15x25lbs Preacher Dumbbell Curls3x8x20lbs (superset with...)Lateral Raise3x12x10lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EdensDemise Posted March 12, 2014 Share Posted March 12, 2014 "squat: helps you to give pleasure to your partner since 1900" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 12, 2014 Author Share Posted March 12, 2014 Haha I feel like squats are the great equalizer - a strong squat makes ANYONE sexier. Though for partner pleasing you can't beat the hip drive of a solid deadlift! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 13, 2014 Author Share Posted March 13, 2014 Alright, I could really use some help on my overhead squats. I worked them in again today (3x this week, I really need to feel comfortable squatting with this weight overhead and I know the best way to do that is to just keep doing it), and I've realized I really don't know how to get below parallel with any sort of comfort. Barbell squats, pistol squats, etc I have no problem getting ass to grass, so I know it's not simply a mobility issue. I'm including a video hoping any of you fine fitness enthusiasts might have some tips or pointers for me? Close Grip Bench Press15x45lbs5x65lbs5x80lbs6x75lbs3x5x7lbs8x65lbs (superset with...)Face Pulls4x15x70lbs OHS10x55lbs2x10x45lbs (superset with...)Bench Dips3x15 (superset with...)Plank 3x30sec Incline Fly3x15x15lbs (superset with...)Incline Reverse Fly3x10x10lbs Straight-arm Pulldowns3x10x80lbs (superset with...)Alternating Hammer Curl3x12x15lbs (sore forearms on these and grip getting sore right at the end) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted March 14, 2014 Share Posted March 14, 2014 Your form looks good for the OHS I would say, especially if that's a 20kg bar and you've only just started doing them! However you really need to lock your arms out with active shoulders. When the bar is in the overhead position try to turn your arms so that the inside of your elbow is facing as forward as possible. This will make sure your shoulders are in external rotation, which is a good stable place for them to be when they're under load. At the moment yours seem to bend as you are rising out of the squat. Try it with a plastic pipe to start with if it feels weird. If you think of your arms like metal rods when doing this exercise that might help. You're squatting, there shouldn't be a press involved in an OHS. It could potentially be a shoulder mobility issue too, if your shoulders wont get into the correct position, it might stop you getting low enough without the weight tipping. You look like you're nearly low enough for me anyway. Anything below parallel counts in my book. I'm not in any way a coach mind, so please if someone more qualified or experienced says anything contrary to what I've said, follow their advice first Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maybenot Posted March 14, 2014 Share Posted March 14, 2014 Haha I feel like squats are the great equalizer - a strong squat makes ANYONE sexier. That! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 14, 2014 Author Share Posted March 14, 2014 Your form looks good for the OHS I would say, especially if that's a 20kg bar and you've only just started doing them! However you really need to lock your arms out with active shoulders. When the bar is in the overhead position try to turn your arms so that the inside of your elbow is facing as forward as possible. This will make sure your shoulders are in external rotation, which is a good stable place for them to be when they're under load. At the moment yours seem to bend as you are rising out of the squat. Try it with a plastic pipe to start with if it feels weird. If you think of your arms like metal rods when doing this exercise that might help. You're squatting, there shouldn't be a press involved in an OHS. It could potentially be a shoulder mobility issue too, if your shoulders wont get into the correct position, it might stop you getting low enough without the weight tipping. You look like you're nearly low enough for me anyway. Anything below parallel counts in my book. I'm not in any way a coach mind, so please if someone more qualified or experienced says anything contrary to what I've said, follow their advice first Thanks Andi! I actually went home yesterday and worked with a broomstick and eventually used the little EZ bar I have at home (only loaded to 15lbs) and was able to get into almost a snatch grip by grabbing the very ends and I was able to get all the way down with that weight. I definitely think you're right that I'm not locked out enough, usually by the last few reps of a set of ten I feel my shoulders and my elbows giving a little. The good news is, my mobility is all A-OK, just have to get up to snuff with the weight! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 18, 2014 Author Share Posted March 18, 2014 Saturday was a killer day in the gym, I've spent the last couple days recovering and biking. I'm so glad that it's finally nice enough to be back out on wheels without a full face mask. Snatch-grip Deadlift, 4" deficit10x45lbs8x95lbs5x125lbs5x5x145lbs Cable Row4x12x100lbs (superset with...)Barbell Hip Thrust3x12x45lbs Front Squat10x65lbs5x95lbs2x5x110lbs2x5x115lbs5x120lbs Leg Press12x270lbs3x10x340lbs (superset with...)Dumbbell Preacher Curls3x15x15lbs Pendlay Row5x5x95lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 18, 2014 Author Share Posted March 18, 2014 Bench press is getting stronger. I'm concentrating a lot on form and making sure that I get in full reps. Lots of numbers went up today. Bench Press15x45lbs8x65lbs6x75lbs6x80lbs6x85lbs2x5x90lbs (superset with...)Face Pull4x10x80lbs Incline Fly3x10x20lbs (superset with...)Reverse Incline Fly3x10x15lbs (superset with...)Bench Dips (feet up on second bench)3x10 Dumbell OHP3x10x25lbs Barbell Curl10x45lbs10x55lbs8x55lbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 19, 2014 Author Share Posted March 19, 2014 Scale this morning read 135lbs, and I'm not sure what to think of it. I know I haven't been eating as much in the past few days, because the hunger hasn't been there. I suppose weight quickly gained is somewhat quickly lost. I'm hoping that the quick turnover means that it was mostly water, and that the 135 I'm sitting at now is solid. I wasn't feelin super great today, but I got into the gym and moved some stuff around anyway. Turns out I forgot my chalk in the gym yesterday and a good samaritan returned it rather than keeping it, so that was nice at least. Sleep was a little rough last night and my nutrition hasn't been as good the past few days. No matter what I'm getting better, though. I squatted a lot more than I ever have before, so that's rad Looking at my numbers now it seems like I was really low volume today, but these heavy squat sessions just take all of the energy right out of me. I literally had to just walk around the locker room for 10 minutes after this session to cool down enough to not feel like I was going to throw up. I don't know what it is about heavy squats that make me feel completely sick and completely awesome at the same time.Also, one of my absolute favorite bands (La Dispute) put out a new album yesterday and it's phenomenal, so if you're into post-hardcore/old-school screamo you might be into it, check it out! Kinda similiar sound to Touche Amore, Defeater, etc Squat10x95lbs8x115lbs5x155lbs5x160lbs5x165lbs5x170lbs2x5x175lbs (superset with...)SLDLs4x8x145lbs Overhead Squat3x10x45lbs (superset with...)Straight-Arm Pulldowns3x10x90lbs Bent Over Dumbbell Rows3x12x40lbs Big news too is that I can totally hit depth with 45lbs now, check it out! Working with lower weights definitely helped, and I also started getting down into a deep squat and then doing OHP from there, which I think helped as well. Feelin better and better about working towards the snatch. Also, my coworkers get a giant kick out of me talking about "snatch practice" and leaving up youtube videos on my computer that say things like "full snatch tutorial." Hah. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted March 20, 2014 Share Posted March 20, 2014 When the bar is in the overhead position try to turn your arms so that the inside of your elbow is facing as forward as possible. This will make sure your shoulders are in external rotation, which is a good stable place for them to be when they're under load. At the moment yours seem to bend as you are rising out of the squat. Try it with a plastic pipe to start with if it feels weird.)By the way, this should have read make your armpit face as forward as possible. Sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeansNBroccoli Posted March 20, 2014 Author Share Posted March 20, 2014 It's okay, Andi, that's pretty much how I read it anyway, because I've read from a few other sources that trying to show your pits to the wall/mirror is a good way of assessing if your arms are turned out to the correct degree. Your tips were really helpful though! I'm sure I'll be getting the hang of full snatches in no time, if my overhead squat progression is any indication I took it a little easy in the gym today because going three days on leaves me a little sore, and tomorrow is playoffs for my dodgeball team so I want to be at least a little fresh. We made 1st seed for our bracket, so I'm pretty stoked about that and feeling really good about our chances. Win, lose, or draw, we hit the bar for celebrations afterwards and then start planning our attack for flag football season, so I'm a happy camper Close-Grip Bench Press15x45lbs5x65lbs5x70lbs5x75lbs5x80lbs3x85lbs (superset with...)Face Pull4x10x80lbs Incline Dumbbell Press (30degree)3x10x25lbs (superset with...)Weighted Decline Sit Up3x15x25lbs Lateral Raise3x10x15lbs (superset with...)Bench Dips (feet up on 2nd bench)3x15 (superset with...)Plank3x45sec Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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