Gym hater Posted January 9, 2007 Share Posted January 9, 2007 Does anyone know wich ingredients to avoid in France? I know to avoid lait, ouf, and poisson. But how about stuff like whey and gelatin? What are those in french?I'll be in France for a week or so, so it would be verry helpfull to know those words. Or maybe I'll just stick to freedom fries Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dudeofthedead Posted January 10, 2007 Share Posted January 10, 2007 French happens to be the second language spoken in my country, so maybe I can type in a few key words so you don't have to worry about the mainstream stuff; also let me know if I can help you out more specifically with other things as you discover them. Some animal foods you definitely want to stay away from: fromage, présure, poulet, saumon, dinde, saucisse, porc, beauf, veau, hâché, cabillaud, coq, crevette, moules, lard, gibier, lapin, cheval, mouton, volailles, cochon, agneau, canard, oie, pigeon, oie, sanglier, chevreuil, crustacés, huîtres, mollusques, acide lactique, lactose, lactosérum... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gym hater Posted January 10, 2007 Author Share Posted January 10, 2007 Thanks/dankjewel I will stay away from those. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dudeofthedead Posted January 10, 2007 Share Posted January 10, 2007 Hehe, you're welcome. What places in France have you already visited to buy food ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gym hater Posted January 10, 2007 Author Share Posted January 10, 2007 Hehe, you're welcome. What places in France have you already visited to buy food ? None, I am leaving this friday. Je parle un petit peut de Fraincais, maar nog niet genoeg om alle dierlijke producten te vermijden. But thanks for the input, it's verry usefull.How do I say "vegan" in french? Or "no milk, eggs, meat and fish"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dudeofthedead Posted January 10, 2007 Share Posted January 10, 2007 Nice to know there are more Dutch-speaking people around, are you from Belgium or The Netherlands? This written, I think it is much better for the community if we stick to English, I mean... that wouldn't seem right for them if they can't interact. As for your questions: Vegetarian = végétarienVegan = végétalien // the only slight difference being the L instead of R, but very important nonetheless!No milk, eggs, meat and fish = pas de lait, d'oeufs, viande et (du) poisson. Put in a sentence, that would more or less look like "Je ne mange pas de viande, oeufs, lait et poisson". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gym hater Posted January 10, 2007 Author Share Posted January 10, 2007 Nice to know there are more Dutch-speaking people around, are you from Belgium or The Netherlands? This written, I think it is much better for the community if we stick to English, I mean... that wouldn't seem right for them if they can't interact. As for your questions: Vegetarian = végétarienVegan = végétalien // the only slight difference being the L instead of R, but very important nonetheless!No milk, eggs, meat and fish = pas de lait, d'oeufs, viande et (du) poisson. Put in a sentence, that would more or less look like "Je ne mange pas de viande, oeufs, lait et poisson". Thanks!No, I am not from Belgium, I am Dutch. Sorry about writing in Dutch, but I just got back from studying in the US for a semester, so it's good to write some Dutch again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dudeofthedead Posted January 10, 2007 Share Posted January 10, 2007 But then there was always the possibility to write some Dutch sentences on a piece of paper... en dan zuchten, 'gatver, dat voelde goed, doe ik nog ne keer !' (and then sigh, goddamn, that felt good, let's do that again !) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gym hater Posted January 10, 2007 Author Share Posted January 10, 2007 But then there was always the possibility to write some Dutch sentences on a piece of paper... en dan zuchten, 'gatver, dat voelde goed, doe ik nog ne keer !' (and then sigh, goddamn, that felt good, let's do that again !) It was fun swearing when people didn't understand it I got all the swearing out of my system right before entering the airplane back to NL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dudeofthedead Posted January 10, 2007 Share Posted January 10, 2007 Dunno why but I have this picture in my head where I see you teach your classmates some of the most complex tongue-twisters in Dutch while cheering them up a little bit, "toe nou, probeer het samen opnieuw, gewoon nadoen, want zo lukt het nooit, en karakter is met twee k's... nee, rrrr, ik lust geen kaas, ik ben veganist, jij domoor!" I shall put an end to my ramblings now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gym hater Posted January 11, 2007 Author Share Posted January 11, 2007 Dunno why but I have this picture in my head where I see you teach your classmates some of the most complex tongue-twisters in Dutch while cheering them up a little bit, "toe nou, probeer het samen opnieuw, gewoon nadoen, want zo lukt het nooit, en karakter is met twee k's... nee, rrrr, ik lust geen kaas, ik ben veganist, jij domoor!" I shall put an end to my ramblings now. Belgian humor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dudeofthedead Posted February 5, 2007 Share Posted February 5, 2007 Hey man, how about, you tell us about that trip of yours? No major problems encountered with regard to food? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xdarthveganx Posted February 5, 2007 Share Posted February 5, 2007 Hmm I didnt find any problem staying Vegan in Paris. There are a number of Kosher grocery stores with tofutti brand products. Also a handful of vegetarian restaurants, my fav place to eat however was Maoz Falafel near Notre Damne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfacile Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 In Paris is not difficult but in other city...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sydneyvegan Posted February 12, 2007 Share Posted February 12, 2007 In Paris is not difficult but in other city...... I agree....I found it very hard to find vegan food in France...I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables, and would stock up at middle eastern shops when I could find them, on hommous etc.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bbodygirl Posted July 5, 2007 Share Posted July 5, 2007 If you want addresses vegetarians out of Paris in France, ask me. In France, one asks: "Pas de viande, pas d'oeufs, pas de lait, pas de beurre, ni de poisson" Here some addresses (PARIS-95) : Restaurants vegetarians : LA VICTOIRE SUPREME DU COEUR41 rue des Bourdonnais75001 PARISMetro Châtelet01. du Lundi au Samedi de 12h à 14h15 et de 19h à 22 h FEE MINI THE25 boulevard du Temple75003 PARIS01 48 04 56 19 Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 11h à 21h, le samedi de 12h à 22h. Salon de thé éthique (commerce équitable, bio, végétarien, associatif) et culturel (galerie, expos, bibliothèque, associations, débats, etc). LE POTAGER DU MARAIS22 rue Rambuteau75003 PARISCuisine 100% végétarienne (carte végétalienne / ingrédients bios / oeufs bios / vins). Plats de 7 à 12,50 euros, restaurant non fumeur, coin fumeur si voisins OkComment s’ y rendre : M° Rambuteau (ligne 11), M° Hôtel de ville (ligne 1 et 11), RER A, B et D Châtelet-Les-Halles PICCOLO TEATRO6 rue des Ecoufes75004 PARIS01 42 72 17 79 LE GRENIER DE NOTRE DAME18, rue de la Bûcherie75005 PARIS01 43 29 98 29 Menu à 17 euros (entrée, plat, dessert, café) LES CINQ SAVEURS D’ANADA72 rue du cardinal Lemoine75005 PARIS01 43 29 58 54Heures d’ouverture : 12h à 14h30 et 19h à 22h30.Spécialités macrobiotiques et végétariennes, vente à emporter.Site web : MAOZ8 r Xavier Privas75005 PARIS01 43 26 36 00Site web : http://www.maozvegetarian.comSnack/ Sandwicherie VEGGIE38 rue de Verneuil75007 PARIS01 42 61 28 61Restaurant végétarien, traiteur, vente à emporter, et boutique. Produits 100% bio. Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 15h30 et de 17h à 19h00. KRISHNA BHAVAN 24 rue Cail75010 Paris01 42 05 78 43Site web : Restaurant indien végétarien. Cuisine indienne très fraiche et peu épicée. Possibilité de repas sans lait, sans ail ni oignon. Egalement traiteur et vente à emporter. Ouvert tous les jours sauf lundi. Métro Gare-du-Nord ou La Chapelle. TIEN HIANG92 Rue du Chemin Vert75011 PARISOuvert tous les jours sauf le lundi de 11h à 22h3001 43 55 83 88Métro Père Lachaise ou Saint MaurSimili poisson et simili viande à base de soja,... GREEN GARDEN20 rue Nationale75013 PARIS01 45 82 99 54http://www.nourriture-vegetarienne.comPlats végétariens asiatiques, à déguster sur place ou à emporter (également disponibles dans certains magasins bio ou asiatiques).Restaurant et boutique ouverts du lundi au Vendredi (fermé le mardi) de 12h00 à 15h00 et de 18h30 à 22h30, ainsi que le Week-end sans interruption. Métro 7 : Porte d’Ivry. LA BONNE HEURE72 rue du Moulin des près75013 PARIS01 45 89 77 00Metro Tolbiac, Bus Ligne 62Ouvert tous les jours de 12 à 14H30 et de 19 à 22H30 (fermé le dimanche soir)Spécialités : nems, soupes, tartes, chilis au seitan... AQUARIUS40, rue de Gergovie75014 PARIS01 45 41 36 88Métro Plaisance GRAIN DE FOLIE24 rue de la Vieuville75018 PARIS01 42 58 15 57Petit restaurant végétarien d’un douzaine de places, prévoir un peu d’attente Restaurants or one can eat vegetarians (upon request) : L’ESPADONRITZ Paris15, place Vendôme75041 Paris Cedex 0101 43 16 30 80http://www.ritzparis.comPropose un menu végétarien élaboré par un grand chef cuisinier. Tenue correcte exigée. LA PETITE LEGUME36 rue des Boulangers75005 PARIS01 40 46 06 85Ouvert de 12h à 14h30 et de 19h30 à 22h. Fermé le dimanche. Métro : Cardinal Lemoine ou Jussieu. LA MIROITERIERue de de la Folie-Régnault (côté Chemin vert, au bout de la Folie côté impair, vers les n°71)M° Père Lachaise75011 PARISA deux pas du Père-Lachaise, cuisine familiale Turque renouvelée chaque jour. Assiette végétarienne copieuse et abordable. Petite salle, musique certains soirs. Biological stores: NATURALIA11/13, rue Montorgueil75001 PARIS01 55 80 77 81 NATURALIA52, rue Saint-Antoine75004 PARIS01 48 87 87 50 NATURALIA36, rue Monge75005 PARIS01 43 29 90 60 RENDEZ-VOUS DE LA NATURE96, rue Mouffetard75005 PARIStél : 01 43 36 59 34 NATURALIA126, boulevard Raspail75006 PARIS01 40 49 09 06 NATURALIA38, av. de la Motte Picquet75007 PARIS01 45 51 10 10 NATURALIA54 rue Lamartine75009 PARIS01 49 70 07 47 NATURALIA121,boulevard Magenta75010 PARIS01 48 78 32 41 BIOCOOP LEMO33 boulevard Voltaire75011 PARIS01 48 05 02 09Le lundi de 14h à 20h, et du mardi au samedi de 10h à 20h. NATURALIA108, boulevard Richard Lenoir75011 PARIS01 43 38 38 54 NATURALIA33, rue de la Roquette75011 PARIS01 43 14 31 35 NATURALIA196 bd Voltaire75011 PARIS01 40 09 08 98 BIOCOOP PARIS GLACIERE55 Rue de la Glacière75013 PARIS01 45 35 24 36Le lundi de 14h à 20h, et du mardi au samedi de 10h à 20h. NATURALIA44, avenue d’Italie75013 PARIS01 45 65 15 22 NATURALIA13 rue Brézin75014 PARIS01 45 43 54 98 BIOCOOP GRENELLE44 Bd de Grenelle75015 PARIS01 45 77 70 14Le lundi de 14h à 20h, et du mardi au samedi de 10h à 20h. NATURALIA86, rue de Cambronne75015 PARIS01 45 67 59 59 NATURALIA332, rue Lecourbe75015 PARIS01 40 60 60 61 NATURALIA25, rue des Sablons75016 PARIS01 53 65 14 96 NATURALIA11, rue Bayen75017 PARIS01 56 79 02 57 NATURALIA16, rue Levis75017 PARIS01 44 40 46 60 NATURALIA107 bis avenue de St Ouen75017 PARIS01 44 85 25 07 BIOCOOP PARIS 17ème153 rue Legendre75017 PARIS01 42 26 10 30Le lundi de 15h30 à 20h, et du mardi au samedi de 10h à 14h et de 15h30 à 20h. L’EPICERIE VERTE5 rue Saussier-Leroy75017 PARISCe magasin biologique fait également resto bio. Le nombre de place est réduit (une dizaine de personnes environ). Métro : Ternes - Bus 43 : Ternes McMahon NATURALIA107, rue Caulaincourt75018 PARIS01 42 62 33 68 NATURALIA37, rue du Poteau75018 PARIS01 42 51 62 10 CANAL BIO46 Bis Quai de la Loire75019 PARIS01 42 06 44 44Site web : www.canal-bio.frLe lundi de 14h30 à 19h30, et du mardi au samedi de 10h à 14h et de 15h30 à 20h. NATURALIA219-221 rue des Pyrénées75020 PARIS01 47 97 38 96 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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