mrbear666 Posted September 22, 2016 Share Posted September 22, 2016 50kg one handed dumbell bench press? thats impressive, everytime i read your journal theres something that shocks me, i bet thats proper hard to balance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted September 22, 2016 Author Share Posted September 22, 2016 Hey bud, Was feeling strong on the warm up sets, so just went for it. I kept the bench close to a power rack, and held on to the rack while pressing with the other hand. Thought id be lucky to get 4-6 reps, so I was well stoked with 9:) To be honest, I was going to begin with barbell benches, but my training parnter / spotter notice a particular big butt girl he likes was in front of us, now you know what would have happen there....I would have been struggling with that shit and he'd have been too busy looken elsewhere;) Talk about weapons of mass distraction lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted September 26, 2016 Author Share Posted September 26, 2016 Just got done with training... Bench press60kg x 580kg x 5100kg x 3120kg x 2145kg x 2110kg x 10One Arm DB Row (no warm up sets needed)50kg x 3 sets of 8 per arm40kg x 2 sets of 12, 10 per arm YesterdayLeverage leg press400lb x 5600lb x 3800lb x 21000lb x 7 rest pause repsCalf pressesStack x 6 sets of 5 (10 seconds between sets) 24.9.16Standing DB overhead press2x20kg x 62x25kg x 52x30kg x 52x35kg x 2 sets of 52x25kg x 13 reps Chins (underhand)BW x 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2 (10-20 second rest pauses between efforts) Keeping it KISS:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
esqinchi Posted September 28, 2016 Share Posted September 28, 2016 If you can activate your focus group with a single exercise, why deviate into ancillary movements? I guess there might be an argument that accessory muscles would get less attention when the load goes up. Truth? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted September 28, 2016 Author Share Posted September 28, 2016 Hi Chris, Good question... There was an interesting study done about two years now, it was to see if additional arm work was necessary if you were employing compound upper body movements such as pulldowns, dips, rows etc, as it turned out, adding an additional isolated bicep and tricep exercise made no difference what so ever, making those movements redundant. I gotta say, from benching, chins etc, my upper arms are just as fatigued and pumped as my torso muscles. I do like to throw in a calf press or raise, I dont believe calf presses or raises are particularly good for developing the calf muscles contrary of popular belief, but I do believe their good for ankle and tendon strength. Going forward I think ill also add direct forearm work also again to help with my elbow tendinitis. The biomechanics support the notion that the largest muscles in the chain will always take the brunt of the work, but smaller less stressful isolation movements do have their place, for stress management (pre exhaustion / less systemic fatigue), balance, injury resistance / rehab and for individuals training for specific sports or skills. Wrestlers for example will benefit for direct neck work, patchers in baseball from rear delt work for deceleration etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 2, 2016 Author Share Posted October 2, 2016 29-9-16Legs1. Leverge Leg Press200kg x 8300kg x 5400kg x 112. Calf pressesstack x 8 cluster sets of 5 3. Vibo plate planksHighest setting x 3 45 second holds 1-10-161. Standing Military Press60kg x 570kg x 580kg x 595kg x 32. Smith Machine Bent Over Row (slightly angled machine)60kg x 580kg x 5100kg x 5120kg x 5130kg x 43. Standing Cable Curl 35kg x 842.5 x 2 sets of 8 Pleased with how trainings going at the minute, really liked the bent over row on the hammer strength smith machine, worked really well, no back issues. Could feel my lats filling up with blood, something I dont get from chins or pulldowns. So I think ill just stick with the one arm hammer row and hammer strength smith machine rows going forward, given that they allow for greater overload. Fighter diet was going well, but ive upped my calories again to maintain strength levels. Fuck being ripped lol, ill leave that to the weak posers, am good with a happy medium:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrbear666 Posted October 3, 2016 Share Posted October 3, 2016 agree with you on the being ripped thing, i never feel as good when im really lean, aslong as your chest is bigger than your waist all is good Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 9, 2016 Author Share Posted October 9, 2016 Totally agree Mike! Took a week off recently, but back at it yesterday, going with a 4 way split... 8-10-16Chest & Biceps1. Pec DeckStack x 2 static holds to failureLast hold immediately followed by2. Hammer Incline Press140kg x 4 + 2 forced reps3. Seated Bilateral DB Curls2x25kg x 94. Preacher Curl MachineStack x 2 static holds to failure TodayLegs1. Leg ExtensionStack x 2 static holds to failureLast hold immediately followed by2. Leverage Leg Press400kg x 53. Seated Leg Curl80kg x 1 static hold to failureimmediately followed by 4. Stiff legged deadlifts110kg x 85. Calf PressesStack x 7 cluster sets of 5 reps - last cluster to failure Completely busted, gonna take a day or two off then hit workouts 3 and 4, which will be shoulders & triceps, then back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 12, 2016 Author Share Posted October 12, 2016 10-10-16Home Dumbbell Shoulders & Triceps1. Seated DB Presses2x40kg x 82x42.5kg x 72. One Arm DB Lateral Raise20kg x 2 sets of 83. Seated Alternate "Van Damme" Lateral Raises (kinda like an underhand front lateral raise2x15kg x 2 setscof 10, 94. DB Shrugs 2x50kg x 2 sets of 12, 105. One Arm Overhead Triceps Extension20kg x 2 sets of 86. Close Grip Push Up Bars (elevated feet)4 mini cluster sets of 5 12-10-16Home Back & Forearms1. Incline DB Rows2x40kg x 2 sets of 10, 8supersetted with2. DB Pullover40kg x 2 sets of 83. One Arm DB Row*4. Behind back BB Wrist Curl40kg x 2 sets of 155. Reserve BB Wrist Curl17.5kg x 2 sets of 12* Kept the DB on horizontal plane to the body and brought to the chest to emphasise the Rear Delts, Teres Major, Rhombiod muscles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
esqinchi Posted October 13, 2016 Share Posted October 13, 2016 Looks like you're doing well buddy. Being ripped is something I've been chasing for years now. Not sure it's worthwhile, especially because I don't think it is sustainable long term. At least for me, seems like my metabolism comes back to remind me that there's a fat kid inside. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 18, 2016 Author Share Posted October 18, 2016 Lol, I hear ya Chris, aint getting any younger neither;) 15-10-16Home Chest / Back1. Flat DB Bench Press (v grip)2x50kg x 2 sets of 8, 72x40kg x 152. One Arm DB Row50kg x 2 sets of 12, 1040kg x 183. BB Upright Row45kg x 2 sets of 10 16-10-16Gym Legs1. BB Squat140kg x 7100kg x 102. Stiff Legged Deadlift100kg x 2 sets of 880kg x 153. Calf PressesStack x 6 mini cluster sets of 5 17-10-16Home Shoulders / Arms1. Standing Overhead DB Press (strict)2x35kg x 2 sets of 72. One Arm Overhead DB Press (strict)40kg x 53. One Arm DB Lateral Raise20kg x 2 sets of 84. BB Drag Curl37.5kg x 2 sets of 10, 9- No direct triceps work Maybe take a day off, see how I feel tomorrow after a good nights sleep. Off work this week, so ive been doing a bit of cooking, made a 3 bean Mexican stew, protein balls, spicy lentil soup and a Moroccan sweet potato and chickpea dish. Coming into winter you just want good hearty meals:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 18, 2016 Author Share Posted October 18, 2016 18-10-16Legs1. BB Squat60kg x 380kg x 3100kg x 3120kg x 3140kg x 9 2. Calf PressesStack (200kg) x 7 mini cluster sets of 5 (10 second rest pause between clusters)*3. Weighted Hyperextension20kg x 2 sets of 8** 2 second hold in the contracted position of each rep Sore are f**k, but im keeping the pedal to the metal, strength's going up well, eating well and getting plenty of sleep. Also enjoying squatting again, no back issues, think ive found my footing with my form, I was always told to keep my head up, but I actually prefer to look down and focus on a stop few feet in front of me, its been working at treat, just going to parallel aswell, at 6'4 theres no way am going lower lol. What I ate today...9am-Bulletproof coffee + 2 poached eggs 2pm -Tofu cooked in coconut oil and grass fed butter-Bag of broccoli and cauliflower5pmPre-workout-275mg of caffeine-1.5g of beta alanine-3g of creatine-10g of BCAA's 6.30pm3 caramel rice cakesProtein shake (50g) 8pmChickpea and sweet potato Morrocan dish (huge bowl of it) + bag of spinach 11pmFull fat cottage cheesewalnuts and blueberries Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 19, 2016 Author Share Posted October 19, 2016 19-10-16Upper body (@gym)1. Flat DB Bench Press (V-Grip)2x40kg x 52x55kg x 82x45kg x 132. One Arm DB Row55kg x 1245kg x 173. Leaning Cable Curl (leaning back and took a 4-5 steps away from the machine / better contraction)41kg x 2 sets of 10Done! Short n sweet Strengths going up and up, having a great time, I think theres a few reasons why...- Ive been sleeping 9-10hrs per day this last week- Eating really well, not so much massive amounts of calories, rather, a diet that promotes the secretes more anabolic hormones, such as test and IGF-1- Taking anti catabolic supplements around my workouts- Staying stress free / I also switched my moblie off a week ago, now people who ring or message me with their problems are thinking for themselves lol Going forward ill be focusing on an upper body / lower body split... Upper body AFlat DB Benches + assistanceLower Body ABB Squat + assistanceUpper Body BStanding Military Press + assistanceLower Body BTrar Bar Deadlift + assistance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 21, 2016 Author Share Posted October 21, 2016 Tonights workoutBB Squat100kg x 5150kg x 6 (tough, but doable, maintened good posture throughout)120kg x 8Hip Belt Calf RaisesBW + 75kg x 2 sets of 12DB Stiff Legged Deadlift2x40g x 3 sets of 12 (not coming all the way up so as to keep constant tension)Bouns exercise - Seated Leg PressStack (200kg) × 3 sets of 25, 20, 18 Piston like reps / continuous tension Tomorrows standing strict press, hammer pulldown, standing one arm DB strict press and incline ez bar triceps extension's. The fun never stops:)) Post workout supper - 2 whole eggs and 6 egg whites omelette style, on two slices of white bread thick toast with fat free cheese spread and low sodium ketchup...the struggle is real:)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 23, 2016 Author Share Posted October 23, 2016 22-10-16Shoulders 90kg x 2100kg x 1 (went light headed lol)70kg x 2 sets of 8DB Lateral Raise2x15kg x 3 sets 102x12.5kg x 3 sets of 10 23-10-16BackHammer Pulldown80kg x 5100kg x 5120kg x 2 sets of 8, 7 (2 second hold in full contraction)Bent Over BB Row100kg x 5120kg x 2 sets of 5 Short n sweet workouts, given that am training virtually everyday now ive when back to a bodypart split (I know, I know, I change my mind more than the wind changes direction lol) Chest tomorrow, gonna shoot for the gyms biggest bells (60kg / 132lbers), knowing my luck ill probably drop them on a toe or something:) Have a new favourite post workout shake, it rice protein powder, half an avocado, frozen berries, kale and almond milk. Num num num Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 26, 2016 Author Share Posted October 26, 2016 24-10-16Chest1. Flat DB Bench Press (v grip / better contraction and less impingement)2x40kg x 52x50kg x 52x60kg x 5 (YESSSS!!)2×50kg x 112. Pec Deck Stack + 20kg (172.5kg) x 2 max static holds, immediately followed by BW Dips3. Concept 2 rower 3x500 sprints 25-10-16LegsBB Squat60kg x 5100kg x 5140kg x 10DB Stiff Legged Deadlift2x40kg x 3 sets of 15, 12, 12Calf PressesStack x 2 sets of 15 26-10-16ShouldersDB Lateral Raise2x15kg x 3 sets of 12, 10, 10supersetted withStanding Military Press (strict)70kg x 3 sets of 7, 6, 65 minute rest, thenOne Arm DB Overhead Press40kg x 2 sets of 5 Havent had a day off in a few weeks now I think, feeling real good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted October 29, 2016 Author Share Posted October 29, 2016 Took a few days off, much as I was enjoying making good strength increases over the last several weeks on compound lifts, im refocusing on single joint holds / exercises (seemed to get a better hypertrophic response with isolation work, whereas I seem to be just becoming more skilled at compounds). Going to take another few days off, just to let the biochemical resources replenish a bit more, after which, its max contraction time again:) Did a 20hr fast today, didnt eat until 5pm, had a huge fat fat salad with avocado, chopped walnuts, flax oil, chopped sundried tomatoes and peppers, grated carrots and cucumber, all mixed / bound together with homemade hempseed yoguart (easily 2000+ calories)10pm was tofu cooked in coconut oil anx steamed veggies with sweet chilli sause drizzled on them.Then something bad happened, I opened the cupboard andl there before my eyes was a packed of those new mint flavoured oreo cookies, god dammit, I went into a zombie like trace and before I knew it there I was with a mug of tea and and empty cookie wrapper. Oh well, its Halloween, gotta have a treat (albeit a whole packed of cookies;) Happy Halloween everyone:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrbear666 Posted November 9, 2016 Share Posted November 9, 2016 Whats up Rob long time no speak, all that talk of tasty food has got my mouth watering, be sure to post up your new training so i can yet again steal your ideas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted November 9, 2016 Author Share Posted November 9, 2016 Hey bud, yeah havent been on for a while, bit stressed at the mo, my depression has come back, been of work for almost a month now, but still hammering it at the gym and making dem gainzzz:) The gym keeps me sane, and ma misses and 6 cats lol. Hope your doing good mate, time for the log fires again;) Last rotation...9-11-16Incline smith machine bench press80kg x 5100kg x 5120kg x 5145kg x 4 + 2 forced repsPec deck flyeStack x 2 max static holds to failureLeaning Cable Curls1/2 stack x 83/4 stack x 9 + static hold to failure after a 10 second rest pause 7-11-16Hammer Pulldown80kg x 5100kg x 5120kg x 8 + static hold to failure after a 10 second rest pauseShoulder Press Machine65kg x 580kg x 595kg x 7 + 2 forced repsSeated Chest Supported Row Machine125kg x 10 rest pause reps to failure (5 second rest pause between reps) 5-11-16Leg Extension (pre exhaustion)80kg x 5100kg x 5125kg x 11 + static hold to failure after a 10 second rest pauseSeated Leg PressStack + training parnter applying manual resistance on the negative x 14 reps to failureCalf PressesStack x 12 reps to failure ( 5 second holdcin the contracted position of each rep)Weighted HypersBW + 20kg x 2 sets of 12 (2 second hold at the top of each rep) - Ive kepted the compounds, but my workouts are back to 100% machines, which I feel are better for tension and isolation. Been eating clean as f#€k, no more oils in my diet, bar a brown rice and hemp protein powders, mostly just whole foods, a lot of raw foods as well!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted November 25, 2016 Author Share Posted November 25, 2016 Quick update: training is going well, been off work now for several weeks, taking a time out.... Back to training just twice per week... Workout AHammer pulldown (underhand)Seated chest press machine (life fitness)Leaning back cable curlLeverage Leg pressesCalf Presses3 x 500 sprints of the concept 2 rower Workout BIncline angled hammer smith machine pressSeated chest supported row (life fitness)Shoulder press machine (life fitness)Leg curlLeg extension3 x 500 sprints on the concept 2 rower Diet wise, continuing to do daily intermittent fasting on a high fat diet, with carb refeed meals on workout days. Hope everyones doing good, have a great weekend:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted December 10, 2016 Author Share Posted December 10, 2016 Hi all, hope everyones doin good. Havent been posting as much as im going through a legal battle with my former employee. Been training every other day this weather and as usual, employing a multitude of techniques to mange stress. Getting relly into constant tension / piston reps with a reduced rom, its kinder on the joints and great for blowing up the muscles.... Last few workouts... Today - chest, back, biceps1. Incline angled hammer smith machine press120kg x 2 sets of 10 9100kg x 16 to failure2. Bent over bilateral DB rows2x45kg x 2 working sets of 122x35kg x 22 reps to failure3. Ez curl bar cable curl3/4 stack x 2 working sets of 104. One arm DB power lateral raise (still controlled and strict form)25kg DB x 2 working sets of 85. DB stiff legged deadlift2x45kg x 2 working sets of 12 - no lockout / constant tension)2x35kg x 25 8-12-16Underhand hammer pulldown120kg x 2 working sets of 890kg x 17Seated chest press machine (life fitness)130kg x 2 working sets of 10, 9 / no lockout or deep stretch / constant tension100kg x 18 - constant tension repsTriceps pressdownStack x 2 working sets of 15, 14 - no lockout / constant tensionRear delt / trap flye machine70kg x 2 working sets of 12 (focused on the contraction half of the movement)Leverage leg press200kg x 40 - no lockout or full stretch / constant tension250kg x 35 to failure (thought I was gonna die lol) Diet wise I went back to see the geneticist I was seeing to have a DNA and SWAMI test, low and behold, im not suited to many food stuffs, am not allowed legumes, veg from the brassica family, tomatoes, corn, wheat and many fruits, also found out I am a blood type B (whom are NOT best suited to a vegan diet), which is fairly rare (about 15% of the world), I was also advised strongly to include fortified grass fed dairy, eggs, wild fish, nuts, oils etc. I cant bring myself to eat meat, however I have been including the fish, eggs and dairy. I have also started taken a herbal supplement called cortiguard which supports a healthy hormone balance in blood type B's. Am not a huge supplement advocate, however I can say this particular supplement has made a great difference in how I feel, especially at times of stress and post workout. Have a great weekend everyone Rob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted December 12, 2016 Author Share Posted December 12, 2016 Wee fun arm and shoulder work this morning... 1. Ez bar cable curl3 sets x 30 reps, 10 reps standing close to the machine, 10 reps standing away from the machine and pulling to the forehead with a close grip, then 10 reps with back against the machine. Torque changes with each angle.2. Ex bar cable triceps3 sets x 30 reps, 10 reps standing close to the machine, 10 reps standing a few feet away from the machine, then 10 reps with back turned /overhead triceps.3. Shoulder tri set on the cable machine3 x 30 reps, 10 reps underhand front raises (dana linn baily style), 10 reps wide grip upright rows, then 10 reps rear delt flyes. (First two movements using the ez curl cable attachment). Really enjoyed the change of pace today, constant tension and fast paced, got one hellva a pump. Might try something similar on my next chest & back workout, maybe even gaint sets:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
esqinchi Posted December 15, 2016 Share Posted December 15, 2016 Hey man, looks like you are still hard at it. Sorry for the legal troubles BS... I know that world up close and personal on a daily basis, and know how ugly and annoying it can be at, well, pretty much the whole time. The trick is to be as dispassionate as possible - even though it's your personal stuff at issue. I know that sounds impossible, but I guess people are going to do whatever they will, no? Most times I just hope that opposing counsel is not a complete dick, and the judge actually gives a damn about the case. I am usually disappointed. Just try your best to let it go at the end of the day. Speaking of things to distract you . . . I'm not sure if you've been on my journal lately, but we are expecting our first baby this coming June! Exciting times man, and I'm pretty well scared shitless. That's ok though, because I see plenty of poo in my future lol. Just thought you'd want to know. Hope you, the Ms. and all them cats are doing well and still enjoying the countryside. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HIT Rob Posted December 15, 2016 Author Share Posted December 15, 2016 Hi Chris, CONGRATS MAN!! Thats awesome news:)) Goodness, itll be a culture shock for sure. Indeed mate, plenty of feeding, pooping, nappy changing, running to the shops and a lack of sleep haha, but all good times ahead;)) Fantastic. Just looked at my last post, I wrote ex employee, meant to say ex employer, we got a new hr mangeress in, a real condescending nasty peace of work with an agenda to get rid of people. Not sure how it works in the U.S, but here an employer has a "duty of care" to their employees, with myself, ive a long term health problem. Ive 3 herniated discs, so if I sit for to long long periods of time I stiffen up like a board, so I alternate sitting and moving around jobs, but that cow was being akward and not letting me do this anymore, so I left and am sueing for constructive dismissal. But hey, on a lighter note, I feel liberated, im working for myself now property developing, sometimes the bad things that happen in our are for the greater good, YES, 2017 will be bright...for both of us, and hopefully everyone else:) If am not talking to you before Xmas, happy Christmas:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrbear666 Posted December 16, 2016 Share Posted December 16, 2016 Hey, Rob long time no speak, hope all is good and have a good xmas if we dont bump into each other here! mike. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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