The PhytoAthlete Posted May 7, 2014 Share Posted May 7, 2014 Hey Scott, Sorry, i am just catching up on your log here. I seen on your post 144, you said 130-150 bpm was low for you. That's very impressive! At 150 bpm, that is what, around 80-85% of your max heart rate? At 150 bpm, on a scale to 1-10, how do you feel cardio and breathing wise? Does this vary for you depending on the exercise? I have noticed at 130 bicycling feels totally different that 130 running for me because i am in much better bicycling shape. But at 145-150 bpm range on my bike, my breathing starts to increase dramatically, although my max HR is a little lower than yours. So if you feel great at 150, what rate does it take to get you close to a 10 on 1-10 scale? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted May 8, 2014 Author Share Posted May 8, 2014 last couple... Thursday, 5/8/14 - Deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1; 365x1; 275x3, 245x3, 225x32. box squat w/ chains: 185x2 / 5 sets3a. 45 degree back raise: 3x83b. reverse sit-up: 3x153c. shrugs: 3x12 Tuesday, 5/6/14 - Bench press1. bench press: barx10, 95x5, 115x3, 135x1, 155x1, 170x1, 180x1; 205x1, 215xmiss; 165x3, 150x3, 130x32a. barbell extension: 4x10-122b. seated row: 4x10-123a. lateral raise: 2x103b. pulldown: 2x104. hammer curl: 3x85. long cycle: 16kg x 8, 20kg x 5, 24kg x 4; 16kg x 5, 20kg x 5, 24kg x 4 Monday, 5/5/14 - squat1. squat: barx5 / 2, 95x5, 135x3, 185x1, 225x1; 275x1, 300x1; 225x3, 200x3, 175x32. speed deadlift w/ chains: 245x1 / 6 sets3a. shrugs: 3x8-123b. GHR: 3x83c. weighted abs: 3x20 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted May 8, 2014 Author Share Posted May 8, 2014 Dwayne - 130-150 is my range for cardiac development and I start breathing heavy around 145-150 so I don't maintain it during CVD work. Basically I start running until I hit 150 then walk until I hit 130 and repeat for the desired training duration. I usually end up avg around 138-142bpm. Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted May 9, 2014 Author Share Posted May 9, 2014 Friday, 5/9/14 - Bench Press accessory1. bench press with chains: 95x3 / 52a. incline bench: 3x10,8,62b. lat pulldown: 3x12,10,83a. skull crusher: 3x83b. row: 3x84a. barbell curl: 3x64b. lateral raise: 3x8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted May 13, 2014 Author Share Posted May 13, 2014 Week 3 of my 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet Prep Tuesday, 5/13/14 - bench press1. bench press: barx10, 95x5, 115x3, 135x2, 155x1; 185x2, 205x1 / 3 sets2. 3-board bench press: 135x3, 155x2, 185x1; 145x3, 165x2, 195x1; 155x3, 175x2, 205x13. bench press: 155x3, 145x3, 135x34. DB extension: 3x85. pushdown: 2x156. chins: 3,2,1 / 2 7. pulldowns: 3x88. rear delts: 3x8-129. DB curls: 3x810. ab circuit x a bunch Monday, 5/12/14 - squat/deadlift1. squat: barx10, 95x5, 135x3, 185x2; 225x2, 275x1 / 3 sets2. deadlift w/ chains: 225x2 / 5 sets3. squat: 205x3, 185x3, 155x34a. GHR: 3x84b. weighted abs: 3x20 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted May 20, 2014 Author Share Posted May 20, 2014 Last few sessions - getting caught up on my log... Week 4 of my 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet Prep *Testing lifts this week - this will give me an idea if I will do the full meet or deadlift-only, and give me an idea of what I want to start shooting at for the attempts of the lift(s). Monday, 5/19/14 - squat test1. squat: barx5 / 2, 95x5, 135x3, 185x2, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 365x1 (after reviewing the video this was definitely to parallel, but iffy on whether or not I broke parallel)2. long cycle (clean & jerk of 2 kettlebells): I went 0:30 on / 0:30 off for a ladder of 16kg/20kg/24kg for 3 total circuits. Rest was 1:30 between circuits and reps were: 5/4/4 - 5/5/5 - 5/4/4.3a. pulldown: 3x103b. GHR: 3x83c. ab circuit: 3 rounds of 3 drills Week 3 of my 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet Prep Friday, 5/16/14 - bench accessory1. close grip bench press w/ chains: 95x5 / 5 sets2a. incline DB bench press: 3x82b. lat pulldown: 3x103a. laterals: 3x83b. seated row: 3x84a. pushdown: 3x124b. DB curl: 3x85. med ball ab circuit: 3 sets Thursday, 5/15/14 - deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x1; 275x1, 315x1 / 3 sets2. box squat w/ chains: 185x2 / 3 sets3. rack pull: 275x3, 245x3, 225x34a. reverse hyper: 3x104b. ab circuit: a bunch of reps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted May 23, 2014 Author Share Posted May 23, 2014 Thursday, 5/22/14 - deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 365x1, 405x1, 425x12a. lat pulldown: 3x122b. reverse hyper: 3x102c. ab bench: 3x20 Tuesday, 5/20/14 - bench press1. bench press: barx10, 95x5, 115x3, 135x2; 155x1, 185x1, 205x1, 230x12. reverse band bench press: 225x5, 245x3, 275x33a. skull crusher: 4x83b. seated row: 4x124a. lateral raise: 3x124b. DB curls: 3x85. med ball abs: 3 rounds Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted May 23, 2014 Author Share Posted May 23, 2014 Friday, 5/23/14 - long cycle and bench accessory1. long cycle: main set: 20kg x 30 / 5:00 (steady 6 RPMs); accessory: 24kg x 4/0:30, 20kg x 4/0:30, 16kg x 5/0:30 x 2 sets2a. close grip bench: 95x5 / 5 sets2b. chins: 15 reps3a. laterals: 3x103b. seated row: 3x104a. pushdowns: 3x154b. db curls: 3x104c. med ball abs: 3 sets of 3 drills*running: 20:00 of alternating walk/run Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted May 30, 2014 Author Share Posted May 30, 2014 This past week has been a de-load after hitting maxes last week. Week 5 of 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet Prep*Deload week after hitting maxes last week. Friday, 5/30/14 - Bench Accessory1. close grip bench press: bar x 10, 65x8, 80x6; 95x5 / 2 sets*chins: 15 reps2a. DB bench press: 2x82b. seated row: 2x103a. pushdown: 2x153b. curl: 2x103c. laterals: 2x104. ball abs: 3x15,12,10 Thursday, 5/29/14 - Deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 155x5, 185x5, 205x5*chins x 2 reps with every set of deadlifts2a. abs: 3x82b. pulldowns: 3x83. kettlebell snatch: 16kg x 8+8 / 3:00 Tuesday, 5/27/14 - Bench Press & Long Cycle1. long cycle: 16kg x 21/3:00, 16kg x 14/2:00, 16kg x 7/1:002a. bench press: bar x 10, 65x5, 80x5, 95x5, 105x52b. chins: 12 reps3a. db bench press: 2x103b. seated row: 2x104a. pushdown: 2x8-104b. curl: 2x6-84c. laterals: 2x6-85. ab circuit: 2 rounds*running x 20:00 Monday, 5/26/14 - Squat (BW - 194lbs)1. squat: barx5, 95x5, 135x5, 155x52a. pulldown: 3x82b. weighted abs: 3x153. kettlebell snatch: 16kg x 8+8 / 5:00 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted June 6, 2014 Author Share Posted June 6, 2014 Check out this great interview I did with vegan arm-wrestler Rob Bigwood! This past week's training: Week 6 of 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet Prep Friday, 6/6/14 - long cycle and press / bench accessories1. press: barx10, 65x8 / 3 sets2. long cycle: 20kg x 3, 16kg x 3, 12kg x 3 / 3 rounds3. 1-arm long cycle: 24kg x 3+3 / 3 sets* chins x 55 reps4a. close grip bench press: 95x8 / 3 sets4b. barbell curl: 65x10 / 3 sets5. ab circuit: 5 drills x 3 rounds*finished club swinging and a ton of grip / forearm work Thursday, 6/5/14 - deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x1; 275x1, 315x3, 335x3, 365x22. reverse band deadlift: 405x1, 455x1*chins x 8 reps3. bent over barbell row: 135x8 / 34a. pulldown: 4x8-104b. weighted abs: 4x204c. 45 degree back raise: 4x6-8 Tuesday, 6/3/14 - bench press1. bench: bar.x 10, 65x8, 95x5, 115x3, 135x2, 155x1, 175x1 / 3 sets; 150x5, 130x5, 115x5, 95x12*chins w/ various grips x 33 reps2a. incline bench press: 3x82b. seated row: 3x103a. pushdown: 3x123b. db curl: 3x8-103c. laterals: 3x8-104. ab circuit: 3 drills x 3 rounds Monday, 6/2/14 - squat - BW=194lbs (got a small back spasm this weekend so took it easy today)1. squat: barx5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x52. deadlift: 135x5, 155x4, 185x3, 205x2, 225x13a. reverse hyper: 3x103b. weighted abs: 3x153c. pulldown: 3x104. kb snatch:12kg x 10/8/6/4/2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted July 8, 2014 Author Share Posted July 8, 2014 Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Since 6/6/14 I've turned 39 and also been SUPER busy with work and projects, but I've been getting my training in! I've had some shoulder issues with benching, so I've decided to do the deadlift-only event at the Naturally Fit Games with my Plantbuilt powerlifting team. It's kind of a bummer not doing the full meet but my shoulder can't handle the bench load and I've had an issue with it this past training cycle. I've backed off and it's feeling pretty good. So I'm just going to focus on my deadlift for this meet and bringing the shoulder strength back up slowly. As of now I'm competing in the deadlift-only 198lb class, submaster's division. My meet attempts will most likely be: opener - 3852nd attempt - 4103rd attempt - 435-445 (based on how the 410 goes; right now I have a current training max of 425, so these numbers should be do-able!) Here's my past month's training:Week 11 of 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet Prep This week starts my taper into the meet on July 26! Deadlift-only, 198 lb. sub-masters class -- here we go! Tuesday, 7/8/14 - bench 1. 95x5, 115x5, 135x5; 95x10 / 2 sets → shoulder feels good!2. pull-ups x 16 reps3a. incline db bench: 3x10-153b. pulldown: 3x10-154. db curls: 4x4-125. “Finisher” - 3lb club swinging for shoulders; kettlebell conditioning circuit - push-ups/renegade rows/squat thrusts/clean and press/swings all with 2 KBs; heavy club work - gamma cast, clean & squat, hammer swings; jump rope x 25 → 3 rounds of this! Monday, 7/7/14 - squat1. squat: barx5, 95x5, 115x3, 135x3, 155x3, 185x3 → I plan to keep squats and accessory work light so I can put the most emphasis on my deadlifting.2. deadlift: 185 x 2 / 5 sets3. chins x 12 reps4a. GHR: 3x104b. ab bench: 3x25 Week 10 of 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet Prep Deload week! Last deload before the taper into the meet. Due to the pain I have in my shoulder I’ve decided not to squat or bench and just compete in the Deadlift-only division. Friday, 7/4/14 - off to rest the shoulder more, it’s feeling OK after the light bench workout. Thursday, 7/3/14 - deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x1; 255x1 / 6 sets2a. pulldown: 3x82b. reverse hyper: 3x82c. ab circuit: 3 rounds Tuesday, 7/1/14 - bench press, shoulder is feeling ok, plan to go light and test it out.1. bench press: worked up to 95x5 / 2 sets2. chins x 10 reps3a. suspended push-up: 2x83b. suspended row: 2x103a. pushdown: 2x123b. curls: 2x123c. laterals: 2x124. abs: 2x15 Monday, 6/30/14 - squat1. squat: 95x5, 115x5, 135x52. chins x 10 reps3. GHR: 2x84. ab bench: 2x15 Week 9 of 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet PrepFriday, 6/27/14 - off, just stretching and therapy work for shoulder Thursday, 6/26/14 - deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 365x1; 405x12a. 2-kettlebell swing: 3x102b. pulldown: 3x103. ab circuit: 3 rounds Tuesday, 6/24/14 - upper pulling and pre-hab for shoulder, no pressing1. foam rolling2. light indian clubs for shoulders3. band pullaparts & wrist/forearm stretches x 2 sets4. band face pulls & wrist/forearm stretches x 2 sets5. lat pulldown: 5x6-10 supersetted with club swinging6. seated row: 1x157a. pushdown: 4x10-157b. db curl: 4x6-128a. laterals: 2x108b. rear delts: 2x89. external rotator cuff work and stretching with the Rotator Monday, 6/23/14 - squat1. squat: 115x3, 135x3, 155x32. deadlift: 135x3, 155x3, 185x3 3. chins x 21 reps4a. GHR: 3x104b. ab circuit: 3 rounds Week 8 of 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet PrepFriday, 6/20/14 - upper accessoryshoulder press, close grip bench, chins, and arms - nothing exciting, right shoulder is pretty damn sore. Thursday, 6/19/14 - deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x2, 275x1, 315x1; 365x22. reverse band deadlift: 405x3, 425x3accessory work for low back and abs - nothing special Tuesday, 6/17/14 - bench 1. bench press: 115x3, 125x3, 135x102. dips: 3x53. chins x 30 reps4a. db curl: 5x6-154b. ab crunch: 5x20 Monday, 6/16/14 - squat1. squat: 155x3, 185x3, 205x32. deadlift: 185x3 / 3 sets3. chins x 27 reps4a. GHR: 3x8-104b. ab circuit: 3 rounds Week 7 of 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet PrepFriday, 6/13/14 - upper accessory1. press: worked up to 95x3 / 3 sets2. chins: 21 reps3a. close grip bench: 95x10 / 3 sets3b. row: 3x124. bb curl: 5x4-155. hammer curl: 2x15 Thursday, 6/12/14 - deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x2, 275x1, 315x1; 335x3 / 3 sets2. reverse band deadlift: 365x1, 405x2 / 2 sets3a. lat pulldown: 3x103b. 45 degree back raise: 3x83c. ab bench: 3x20 Tuesday, 6/10/14 - bench1. bench press: 115x5, 130x5, 150x52. pull-ups: 15 reps3a. DB bench press: 3x8-153b. row: 3x10-154a. pushdown: 3x124b. curls: 3x84c. laterals: 3x8 Monday, 6/9/14 - squat1. squat: 165x5, 190x5, 215x52. chins x 21 reps3. deadlift w/ chains: 205x1 / 2 sets, 225x1 / 2 sets, 245x1 / 2 sets4a. pulldowns: 3x104b. GHR: 3x104c. ab circuit: 3 rounds Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted July 11, 2014 Author Share Posted July 11, 2014 Thursday, 7/10/14 - DeadliftThis week starts my taper into the 7/26 meet. Deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x1, 275x1, 315x1, 355x1; oper - 385x1, 2nd attempt - 410x1Reverse band deadlift: projected 3rd attempt - 440x2lat pulldowns: 3x10reverse hypers: 3x8weighted abs: 3x20 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted July 11, 2014 Author Share Posted July 11, 2014 Friday, 7/11/14 - upper body accessory1a. close grip bench press: barx10, 95x10, 115x8, 135x6, 95x151b. suspended rows: bw x 10 / 4, 152a. press: 3x82b. multi-grip chins: 18 reps3a. barbell extension: 5x8-153b. barbell curls: 5x8-154a. pushdowns: 1x154b. hammer curls: 1x155. ball abs: 100 reps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted July 15, 2014 Author Share Posted July 15, 2014 Week 12 of 12 week Team Plantbuilt - Naturally Fit Super Show Powerlifting Meet PrepLast week of taper. This is my last taper week going into the 7/26 meet, basically in the deadlift I will just do my warm-ups and take my opener. All the other training is just moderate effort so that I don’t negatively affect my deadlift. Plan for next week is very light squats and abs on Monday, then a very light upper body workout on Thursday after I get to Texas, weigh-in on Friday 7/25, pig out with my teammates all day, then kill the deads on Saturday, 7/26! Probably - 385 / 410 / 435-445 will be the attempts. Tuesday, 7/15/14 - bench 1. bench press: barx8, 65x5, 80x5, 95x5, 115x5 / 2 sets2. pull-ups x 12 reps3a. incline db bench: 3x103b. pulldown: 3x104a. pushdown: 3x104b. db. curls: 3x104c. laterals: 3x10 Monday, 7/14/14 - squat1. squat: barx5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x5 2. deadlift: 155 x 3 / 3 sets3. chins x 10 reps4a. GHR: 3x84b. ab bench: 3x20 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted July 17, 2014 Author Share Posted July 17, 2014 Thursday, 7/17/14 - deadlift1. deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x2, 275x1, 315x1, → opener of 385x1 *I’m changing my opener, see below2. lat pulldown: 3x103. reverse hyper: 3x104. weighted abs: 3x20 *So today is the last taper workout going into the 7/26 meet. Originally I planned my attempts to be: opener x 385, 2nd x 410, 3rd x 435-445 depending on how the 410 went. I pulled the 385 and 410 last week and did 440 x 2 with reverse bands and things went well. Today the 385 felt heavier than if should have. First I jumped from 315 to 385 which could have something to do with it, but I wanted to see how it felt without taking 355 between them and saving some energy. I know I can hit the 410 so, to me it makes sense to take 365 as an opener, that way it’s not as big of a jump from 315 and I don’t have to waste energy on 355 to make the 385 feel lighter. This should set me up in a better position to make my 3rd attempt. We’ll see, but it sounds good! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted July 19, 2014 Author Share Posted July 19, 2014 Last workout of the final taper week for next weekend's meet in Austin, TX w/ Team Plantbuilt. Plan now is a very light squat / ab workout on Monday, and a very light upper body workout on Thursday in TX with the team. Generally I would not lift two days before a powerlifting meet, but since I'm doing deadlift only I will be able to get away with a light upper body session on Thursday. Friday, 7/18/14 - upper body accessory1. close grip bench press: worked up to 95 x8 / 3 sets*chins x 12 reps2a. db shoulder press: 3x82b. pulldown: 3x103a. pushdown: 3x12-153b. db curl: 3x8-103c. lateral raise: 3x10-12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 Team Plantbuilt Powerlifting Meet ResultsSaturday, 7/26/14 - Naturally Fit Games USPA Meet198lb class; Sub-Masters; Deadlift only -- 1st placeOpener: 165kg (363.8lbs) -- good lift2nd: 182.5kg (402.3lbs) -- good lift3rd: 190kg (418.9lbs) -- miss Post-Meet Training* Getting back in the swing of things this week after the meet. Wanted to take and easy week and ease back into benching to see how the shoulder handles it and so far so good! Next step will be to start incorporating the kettlebell competition lifts next week and see how the shoulder handles the overhead work in the clean & jerk. Did some light snatches this week and it was ok so we’ll see. Friday 8/1/14: DE Bench1. speed bench press w/ chains: 95x3 / 8 sets (3 different grips)2. 3-board press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 155x5 / 2 sets3. chins x 30 reps4. pushdown: 3x155. pulldowns: 3x126. laterals: 3x127. barbell curl: 3x88. med ball abs: 3 circuits Thursday 7/31/14: DE Squat1. box squat w/ chains: 185x2 / 2 sets; 205x2 / 2 sets, 225x22. GHR: 3x103. pulldown abs: 3x15-204. kettlebell snatches: 16kg x 10+10 / 3 sets Tuesday 7/29/14: ME Bench 1. floor press w/ chains: barx10, barx5, 65x5, 95x3, 115x3, 135x1, 155x1, 135x1 / 2 sets2. db bench press: 3x123. pushdowns: 3x154. chins x 30 reps5. 1-arm row: 3x86. lateral raise: 3x87. hammer curls: 3x9-128. ab wheel: 3x10 Monday 7/28/14: No training - I travelled back from Austin today. Today would be DE Squats, since I’m taking it light this week I will skip ME squat work and just do DE on Thursday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crystal Posted August 6, 2014 Share Posted August 6, 2014 Take it easy on that shoulder! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted August 13, 2014 Author Share Posted August 13, 2014 Crystal - tell the shoulder to take it easy on me!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted August 13, 2014 Author Share Posted August 13, 2014 Last 6 training sessions, back into it after the Plantbuilt Texas meet: Week 2Tuesday 8/12/14: ME Bench Press1. 3-board press: worked up to 185x1, 195x1, 205x1 (definitely had more but I’m still being gentle on the shoulder, but so far the bench is showing signs of coming back to life!); back off sets - 155x8 / 2 sets2a. 1-arm kettlebell clean & press: 20kg x 1,2,3ea. / 5 sets2b. lat pulldown: 100x8 / 5 sets3a. pushdown: 3x123b. dumbbell curl: 3x84. Indian club swinging: 3lb clubs x series Monday 8/11/14: DE Squat / Deadlift1. box squats: 205+chains x 2 / 8 sets2. speed deadlift: 275+chains x 1 / 6 sets3a. kettlebell goblet squat: 16kg x 8 / 3 sets3b. pulldown: 100x10 / 3 sets4a. kettlebell twist deadlift: 24kg x 5ea. / 3 sets4b. reverse sit-up: 3x155. 2-kettlebell sumo swings: 16kg+16kg x 8, 20kg+20kg x 8, 24kg+24kg x 8 Week 1Friday 8/8/14: DE Bench Press1. speed bench press: 95+chains x 3 / 3 sets, 115+chains x 3 / 3 sets, 135+chains x 3 / 2 sets2. kettlebell press: 16kg x 8 / 3 sets3. kettlebell bottom up press: 12kg x 5 / 3 sets4. chins: 18 reps5. pulldowns: 3x106. pushdowns: 3x157. dumbbell curls: 3x10 Thursday 8/7/14: ME Squat / Deadlift1. low box squat: worked up to 245x1, 260x12. sumo RDL: worked up to 185x5 / 2 sets3. lat pulldown: 4x104. GHR: 4x105. weighted abs: 4x206. reverse hyper: 3x10 Tuesday 8/5/14: ME Bench Press1. reverse band bench press (light bands): worked up to 245x1, 260x1, 235x1 / 2 sets2. incline bench press: 3x83. chins: 36 reps4. pushdowns: 3x155. 1-arm rows: 3x86. hammer curls: 3x107. laterals: 3x10 Monday 8/4/14: DE Squat / Deadlift1. box squat: 185+chains x 2 / 8 sets2. speed deadlifts: 245+chains x 1 / 6 sets3. lat pulldown: 4 sets4. reverse hypers: 4 sets5. reverse sit-ups: 4 sets6. side bends: 4 sets Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crystal Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 Please update little bits more often! Its hard to follow so many days at once Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted August 15, 2014 Author Share Posted August 15, 2014 GRRRRR! Ok! Here goes two days.... Thursday 8/14/14: ME SQ/DL1. suspended safety squat bar good mornings: bar x 5, 85x3, 115x3, 135x3, 155x1, 175x1, 205x1, 185x1 / 2 sets2. GHR: 25x6 / 2 sets, bw x 103a. pulldown abs: 50x15 / 3 sets3b. reverse hypers: 110x10 / 3 sets4. 2-kettlebell swings (sumo stance): 24kg+24kg x 8 / 3 set Wednesday 8/13/14: GPPband good mornings: avg. bands x 40 band pushdowns: light bands x 40band pull-aparts: mini bands x 40Indian club swinging: 3lb clubs x a bunch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted August 16, 2014 Author Share Posted August 16, 2014 Friday 8/15/14: DE BP1. speed bench with chains: barx15, 65x5, 95x3 / 9 sets2. close grip bench press: 95x153. ultra-wide bench press: 95x154a. pushdown:50x15-20 / 3 sets4b. seated row: 100x15 / 3 sets5a. laterals: 15x10 / 3 sets5b. kettlebell shrugs w/ 3 second hold at top: 20kg bells x 10 / 3 sets5c. DB curl: 25x10 / 3 sets6. Indian club work - 15lb club gamma cast x 5 ea. direction / 2 sets; 3lb club swinging x full circuit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crystal Posted August 18, 2014 Share Posted August 18, 2014 Nice, GHR are my favorite hamstring exercise. I need to buy one of those eventually for Kelly's garage gym. Also, bicep curls? Really? J/K. Nice training! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Shetler Posted August 29, 2014 Author Share Posted August 29, 2014 Yeah, bicep curls! You've seen my (lack of) arms! You're going to LOVE this update! Past Two Week's training: Week 4 - MUCH needed de-load week*focus this week is shoulder therapy and getting rid of the wrist and hand pain. Friday 8/29/14: DE BP -- deload1. long cycle: 16kg x 5 reps in 30 sec. - 30 sec. rest x 3 / 2 sets2a. bench press: worked up to 95x5 / 2 sets2b. seated row: 4x63a. 3-way delt raise: 8 x 5,5,5 / 2 sets3b. pulldown: 2x84a. pushdown: 2x104b. DB curl: 2x10 Thursday 8/28/14: ME SQ/DL -- deload1. gamma casts w/ heavy club: 20 x 5+5 / 2 sets2. sled dragging - 5 trips pressing walking forward and rowing walking backward3. GHR: 2x84. pulldown: 2x85. reverse hyper: 2x86. pulldown abs: 2x127. heavy club torso swings (I think they are called “war hammer” swings or something stupid like that): 20 x 5+5 / 2 sets Tuesday 8/26/14: ME BP -- deload1. bench press (bar only, hand and wrist hurt but was able to unrack and do some reps): bar x 10 / 2 sets2. reverse grip bench press: bar x 15 / 2 sets3. DB bench press: 3x154. pushdown: 3x125. pulldown: 3x106. 1-arm row: 2x127. cable curl: 3x88. shrugs & delt raises: 3 sets Monday 8/25/14: DE SQ/DL -- deload1. squat: 135x3/ 3 sets2. deadlift: 185x33. long cycle (just wanted to test the shoulder a bit on this, hand hurt a little and shoulder was ok): 12kg x 40 reps / 5:00 (steady 8rpm)4. pulldown: 2x85. reverse hyper: 2x106. ab bench: 2x15 Week 3Friday 8/22/14: DE BP*Shoulder was F@$%ed!!! SOOO much pain in my wrist and palm on the right hand I could not even unrack the unloaded bar to bench.1. pushdown: 5x152. pulldown: 4x103. seated row: 3x104. DB curls: 4x105. laterals: 4x12 Thursday 8/21/14: ME SQ/DL1. rack deadlift: #3 pin (plates are 6” off the ground): worked up to 295x1, 315x1, 335x12. GHR: 4x10*finished with pulldowns, abs and reverse hypers for 4 sets Tuesday 8/19/14: ME BP1. pin press: #10 pin (bar set at chest) - worked up to 155x1; #13 pin (bar 3” off chest) - worked up to 195x12. DB bench press: 35x18-20 / 3 3. elbows out extensions (Tate press): 4x12-154. seated row: 4x125. laterals: 3x8-106. pulldowns: 3x6-107. hammer curls: 3x7-12 Monday 8/18/14: DE SQ/DL1. box squat w/ chains: 185x2 / 2 sets, 205x2 / 2 sets, 225x2 / 2 sets2. speed deadlift w/ chains: 245x1 / 2 sets, 275x1 / 2 sets, 295x1; no chains - 315x1, 365x13. pulldown: 4x104. reverse hyper: 4x105. weighted abs: 4x15 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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