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I want all my hair when i'm 50+

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Exciton you look like Mr. Clean




Why thank you! I love Mr. Clean. I even had that huge earring when I was young. I have to throw some hydrogenperoxide on my eyebrows though.

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Lucky Denmark!

Oh, come on, you went from classics like Nicholson in the Shining to Diesel?

Indeed, I went from Nicholson to Diesel. I like diversity and I certainly have films of highly varying character (and quality) in my collection. Note, however that I did not try to compare the aforementioned two actors. That is just impossible since they are not even in the same frame of reference. In the same manner comparing e.g. The Taxi Driver with Pitch Black is like comparing a Steinway with bubblegum. But even if you play the Steinway you may occasionally enjoy a piece bubblegum (as long as you keep your habit away from the concert hall). Diesel works in the framework of Pitch Black which never intended to be deep but simply to provide good clean family fun!


Aw, now, no need to explain, exciton


Actually, I do understand, I guess. I mean, isn't this the ultimate mojo?

I have my own likeness for mindless films sometimes...Diesel fits in the Rock category, I guess. I've seen "XXX," and "Saving Private Ryan," but I think that's it for him; and I liked the Rock in "Be Cool" (though not the film itself, really). I thought he showed real comedic potential. I just love Vince Vaghn, too...he's just great in whatever he does. Can't think of a film he went hairless??? He's almost there, anyway; I'm sure he'd look good


Oh, and I love Vincent D'Onofrio -- another favorite of mine! He's done a lot of interesting films. Who can forget him in F.M.J? And he was shaved for at least one other film, lousy as it is


I think Patrick Stewart is one of those men who doesn't look right with hair.

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Aw, now, no need to explain, exciton


Actually, I do understand, I guess. I mean, isn't this the ultimate mojo?

Indeed! Unreachable mojo.


I have my own likeness for mindless films sometimes...Diesel fits in the Rock category, I guess. I've seen "XXX," and "Saving Private Ryan," but I think that's it for him; and I liked the Rock in "Be Cool" (though not the film itself, really). I thought he showed real comedic potential. I just love Vince Vaghn, too...he's just great in whatever he does. Can't think of a film he went hairless??? He's almost there, anyway; I'm sure he'd look good

Probably. Time will show, I guess


Oh, and I love Vincent D'Onofrio -- another favorite of mine! He's done a lot of interesting films. Who can forget him in F.M.J? And he was shaved for at least one other film, lousy as it is


I actually liked The Cell because of its surrealism.


I think Patrick Stewart is one of those men who doesn't look right with hair.

That is William Shatners hair on his head! Blasphemy!

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No but I think its related to intelligence...the more intelligent you are the less hair you have...even if you have to remove it manually.

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  • 4 months later...

Pluck them all...it'll grow back thinner and thinner then you will no longer have to pluck...too bad you'd be naturally bald by the time you would be done plucking

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I've been battling with this one for some time.

I am losing more and more hair each year and I've been debating about shaving the melon.

I really don't feel that hair is important enough to take drugs for or to undergo those nasty treatments such as plugs. My only options then, would be to live with it as it is (hair on the sides and very thin on top) or to shave.


I guess my biggest worry is that I will shave and just HATE it!!!


What was everybody's experience with the first time shaving their head?

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Reading this thread reminds me of a Seinfeld episode (of course nearly everthing does )


There was an episode where Elaine was dating this guy with a shaved head. She couldn't help but wonder if he shaved because he had to or just because he wanted to.

Turns out he was a competitive swimmer and he liked the look and kept it.

Of course Elaine wonders out loud whether he could still grow a full head of hair given the fact that he's shaved for so long.

He tries and discovers pattern baldness which sets him into a state of depression.


(okay....it's funnier when you watch it )

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Just shave it too see what happens...I loved it the second I did it...however in your case you may grow to regret it...assuming your lucky enough to grow anything back

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Just shave it too see what happens...I loved it the second I did it...however in your case you may grow to regret it...assuming your lucky enough to grow anything back


ANOTHER zinger from the villainous veganpotter!!!


I could always transplant hair from another body region......

(How's THAT for an opening for you ???)

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Thats a good idea...especially if your too hairy in any particular area...if you want you can have my leg hair since I'm tired of shaving them.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Hey guys I read up on hair loss and growth all natural alternatives to drugs like rogaine. I found some good info on nettle. You know like the stinging nettle plant. Its supposed to be bennificial for a lot of people men and women. Its not super spendy either. If your hair's is not as thick as it used to be do some research on it.

Oh and feel free to post additional alternatives to drugs for hair growth.





Don't waste your money, spend it on nutrient dense foods that your body can use to make hair.

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  • 1 month later...

I have heard it all You can rub whatever you want and it won't make any difference.


I shave as well. Actually use those electric things with just the blade. Cuts around 1-2mm from the skin. I could never use razors. Too close to the skin and will probably cause in growing hair + spots and stuff.


My electric shave thing last for the whole year.



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