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Have you heard it? Not cool


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I just heard a commerical on the radio. Burger King is back at it.


What is a man?


A man does not want to hold anyone's purse standing outside the dressing room, A man reserves the right to own a vehicle so large it requires it's own zip code, A man does not want to be served tofu, wheatgrass, or soybeans. A man wants Burger King Burgers, flame broiled.


I literally heard it 30 seconds ago and immediately started typing so I could get it nearly word for word.


Months ago, I complained about McDonald's radio marketing approach, picking on women, saying eating meat empowers them.


Now BK goes after than manliness and the fact that men will NOT eat plants!!!


Has anyone heard it?

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Yeah, I don't watch TV so I miss all the bad visual stuff they are doing with marketing, but I have the radio on, that I have internet at home again. I've made it my "office" and I'm trying to thrive here, but keep hearing crap on the radio. I guess I'm on the wrong station

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BK's "manly" ads are annoying, but I've been trying to think of them in a different light:

Why would BK be targeting men who aren't secure enough to hold their lady's purse outside a dressing room; men who buy huge vehicles simply to compensate for their feeling of lacking in other areas; men who eat tofu, wheatgrass, soybeans?

Because they (we) are the enemy.

Why are we the enemy? Because we're healthy, informed, and secure.

And we're growing in numbers. So much so that huge corporations like BK are taking notice.

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I always knew "I" was an enemy and now understand why I've actually known that for a while. People are often threatened by me because of who I am, what I've accomplished the way that I've done it, and what I stand for.


Some people (non-vegans) just get really upset when I succeed as a vegan athlete and I know many here have experienced the same type of feedback.


If people want to be my enemy because I speak up for those who can't be heard and stand for something worth standing up for, then I say, "bring it!"


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I really want to march into Burger King corporate offices and clean and press some big wigs desk over my head while wearing a vegan fitness shirt.


Or find that fat bastard who wrote that commercial and give him a kind talking to follwed by some squats and benching.


NO flexing though, my tummy needs some work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm soooo glad I'm not the only one who thinks that

Totally agree!!!! There's something disturbing about that character



The Burger King "King" is creepy!

In one commercial, a guy wakes up, and in bed next to him is the 'king' offering him a burger! In another, a guy opens up his curtains, and the "king' is standing outside his picture window, like a stalker.


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I haven't heard the commercial but BK's commercials seem to be like tongue-in-cheek making fun of themselves. Like those old beer commercials where a "real man" eats donuts with car grease on them from his dirty hands. Obviously just silly.


BK also has some 4 dollar video games out for the new X-box. Seems like they are trying to be funny..... Haven't heard the commercial you are talking about though Rob.


Of course their food sucks extremely bad. Even if someone ignores the ethical aspects it's still pretty horrifying the crap they are selling as food.

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