Jessica.veggiegirl Posted May 13, 2013 Share Posted May 13, 2013 I am currently visiting America and have seen or heard a few comments about veganism being stupid or useless and blah blah. And it made me curious what made other people decide to become vegan. I originally became vegan to lose some weight and get healthier and later researched what animals go through and now am a vegan because i don't support cruelty to innocent beings. I have seen a few people state that the animal is being killed whether or not they eat it. What do you think of that? Even if my not eating animal products was completely useless i just don't think i could ever go back to eating meat xP. i'm not doubting being a vegan or anything but was just curious why you all decided to become and stay vegan . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maybenot Posted May 13, 2013 Share Posted May 13, 2013 For me, it has always been about the animals. I trully believe that they are entitled to have rights, just as we do. And the comments you heard are right, veganism is labeled as stupid and useless, because we are on the wrong side by the current society standards. The accepted behaviour today is to exploit animals and never question whether this is right or wrong. So get used to being wrong, because you are. But everyone should remember, once being against slavery or defending women rights was also a stupid and useless thing and thanks to some stupid and wrong people that changed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stcalico Posted May 13, 2013 Share Posted May 13, 2013 The easy/short answer.. I don't believe it is okay to contribute to animal torture and suffering. There are no reasonable justifications for contributing to that. But my answer has much more based in social psychology, ethics, and philosophy, that it really is not a complete answer. The real answer is much more complex and deep. But it would take hours to explain so I'll leave it at that. One day I plan to get all my thoughts on this on paper. I agree.. many animals will be abused and die regardless of my actions.. but a few won't .. ie. similar situation to the story about the girl saving starfish on the beach.. I also don't think I have the power to change the world... not by myself... but I believe it is possible as more jump in that we can start a movement. in that direction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kenny.f Posted May 13, 2013 Share Posted May 13, 2013 I went Vegan for Ethical reasons many years ago, the health benefits were just a plus.What I’ve seen is that people will say all kinds of things and invent strange logic (that makes no sense) all to keep doing what they want to do (to kill and eat animals). Maybenot brought up the similarities to what abolitionist went through when trying to end slavery, I completely agree. Richie goes over these well in this video “To Those Against Veganism” Kenny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrbear666 Posted May 13, 2013 Share Posted May 13, 2013 i went vegan because i wanted to get fitter and lighter for cycling as i had a weight training injury, so thought it would help.......i always knew in the back of my mind it was a good thing tho. i used to be the biggest meat eater ever before i started cycling and used to buy bulk boxes of meat from my local butcher. i used to think it was 'ok' to eat meat because we had to, i mean humans cant be big and strong with out it can they as soon as i stopped though i felt better and actually got sick alot less, i have always had alot of colds etc........but not nearly as many now! i ended up finding durianriders on utube, love him or hate him he got the message across to me that it was the right thing to do, and also got me reading the china study and so on, seeing movies such as earthlings just made me even more determined to be a big strong fit good vegan. i already had a few rescue animals before i became vegan and thought it was a bit hypocritical to moan about people mistreating animals then go and buy mistreated animals for my dinner. i wont go back as i enjoy so many things about being vegan! the shock on peoples faces when i tell them, the conversations i have in the food shops, it also makes me feel like i have purpose and stand for something. the only temptation i get is whey protein shakes because some of them taste so good compared to vegan ones but i wont ever give in as i dont want to let myself or the little animal faces that were looking back at me from 'earthlings' down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maybenot Posted May 13, 2013 Share Posted May 13, 2013 thought it was a bit hypocritical to moan about people mistreating animals then go and buy mistreated animals for my dinnerthat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
humancertainty Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 Ethical reasons, although I don't believe that it's really going to change much. It seems in recent years that if veganism is going to be marginally acceptable, it will be as a result of health reasons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muchidna Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 even if being a vegan doesnt change the number of animals mistreated/murdered, doesn't mean i can still support it i'm sure that vegans as a whole deny atleast some of the meat market, so it would make some difference i just became disgusted by meat at a young age and i will not support the industry, i don't see a large distinction between murdering people for food, and murdering animals for food, the only difference is, they can't speak Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jessica.veggiegirl Posted May 16, 2013 Author Share Posted May 16, 2013 I can't stand when people say they love animals and yet they eat them. That seems completely hypocritical to me =P. What is really sad is how ignorant most people are about it. I actually really enjoy being vegan, i love the food i eat and i love living this way. I had a funny moment today at olive garden, there was a special mushroom ravioli dish thing and i asked the waitress if there was any cheese in it and she said no. When it arrived i tasted it and was insisting there was cheese but i always feel weird making requests and asking the waitresses to double check things so i had some family members try it and they all said it didnt taste like there was any cheese but i was SO sure! it really tasted like there was cheese! so i finally asked the waitress to ask the chef and double check and i saw the chef shake is head and she came back and confirmed that there was no cheese. That was when i realized i don't think i actually remember what cheese tastes like... XP. I just found it funny for some reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cellar Yeti Posted May 19, 2013 Share Posted May 19, 2013 I originally became Vegan for the perceived health benefits. I have Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis and have had my entire Colon and part of my small intestine removed. I suffered miserably on 20+ pills a day until one day I said I had enough and became Vegetarian and began exercising and lifting; I took myself off all my pills in 2007. I floundered for a while until I became Vegan and still struggled with a proper exercise regime. Finally just about a year ago I nailed that and am in the position I am today. I don't think Veganism is the end all-be all to good health, omnivores can be healthy too; it's about getting rid of the garbage in modern diets. With that said Veganism is very hard to screw up and much more humane and ecological. I didn't develop my strong moral, ecological, and humanitarian aspects until just a year or two ago. You can be healthy as an omnivore but in my opinion, in this day and age, with all the overpopulation, all of the mouths to feed, and all the animal suffering, why would you want to? Millions starve so you can have your steak, millions of animals suffer and die in misery; we all lose. Being an omnivore these days is very cruel and wasteful, and most people screw it up and end up sick and weak. Another huge aspect for me is the spiritual peace I derive from a life of compassion. It's very nurturing and fulfilling and helps me in all my goals. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted May 19, 2013 Share Posted May 19, 2013 Well, on a personal immediate level, i just want to avoid causing unnecessary harm, and i see animal products and animal tested products as extremely harmful and extremely unnecessary. On a wider more practical scale, the fewer people buy these products, the less demand there is, therefore the less stock will be ordered in stores, therefore the less demand there is on farmers, therefore the less animals are bred, exploited and killed. To say 'the animals will be killed anyway regardless of whether you buy it' is ignorant. Farmers can't produce a never-ending supply, they have to just meet demand. If the food stores are not selling as much, they won't order as much, simple as that. To those who say veganism/vegetarianism is pointless, I say - what would happen if all the vegetarians and vegans suddenly started buying an average quantity of animal products? Demand would increase significantly... Therefore the impact we have day to day is significant. It is a boycott of harmful and unethical practices, making those industries less profitable than they otherwise would be with our support. It is a practical effort. It's like saying 'i won't bother voting because one vote out of millions doesn't mean anything'. A lone vegetarian means nothing at all to the meat industry, sure. But in my country, 5% of the population is vegetarian, and about 1 in 16 of those is vegan. So it is not a futile or self-righteous cause, it has an impact. And it is not even limited to those, like us, who eliminate all, or certain kinds, of animal products. Even people who are cutting back, for health or financial reasons, are contributing. Even if they cut back by one meal a week, on a large scale, it can have a massive impact. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Compassion Posted May 20, 2013 Share Posted May 20, 2013 I couldn't differentiate between my dog and the steak my parents were cooking me for dinner. That, coupled with a little video called "meet your meat", was enough for me. I was 18 at the time, 27 now. 100% for the animals. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JubNZ Posted May 26, 2013 Share Posted May 26, 2013 Ive had this question A LOT in the last couple months while travelling. My primary reason was/is: Too feel better through out the day every day. This is the reason I give to people as its the truth, however as seen above there is so much more to it. Going forward I will also mention the ethical and environmental reasons also, talking to people they say they want to become vegan but have no self control, I hope by providing more benefits of becoming vegan, that this may be the extra motivation that they need. +1 to what Richard said also, economics in its simplest form! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Young_Mike Posted June 24, 2013 Share Posted June 24, 2013 I am currently visiting America and have seen or heard a few comments about veganism being stupid or useless and blah blah. And it made me curious what made other people decide to become vegan. Haha, pretty much how the entire country operates. Back to the topic, though. I originally gave it a go because I needed to lose some weight however that soon fizzled out. I picked it up again because I realized we only have one of two options in terms of our future as a race: We either bomb the hell out of ourselves and operate in a post-apocalyptic world or we figure out how to work WITH the planet and build shiny cities of tomorrow like how people in the 1960's thought we would live. I'm just doing my part to select the latter. Frankly, if humanity is a bit like the "older sibling" of all the species on the planet. Other animals are in our care...I don't know. I guess I view them looking up to us and thinking, "You were supposed to take care of us and watch us, make our world better." Plus, it just makes a lot more sense to cut out meat and other animal products for all of our sakes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
etonyx Posted June 24, 2013 Share Posted June 24, 2013 There are three reasons for me going vegan and I consider each equally as important. Here they are: 1) Back in 2010 I read a book that completely changed how I looked at meat and what I ate. The premise of the book was that eating meat was unnatural for humans and that eating meat is basically eating a rotting cadaver that is filled with toxins, according to the book eating meat is worse for you than eating poop, which is bad! After reading the book I went without meat cold turkey for like 6 months, but soon after that I was back to eating meat and enjoying it, with a little bit of remorse in the back of my mind, but still eating it. 2) Fast forward to the beginning of 2013 and I developed testicular cancer. My left testicle was growing a tumor from the inside out and it was painful. During this I noticed that the days I ate meat were the days I had pain in the affected testicle, and the days I had a vegetarian/vegan diet I had no pain. I'm not sure if it was coincidence or not, but there was definitely more noticeable pain the days I had meat, that's when I started to suspect I had a meat allergy. 3) Fast forward to the spring of 2013, about a month and half to two months after the surgery to remove the affected testicle. I started getting allergy symptoms. My nose was runny and my right ear was completely clogged up, I couldn't hear out of it, my hearing had diminished like 70% in it. My family told me it was probably spring allergies, but I had never had that before! I bought allergy medicine and took it for over two weeks but my symptoms remained the same. I suspected a meat allergy, so I went vegan for a week, and voila! My allergies were gone. I asked myself if maybe it was another coincidence, and so I started eating meat and right away the symptoms started coming back. So then I went vegan again and they went away again, and since then I've been convinced it's a meat allergy. I haven't seen a doctor about it, I should, but I have crappy insurance and it takes FOREVER to see a specialist, so I've just gone vegan, I'm in my 8th week as a vegan now, I feel awesome, happy, energetic, no allergy symptoms, I've slimmed down, my clothes are looser, all around just feeling better. I see myself seeing this for a long time coming Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awaken375 Posted June 24, 2013 Share Posted June 24, 2013 Because meat is too acidic to stay ph 7.35 in your blood without loss of calcium Because human digestive tracts are too long and stringy for meat to not rot in the colon in its 3 day trip through (opposed to lions with a 4 hour trip through with short, wide intestines and 10x times the stomach acid potency) Because chicken meat contains poo Because milk contains pus Because of karma Because there's no cholesterol in vegan food Because meat eaters act like psychopaths toward you about it and that reminds you to not become a bumbling retard like they are Because milk creation comes from raping a cow, stealing from its baby, and murdering its baby for veal Because meat is murder Because cheese is addictive Because 90% of colon cancer is caused by beef Because the potential for vegetables is downtrodden as they become mere 'alkalinity cures' for an acidic body Because Socrates, Plato, Hippocrates, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Leonardo, Ben Franklin, Einstein, Edison, Tesla all think meat is stupid and makes you stupid and evil. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Young_Mike Posted June 24, 2013 Share Posted June 24, 2013 ^^ Good points. I'd also add that if you have to "stop thinking" about what you're eating while you're eating or what you're wearing while you're wearing it to avoid losing your stomach, you're doing something wrong. Also, plant-based food looks and tastes so much better! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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