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The Smith Machine

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Yeah, I don't like it, either. Smith machines really force me into a certain range of motion that is no good on my form or my knees. I mean, it can be good for some things, like shrugs or a variation on upright rows, but otherwise, I'm not a big fan of them .


Like SeaSiren, I also just use a squat cage and set the bars to catch the weight if I fail. Benching is a little trickier, but willpeavy has a good idea with the dumbbells there.


Good luck finding what works for you .

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not a big fan...I had to use it in high school though since our gym had 8 of them and no regular squat racks. I did get stronger but its awkward getting full squats in since when you use a real bar your not moving the bar completely vertically

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Yeah, I would avoid the smith machine too. I think you'll learn pretty quickly when you can do another rep and when you can not. If you fail on the squats, you should be able to dump the bar. Probably best to avoid getting into that situation though, cause it might not be entirely non-risky.

On the bench you might have to embarrase yourself by calling for help if you fail, but that wont kill you . Other options are to roll the bar down the stomach or to tip off the weights ( if you dont use locks ) .

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Most people that use the smith machine for squatting seem to end up hurting their backs. It forces/allows a movement pattern that isn't necessarily natural and also people tend to lean against the bar to deload the back, causing muscular imbalance - frequently the source of the eventual injury.





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Are there any good resistance machines at the gym? They are pretty safe, and some of the newer ones allow a good range of motion and allow you to have free-er movement, not just restricted to one line of motion. Also, why can't you get anyone to spot you? Surely there must be some friendly people you can approach, like if someone is already doing bench, you can ask if they'd like to spot with you. I also recently started adding in dumbell press to my workout, and I love it and feel the difference.

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