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I'm going to be in a book?


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It's not really a picture, but a collection of pictures, I guess. There is a trailer up on YouTube for a book called "Out of Step: Faces of Straight Edge." I did a photoshoot with the photographer putting the book together about 6 months ago, but never saw any of the pictures until I happened across this trailer. Check it out if you'd like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlDII4IfIK4. I'm at 1:07 into it doing one of the things I love best, but all of the pictures are really great.

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Are you the one doing the Yoga pose in like a park, its a b&w pic? I watched that trailer the other day and thought gee is that Nicole....By the way congrats for making it into this movie. It's not important to everyone, but I think its a really cool thing.


Yeah, that's me!!

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Hey Nicole - That is so great! You go girl!! Congratulations!


BTW - I really like the avatar of your fur babies. They look like pitties. (Which just happens to be my favorite breed!!!) Are they all related?




They are all pit bull mixes of some kind. They are rescues, so you never really know, but I THINK I have one full pit bull (maybe part boxer?), one pit bull/black mouth cur, and one pit bull/rhodesian ridgeback. So, they aren't related, but they sure look like it. I just posted a new picture of me with all three of them in the "four legged friends" thread.

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