AndiMorris Posted May 14, 2014 Author Share Posted May 14, 2014 Crossfit 14/05/14 Warm Up: 1km run3 rounds of:10 HoG push ups10 ring dips30 double understhen 400m run (Struggled with the ring dips here) Skills: 3 rounds of:6 strict chin ups (had to break these into sets of 3)20 banded good mornings30 second ring dip hold (hold at the bottom for 30 seconds, then complete the rep. A real struggle so I had to do it in 3 reps of 10 seconds each)50 unbroken double unders (max I made was 30 in this, I'd still be there now if I went for 3 rounds of unbroken 50s). WOD: 15 minute AMRAP3-6-9-12-15....ladderWall balls @ 9kgHollow rocksBodyweight lunges This started off easy, but quickly mounted up. I made it to 17 wall balls into the round of 21. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted May 21, 2014 Author Share Posted May 21, 2014 Crossfit 19/05/14 Warm Up: Run 400m3 rounds of:10 push upspull up progressions30 second wall handstandthen200m run Skills: 3 minute double under Struggled to get more than 12 in a chain with this, probably didn't even make 100 reps in 3 minutes. A poor day for double unders Strength:5x3 strict press @ 37.5kgSuperset with 5 chin ups Felt great today, might even have been able to do this at 40kg, which was my 1RM until recently. WOD: 4 rounds for time (16 minute cap):20 kettlebell swings @ 32kg (no way was I doing 32kg, I opted for 16kg)15 burpees400m run I hit the time cap with 3 kettlebell swings left and the run in the last round. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted May 21, 2014 Author Share Posted May 21, 2014 Crossfit 20/05/14 Warm Up: 10 burpee box jumps2x30s plank (short rest between sets)10 burpee box jumps2x30s plankWall sit until fatigue (lactic acid training) Hollow rock progression and practice Strength: 10x3 on the minute back squat @ 80% - 72.5kg I had to drop the weight to 70kg after 4 sets, I was really struggling to keep my back up and my knees out. Frustrating as I was really getting somewhere with form, and now it's all gone back a few steps meaning I'm nowhere near as strong in the lift.Having these on the minute was really mentally tough, it essentially meant I had a 20 second rest in between sets as I was going slowly with the reps, my legs are still shaking now as I type this up, the next morning! WOD:5 rounds for time (15 min time cap)10 box jumps @ 24"15 push ups20 hollow rocks Completed in 11:32. As I suspected before starting the push ups were the bit that got to me on this, and I was having to break them into 2s and 3s on the last two rounds. I was really trying to concentrate on keeping my core tight though and not letting myself sag in the middle as I often do under fatigue, so I'll take that small victory where I can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted May 21, 2014 Author Share Posted May 21, 2014 Crossfit 21/05/14 Warm Up: Row 500m, each time the pace drops below 1:50 do 10 burpees This was tough, but I was determined not to do burpees. Just made it Rack mobility work Strength:Build to a heavy 2 rep power clean. Made it to 60kg, but didn't make 2 reps at that weight. The bar was high enough, but I just couldn't drop under the bar quickly enough. Out of practice I think. WOD: 7 rounds for time:3 deadlift3 hand power clean @ 70-80% 1RM (use same weight for deadlift)6 knees-to-elbows100m sprintCompleted in 9:41. I had the weight at 50kg to start with but had to drop this down after 3 sets as I was really struggling with the hang power clean. However, due to this being mid-WOD I just took the 5kg plates off, leaving me with 40kg on the bar. This felt light, and after just doing the maths was actually 65% of my 1RM, so I was slightly below Rx on this one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted May 27, 2014 Author Share Posted May 27, 2014 Crossfit 27/05/14 Warm Up: 5 rounds:3 wall balls3 V-ups3 burpees Front rack mobility Build to 50-60% of 1RM shoulder to overhead Strength: 15 mins - Every Minute on the Minute barbell complex @ 50-60% 1RM STOH:2 x deadlift2 x hang power clean2 x shoulder to overheadI dropped the weight on this at the last minute from 40kg to 35kg as it's supposed to be around 60% 1RM shoulder to overhead. I've not tested this in a long time, but last time I did 1RM jerk it was 60kg. However 35kg wasn't too hard so possibly I should have stuck to 40kg. WOD: 2,4,6,8,10....20Wall balls @ 9kgToes-to-barBurpees20 minute time capI did the first round as toes-to-bar, but these still need a lot of practice to get at speed so I went for quick knees-to-elbows, however it was the wall balls that really slowed me down here. I finished 16 wall balls and 4 knees-to-elbows before the time cap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted June 11, 2014 Author Share Posted June 11, 2014 Crossfit 11/06/14 Warm Up: 3 rounds:10 banded good mornings10 kettlebell swings at @16kg20 double unders Strength: 1RM deadlift - 115kg PB!! WOD: 12 minute AMRAP12 kettlebell step ups @ 16kg & 20"10 V-ups6 pull ups4 plate ground to overhead @ 20kg5 jumping squats 3 rounds and one jumping squat, very close to 4 rounds. Found the step ups really tough! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted June 12, 2014 Author Share Posted June 12, 2014 Crossfit 12/06/14 Warm Up:3 rounds:10 push ups10 wall balls @ 9kg5 knees-to-elbows Strength: 1RM bench press - 62.5kg PB!followed by1 set max effort @ 80% - 7 reps @ 50kg WOD: For time:100 wall balls @ 9kg (scaled to 7kg)5 knees-to-elbows every minute (scaled to 3) Completed in 8:40. I scaled to the 7kg ball at the last minute and it felt really light for the first 50 reps, but it quickly caught up. Chuffed at the bench PB though, first time I've tested this in 18 months and was hoping for more than a 2.5kg increase, I think I could have got 65kg if I had let myself rest a bit longer in between sets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted June 16, 2014 Author Share Posted June 16, 2014 This week was snatch, and the workout was:8x2 snatch at a working weight.I built up to 32.5kg and did the first 4 sets with ease, so stuck 35kg on the bar. Bear in mind that my previous 1RM was 37.5kg. The first rep of 35kg was shaky the second and the next set were fine. So egged on by Coach Ffred I upped this to 37.5kg and managed to get a fairly decent 2 reps at my previous 1RM, and pretty fatigued by this point too. So for the last set I went for 40kg. The first rep, I locked out in a power snatch and lowered down, no idea why my body decided to to that. The second rep was much better, but still not quite quick enough down to the floor. I still made both reps though! To finish up, I had a go at hang snatch at 40kg, just to see if I could get under that bar quickly enough, and I did it! It took a few seconds at the bottom to steady the weight and find balance, but I got down there pretty quickly. Really pleased as 40kg has always been just out of reach for my snatches for months, so it's a good landmark for me. I think that if I was fresh I might have been able to get a little more out too. So - a new PB:Snatch - 40kg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted June 23, 2014 Author Share Posted June 23, 2014 Olympic Lifting - 22/06/14 Warm Up: Row 400m10 minutes mobility Lift: 8x2 clean & jerk @ 40kg I could definitely lift heavier than this for both the clean and the jerk but I kept the weight low as my landing position for the jerk really wasn't very good and I need to practice it. My stance is too narrow and I need to force the internal rotation on my back foot more. Pretty happy with the clean portion however, felt like I was dropping into the squat easily. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted June 24, 2014 Author Share Posted June 24, 2014 Crossfit 23/06/14Warm Up:Run 400m3 X inch worm10 good form push ups (forearms vertical)10 good form kipping pull ups (head in neutral position, don’t reach chin over the bard)10 GTOH with kettlebell @ 16kg Strength:3RM push press @ 52.5kg WOD:Half Cindy:10 minute AMRAP5 pull ups10 push ups15 air squats Completed 4 rounds, 5 pull ups and 5 push ups. Struggled with the rack positioning of the push press for this. I couldn’t quite get comfortable with it and as a consequence it felt really heavy. I thought I got a new 1RM at 55kg, but after checking my records it appears I’ve done 2 reps at 55kg in the past. Oh well. The WOD was all fine, apart from the push ups. I blow out on these so quickly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted June 24, 2014 Author Share Posted June 24, 2014 Crossfit 24/06/14 Warm Up: Dynamic hip and core stretches Strength: Back squat5 @ 65% - 57.5kg3 @ 70% - 62.5kg3 @ 75% - 67.5kg3x10 @ 65%Still struggling to keep my chest up with squats. I need to go to some sort of squat clinic or something. I've lifted lots heavier and more comfortably than this before, but I really struggled with this today. WOD: 5 rounds (20 min time cap)400m run10 knees-to-elbows10 overhead squat @ 30kgCompleted 4 rounds and the run. This was the level 1 scale of the working. Rx was 800m run, toes-to-bar and 50kg snatch. As I can't snatch 50kg, and 40kg would be too heavy to do 50 reps of I had to scale down and do overhead squats. Disappointing, but incentive to get my snatch weight up. The WOD was tough, even at level 1. My legs were like jelly after all the squats earlier, and there was no way I could pick up the pace on them. Knees-to-elbows as I still cannot chain toes-to-bar. The OHS were fine however and all unbroken. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted June 26, 2014 Author Share Posted June 26, 2014 Crossfit 26/06/14 Warm Up: 2 mins double unders10 banded good mornings10 banded KB swings5 chin ups Strength: Deadlift1 x 10 @ 60% - 70kg1 x 8 @ 65% - 75kg1 x 5 @ 75% - 85kg1 x 5 @ 80% - 90kgAll felt great, easy to keep repping and I felt strong throughout. WOD A: 10>1 ladderKettlebell swings @ 32kg (scaled to 24kg)Strict Chin ups (scaled to kipping)Completed in 13 mins ish. Found the chin ups really hard to get a kip going as it just felt backwards, but I wasn't strong enough to do that many strict. WOD B: 150 double unders for time Completed in around 4 mins. Pretty happy with that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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