AndiMorris Posted December 4, 2013 Share Posted December 4, 2013 That cronometer site looks really interesting, I might do a trial week just to see if I'm missing out, or going overboard on any vitamins or minerals. I enjoy some olympic lifting too, although I'm nowhere near your standard. I'll keep an eye on this journal for inspiration. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michalina Posted December 4, 2013 Share Posted December 4, 2013 406% of carbs, nice .Also impressed by your workout, do you do long rests between each set? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landsleaving Posted December 10, 2013 Author Share Posted December 10, 2013 Hey Guys thanks for the comments, very much appreciated. I've been very busy this last while and will be very busy the next two weeks but while I have a chance I'll update the log some bitC.O. The site I'm analysing the nutrition on is I don't really track(cos I don't log it daily) as so much I use it to see what I am lackingThe values are % of minimum and then when red appears you have exceeded the recommended daily allowanceYesterday I was super lazy and had beans and rice for the three meals! This was great for lysine but not so great for selenium. Vitamin E and Calcium weren't that great either. Actually anyone have any ideas for vitamin E I'm finding that quite hardI ate too much Manganese, magnesium, folate, fiber and sodium. But I've looked thoroughly on the net and found no evidence of people overdosing on vitamins and minerals from plants. Also the fiber and philates(spelling) reduce absorption, either that or I'm growing a tumor(folates) and building up mineral toxicity! lets hope not! On the positive side my omega ratio has improved and I'm eating more lysine(not really that much fun and I'm doubtful of any real benefit) The two kilos have already gone on, mostly fat, I'm putting that down to the extra beans(rice) and rice(reduce wind) Training wise I tested my maxes on Friday and got a 65kg snatch and a 80kg clean and Jerk AndiMoris thanks for the props but really I'm still a rank beginner, I've got a real long way to go.From this week on I've started training at lunch times rather than afternoons as it is really eating into my college time too muchI'm aiming for 40mins Mon -Friday and ~2hrs on Saturday or Sunday Sunday was swole day OHP 10*10-7@ 35 Superseted with Rows 10*10-7@ 65 Yesterday wassquat 10@ 20,50,60,65,70,70,70,70 (I'm trying to widen my stance a bit so greasing the groove) Jerk 3@ 20,30,40,50,55,60,65,65,60 (Hips not stable enough in the catch, Last month it was abs now its hips => Lunges!)Michalina - Rest varies, from 2-5 mins, I usually take too long, good for strength but poor for work capacity, I'm trying to reduce it where possible, especially on the lunchtime trainings Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landsleaving Posted December 10, 2013 Author Share Posted December 10, 2013 AndiMorris I just checked out your log/tumbler your not far off me it you take into account bodyweight, I'll be checking out your log for inspiration! And fair play for being able to handle crossfit, some serious work capacity needed for that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted December 10, 2013 Share Posted December 10, 2013 Thanks buddy. At the moment I can only dream of an 80kg clean and jerk and 65kg snatch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landsleaving Posted December 11, 2013 Author Share Posted December 11, 2013 Training yesterday wassq 10@ 20,40,60,70,75,75,75,75 (Right leg is dominant with the wide stance - gotta fix that => lunges and pistolsOHS 5@ 20,30,40 3*40 (sucked at this, wrists felt week but could be that I squatted just before)Row 5@ 60,70,80,80,70OHP 8*40,1*60,3*40, 8*40 Dinner was more of the beans and some steamed pumpkin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndiMorris Posted December 11, 2013 Share Posted December 11, 2013 OHS is a tough movement. I do find that making sure I can find a stable position overhead really helps. Perhaps invest some time on some mobility work to be sure you have full external rotation overhead so that you can fully lock out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landsleaving Posted December 11, 2013 Author Share Posted December 11, 2013 Too right AndiMorris, ah well, next time Todays training was;Left Leg Lunges 10*40,50,60,60,65,70,70,70,70Front Squats 5*60,60,65,70,75,80,85 & 3@85,85,85Ab rollouts 1*15Hanging leg raises 2Three sets of knee raises off two parellel 50mm rope Front Squat 5 x 85kg matched an old pr so the wider stance is getting better. Just need to get it to work on regular back squats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landsleaving Posted December 12, 2013 Author Share Posted December 12, 2013 sq 10@ 20,60,70,80,80,80Snatch Grip RDLs off blocks 5@ 20,60,70,80,85,90,95,100,& not off blocks 6x105pr But only a pr because I didn't have a 6rep Snatch Grip RDL recorded Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landsleaving Posted December 17, 2013 Author Share Posted December 17, 2013 Friday Lunchsq 10@ 20,60,70,80,85, 85, 85Jerk 3@ 20,30,40,50,55,2x60,1x60 3x50 Friday evening (didn't record warmups)OHS 5x42.5 (without wraps)Drop SnatchesJerks 3x60Half Squats from pins 3x180 SaturdaySquats 20*10, 5 sets of 60*10, 10*65, 10*70, 10*75,6*80,6*85OverHead Shrug 10*20,25,30Clean Pulls 3*60,70,80,80Cleans 1*60,70,80,90Over Head Press 8*40,40,40Leg Raises off a BenchAbb Rollouts 3 sets of 5 with 10kg&3 with no weight MondaySquat 10@ 20,50,60,65,70,75,80,8*85, 5*90, 4*95 (tired)Lunge (Jerk stance, Back Squat rack position for bar) 10-6 60,70,80,90,95 (not sure how good this is, but wasn't a totally bad exercise)Left Leg Lunges 3sets of 5*80 What I have learned the past weekWrists need way more stretching and conditioningI tend to use my right leg more on the heavy sets when squattingMy right knee comes in when in receiving the JerkI'm not sure if this is from a weakness in the left leg or just the abductors not firing properly(probably both) Solutions areWrists; stretch, roll on golf ball, anything hanging off a rope, reverse wrist curls, overhead squats without wraps, and wrist pushupsKnee; do a set of squats with band on knee supersetted with jerking and squatting exercises (and others if motivated) Food wise I'm finding the higher protein intake difficult on the system from preparing, eating, digesting, and enjoyment. One of the reasons I became vegan was because I do really well on complex carbs as a staple and then all the other stuff, so I'll be sticking to that from now on out! The two kilos have gone on and I don't appear to be putting on more weight without trying, that's great, headache free. hopefully it'll stay that way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landsleaving Posted December 17, 2013 Author Share Posted December 17, 2013 Lunch time today squat 10@ 20,40,60,70,75,80, & 5*5@85Behind the neck Push Press 5*20,30,40,50,55,55,55,55,55Row 10-5@ 55,70,70,70 (last half of the sets not full range of motion)Hanging leg raises off rope 5,3,2 These workouts are extending to an hour! meant to be 40 minsI love training too much Triceps have loads of knots in them, been under used and forgotten of lateHook grip on the push presses is nice (helps stop bar from travelling back towards fingers)Did loads of hip external rotater activation work between sets - paid off - going to keep this up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
landsleaving Posted December 19, 2013 Author Share Posted December 19, 2013 WednesdayFront Squats 5*50,60,70,80,85, 90, 95, 3*95 OHP 10*20,30,8*35,5*40,5*40Weighted pullups 5,4,3,3 @20kg Leg raises on rope, lots of reverse wrist curls with 5kg Thursdaysq 10@ 20,60,70,80,90, 8*90, 4*90Snatch Grip RDLS 5@ 20,70,80,,90,,100,,110,110,110Hanging from rope leg raises , Lots of reverse grip curls with a 10lbs dumbell and ab rollouts with 10kg 3*6 Lots of external hip rotator activation work between setsOHP 1*60kg Christmas is here to derail trainingMerry Christmas Everybody Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
C.O. Posted March 18, 2014 Share Posted March 18, 2014 Howve you been? Been cheating and eating those sardines? I had a weak moment with some salt n pepper squid at a Chinese food restaurant the other day.... oh well everyone has their vices right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
geckocindy1 Posted April 20, 2014 Share Posted April 20, 2014 I just had the thank the person who mentioned the cron-o-meter site for tracking diet, etc. THANK YOU!!! I've been looking for software like that for years. I'm sorry this is a bit off topic for this thread. I really am extremely grateful for the link though. (Yes, I'm new to the forum) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
C.O. Posted May 27, 2014 Share Posted May 27, 2014 Hey Cindy, welcome, is that your bird? Landsleaving are you alive and well? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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