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My bio picture...


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I had to take a new picture for my teacher bio on the yoga studio website... Of course, I really wanted my pup, Maizy, to be in there with me, but I took one without her just in case the owner doesn't want her in.








I think I'll submit all three and let him choose, but which do you like?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Nicole, a friend of mind who lives in NYC sent this to me:




I immediately thought of you when I saw it!


You should think about offering a doga workshop!! That would be so cool!


Haha, that's awesome! I can't even begin to think how I'd encorporate one of my dogs into a yoga practice. They would just be running around trying to play with the other dogs! That is amazing! I should go take class and find out how it's done.


There is also a book called "Doga" that is REALLY cute. A friend bought it for me to cheer me up when my dog, Cornholio, passed away.

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