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Fruits and Vegetables Warning Label

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Fruits and Vegetables


“Ask your doctor today about Fruits and Vegetables. They might be right for you.”


Information about Fruits and Vegetables




Fruits and Vegetables are taken orally when hunger is present. Take Fruits and Vegetables only as directed, preferably in their raw, natural, uncooked state, three to six times daily or as directed. Fruits and Vegetables along with breathing, sunshine, exercise, rest, sleep, play, laughter and other factors work synergistically to achieve vibrant health with a youthful sense of well-being.




Regular defecation, expectoration of old wastes, faster healing, loss of excess body fat, increased energy, libido, muscle flexibility, vitality, clearer eyes, eyesight, thinking ability and skin, more lustrous hair, joyfulness, sex-appeal, random smiling and irrational outbreaks of extreme happiness.




One should have a complete medical history and exam to determine if Fruits and Vegetables are right for you. Contraindications include: fruitophobia and vegephobia. There are many medications that are known to negate the efficacy of Fruits and Vegetables, so be sure to tell your doctor about all medications you are taking, including nonprescription drugs. Avoid alcohol intake, as it may aggravate side effects of Fruits and Vegetables. In order to avoid sprains and other injuries when rising to jump and dance around from a seated or lying position, get up slowly. The elderly may be more sensitive to the side effects of Fruits and Vegetables; therefore, caution is advised in this group.




None known; however, before eating Fruits and Vegetables consult your doctor about all nonprescription and prescription medication you may use, and ask him or her if you can reduce your dosages with the goal of eliminating them forever.




Store Fruits and Vegetables at room temperature between 59 and 86

degrees F or in paper bags in your refrigerator for longer keeping. Keep Fruits and Vegetables within the reach of children.

Facts About Fruit and Vegetable Eating:

When grown in fertile, remineralized soil, Fruits and Vegetables amply furnish every nutrient that we require for optimum health. Fruits and Vegetables were eaten almost exclusively by humanoids before the dawn of recorded history, helping homo sapiens to develop into the superb beings they are in their natural state. Since adopting omnivorous eating habits, homo sapiens have been plagued by degenerative diseases and cruel, destructive behavior. After adopting a diet of raw Fruits and Vegetables, countless modern human beings have reversed physical degeneration, completely overcome many disease conditions and gone on to experience complete physical and mental rejuvenation. Worldwide, the increased consumption of Fruits for breakfast and lunch, followed by Vegetable salads with a portion of avocado, seeds or nuts for dinner, has instigated outbreaks of a new condition known to medical science as “health.”


Ask your doctor today about Fruits and Vegetables.


They might be right for you.

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