Richard Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 Hey dudes. I got back from Scotland on Friday. I am doing fine, and hope you all survived my absence. I did start to post a little while I was there, but not to the extent that I used to. But now I'm back up in this humpty bumpty I will be a regular poster again. Anyway, here's a rambling summary of my journey and vacation, for those of you who might be interested: I had known a girl online from another forum for about a year or 18 months, but then we'd started talking on MSN and shit, and we got on perfectly, so we decided that I'd go stay with her to see if we could work out a relationship. So that was the reason I went, and that objective is now complete, which is awesome, and hopefully she will be coming to visit me soon(ish). So I had to get a train up from the south of England, right up to the very far north of Scotland. I have never been that far before, I had to get about 3 trains up to the north of England, then I got a sleeper train (travelled overnight) to get to Scotland, then I had to get a further train from Inverness to Thurso, and then wait for 4 hours in Thurso for the ferry which would take me to the island she lives on, then get a taxi to her house... This was daunting as I have also never used a ferry before. Altogether it took about 26.5 hours to travel there and it was very weird. I was so scared of the ferry to start with, before I went, that I had previously told myself that I would never do it. But knowing that it was the only way to meet her, I had to overcome this fear, and it was easy. Getting on the ferry didn't frighten me in the least, and when it started moving, it was peculiar but kind of fun really, and then I went to sleep. The island was way different to where I live. For a start, it is full of hills and shit, it is flat where I live. There are basically no trees, or very few, because of how windy it is and because of the type of earth, whereas where I live, there are trees everywhere. There are open fields of sheep or just empty fields, and wilderness everywhere. Where I live, there are lots of fields... but nothing as expansive as this, and there is much more civilization around. Where she lives there's a total lack of people, really spaced out and tranquil. The accent is really different too. Day and night was different also. Because it was in the summer/spring, it never really got very dark even in the middle of the night it only got dim rather than black outside. Here, no matter what time of year it is, it always gets black at some point. When I first met her at her house, we kind of talked nervously / shyly and shit a little first, but only for about an hour or so. I had got there at around 9:30pm so it wasn't long before we went to sleep. I think I felt maybe a bit disorientated and out of my element a bit, and it all felt so unusual for me, I mean I have never had an actual relationship really, so it was really just time to follow my own advice which I always give other people about relationships. This turned out fine, because (shock) I know what I am talking about with regard to relationships, respect, patience, empathy etc, and also we'd really talked for ages online beforehand so we knew lots of really important things about each other concerning our beliefs and what we want etc The following days we talked mainly, and played videogames and just got more comfortable with each other's company. It really didn't take long to totally feel at home and just be happy to be around each other without any concerns and worries. At this time, I was still eating my very restricted and not particularly nutritious meals. I had been eating brown rice, brown pasta, oats and raisins basically - nothing else at the time. But I watched her eating lots and lots of steamed vegetables from her steamer. I was initially like 'ah, that looks way too vegetabally for me'. But gradually, I thought I could try something I used to be familiar with: brocolli. I used to not mind it too much. So one time I asked if I could try a bit, and I put a tonne of flavouring on it and it was nice. From then on, I gradually worked up to more brocolli, less flavouring, with rice and pasta... and then branched out to other steamed vegetables. She didn't pressure me into trying anything, which was really good, because I'd have got PO'd (pissed off) with it if she did, but that's not the kind of person she is. It was just through seeing the vegetables and wanting to try for myself. So now I am eating steamed brocolli, kidney beans, potatoes, cauliflower, mushrooms and sweet potato, all together, with no pasta or rice, just a big bowl of vegetables, which is something I never thought I'd be doing. It's so damn awesome because it means I can eat a lot more healthily and enjoy it. When I got back home to England, my mum bought a steamer for us which all the family will use, and I have been eating a tonne of vegetables, it's so great. I dunno if it's the steaming which makes them more appealing to me, or if it's just because I haven't really tried vegetables since my childhood, which I have nightmarey memories about eating vegetables from. And I know it isn't just because my girlfriend was eating them, because I also tried about 6 other kinds of vegetable while I was there, and hated them just as much as I used to, so I still do have my own taste without being brainwashed or anything silly. Yes, we didn't really do many activities. Neither of us are like that, I think we mainly like to take it easy and talk, or relax. We spent most of the time playing videogames (WipeOut on (PS2), Wild Arms 3 (PS2), Klonoa 2 (PS2), Bomberman Generations (GameCube), Resident Evil 4 (PS2), Devil May Cry 3 (PS2), Manhunt (PS2), Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2), Tekken 5 (PS2), Eternal Darkness (GameCube)... we played together sometimes, or watched each other play while we talked, it was cool and is something that we both really enjoy doing which is awesome, being able to share such an interest. We watched lots of anime that I'd never heard of, I especially enjoyed Vash the Stampede, but we also watched a handful of anime films, and lots of episodes of anime TV series, which we both really enjoy, she has a far superior anime collection and knowledge to me which is awesome. We went into Kirkwall a few times, shopping for food, which was interesting as I got to see lots of new foods that I haven't tried before, or haven't tried for ages. I got into dates a lot, they are so good! Also coconut, which I made a thread about already hells yeah. Couscous as well, yum, and various spices. Also some tofu, and some fake cheese... yes I enjoyed all the foody goodness. When she comes here, she will see more food that isn't on sale where she lives, so hopefully it will be just as good for her. We went for walks around where she lives, which is nice and peaceful and has some great views of the hills and countryside. We went to a museum of fossils, and got to see some awesome glow-in-the-dark stones and shells from the bottom of the ocean, which had really cool patterns on them with the lights turned out. Also went to an old ruin of a palace, which was really big and impressively not that ruined, meaning that you could walk around the ground floor in the old rooms which hadn't really been damaged. Also went to the cathedral, which was okay, and to a excavation site of a stoneage village, where you could see the houses built into the ground, and also a reconstructed house that you could go in, made authentically to be like they must have been back then, which was awesome! Also went to see the Ring of Brogar, which is a massive stone circle. That was mildly interesting, they are big stones definitely, and I haven't seen anything like that up close before. Sadly I have been a total slob while I was there. Basically no exercise, apart from a few bits of martial arts I did, and some pressups, but hardly any. I feel bad about that, but I guess that's inspiration to try harder now I am back and can go to the gym again hardcore, which I hope to start tomorrow. Also I didn't get to do any ninjaring while I was there, and no guitar. But I never got homesick and none of that really bugged me as I was enjoying myself so much. I am really glad I met her, it's changed a lot for me, and it's so rare that I make any kind of real connection with people at all, let alone a relationship. It was absolutely miserable to leave her and come home, I don't think I've experienced anything quite as difficult before. Luckily, logic has prevailed for me a little, and I know that we're a long-term couple, and that we'll see each other as much as we can, so I should be happy that we met and will meet again, not sad that we're apart just for now. So yeah, I am real happy now: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daywalker Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 Glad you're back, Ninja! Sounds like you had an awesome, inspiring, enhancing time up there on the isle. I'm happy for you Change is the motor of life, and love is the fuel. So now i'm looking forward to your insightful posts again Watch out for an email with a pic to be hulkalized lovizzle and peacish, Daywalkerrrr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SeaSiren Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 And you look happy! Sounds like a wonderful time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
loveliberate Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 I *KNEW* you were a hippy and now I have the evidence (photo & sappy love-story) to prove it!!! Just kidding amigo! Thank you for sharing this. It sounds like it was a really good experience for ya. I hope that you & yr relationship continue to blossom. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chesty leroux Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 aww thats awesome dude. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted July 2, 2006 Author Share Posted July 2, 2006 Thanks for the replies, yes it's good to be back on the forum again. I didn't think the story was sappy, it's sap free I think! Maybe it has some sorbet on it, or moisturizer etc. I can't argue with the hippy thing, apart from that I don't do drugs and I am not pretentious like most hippies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
loveliberate Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 Most hippie's dont wear hoodies that say "All Aboard the Pain Train" either... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robert Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 Great to have you back! You are one of the guys I connected with the most when you first joined and I thank you for all the work you've done with me over the past year! I really enjoyed reading your report. I am a fan of long detailed reports as I tend to post, so it was cool reading about your experience. That is cool that you were so into the relationship that you didn't even miss being a ninja, the guitar or training. Thanks for saying hi every once in a while when you were over there. Great to have you back. I can already sense the forum will become more Alive with you here again. Rock on man! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jay Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 RS 4 is a good game. Glad you've been having fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kathryn Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 Sounds like you had a great time, and are eating better! And you do look happier than in your avatar . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
compassionategirl Posted July 3, 2006 Share Posted July 3, 2006 Welcome back Richy baby Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
veganmadre Posted July 5, 2006 Share Posted July 5, 2006 holy *crap* (censored due to Rob's swearing sensitivity - which brings me to a completely unrelated but amusing point - Virginia Beach is "swear-free* that abso *$%^#@*lutely cracks me up! And, while I was in Virginia, let me also mention that I got to meet up with the one and only veganpotter who is exceptionally talented and generous and strong-willed! He patiently and devotedly ate his under 500 calories from cooked food udon soup while Michael and I pigged out at the vegan chinese buffett. Still, looks at though two full plates is not indeed "pigging out" that it takes 4 plates to qualify for that ) Now I don't have the slightest clue as to what I was holy crapping. NOt that I was crapping...I was typing...ah...welcome back? oh yeah. I was crapping the long hair! Wow dude! I don't crap long hair. In fact, I don't even have long hair anymore. OK. I'm done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
loveliberate Posted July 5, 2006 Share Posted July 5, 2006 Cool that ya'll get to meet and hang out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gym hater Posted July 5, 2006 Share Posted July 5, 2006 You've got a Gamecube, and yet you play Resident Evil 4 on the PS2 . Good to hear about the girlfriend and the vegetables. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted July 5, 2006 Author Share Posted July 5, 2006 You've got a Gamecube, and yet you play Resident Evil 4 on the PS2 . Good to hear about the girlfriend and the vegetables. Well... I don't have a gamecube, she has a gamecube. And resident evil belongs to my brother, who only has a PS2, and no gamecube, so that's how that happened. I have seen the GC version and it looks much prettier. But you do get the extra stuff on the PS2, so I dunno, they seem like they both have good points. It's still pretty impressive for a PS2, one of the nicest looking gamez on there in my opinion. Yeah Tiff, my hair is getting pretty long again, soon it will be back to how it SHOULD be and I will be rocking out hard. I have been learning britney spears on guitar. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daywalker Posted July 6, 2006 Share Posted July 6, 2006 holy *crap* (censored due to Rob's swearing sensitivity - which brings me to a completely unrelated but amusing point - Virginia Beach is "swear-free* that abso *$%^#@*lutely cracks me up! And, while I was in Virginia, let me also mention that I got to meet up with the one and only veganpotter who is exceptionally talented and generous and strong-willed! He patiently and devotedly ate his under 500 calories from cooked food udon soup while Michael and I pigged out at the vegan chinese buffett. Still, looks at though two full plates is not indeed "pigging out" that it takes 4 plates to qualify for that ) Now I don't have the slightest clue as to what I was holy crapping. NOt that I was crapping...I was typing...ah...welcome back? oh yeah. I was crapping the long hair! Wow dude! I don't crap long hair. In fact, I don't even have long hair anymore. OK. I'm done. There's only one person in this forum who can hold the candle to our ninja Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
offense74 Posted July 6, 2006 Share Posted July 6, 2006 Sounds nice, dude Eternal Darkness (GameCube)One of the best games I've ever played. Did you freak out when she found the dead body in the bath tub? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrispyQ Posted July 6, 2006 Share Posted July 6, 2006 It was absolutely miserable to leave her and come home, I don't think I've experienced anything quite as difficult before. Sounds like love. Welcome back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Posted July 6, 2006 Author Share Posted July 6, 2006 Sounds nice, dude Eternal Darkness (GameCube)One of the best games I've ever played. Did you freak out when she found the dead body in the bath tub? I didn't play it, she did, so I didn't get to be freaked out by it yet, although I heard various nasty noises in the game which were pretty freaksome. I have borrowed it and might give it a look. I understand that the concept and story is good, I didn't think the combat system looked too hot though. Sounds like love. Wink Welcome back. Thanks Yeah I guess so, I don't like to use that word though as it has weird connotations and nobody agrees on what it really means... but yeah I feel like we're partners, and I feel completely happy and comfortable with her, with no doubts, and I am happy to think about my future with her, whatever word you want to use to describe that! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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